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* ''Mr. Garrison's Fancy New Vagina''. All of it, including the opening scene, Gerald {{spoiler|as a dolphin}}, and Kyle {{spoiler|breaking his legs in his tall black kid body}}. Said opening is about Mr. Garrison getting a sex change, cutting between Mr. Garrison with ''live-action footage of a real sex-change operation!''
* The ''entire episode'' devoted to Britney Spears doing a graphically-animated impression of [[wikipedia:Mike the Headless Chicken|Mike the Headless Chicken]]. Urgh. (By the way, for more Nightmare Fuel, [[Schmuck Bait|click that outgoing link]].)Very little humor, lots of gore, and lots of biting, truly unsettling social commentary. For those too afraid to watch the episode, {{spoiler|Britney shoots herself in the face after being tricked into thinking the South Park kids are her sons, but fails to kill herself and is left instead without most of the top of her head. She appears to be unaware of anything that's going on, but is still paraded around on stage as-is to do a concert. Being as in her current state all she's capable of doing is making a horrible gurgling sound she proceeds to get shot down by fans and media, and a frighteningly literal comparison is drawn between human sacrifice and the way society sets up celebrities, then viciously tears them down.}} The entire episode is both nausea fuel and nightmare fuel, but as always, [[Some Anvils Need to Be Dropped]].
* How 'bout poor Butters getting a ninja star ''[[Eye Scream|in the freakin' eye]]''. And his anguished screams afterward, and how they have to cover it up... Talk about the designated [[The Woobie|Woobie]].
* In "Night of the Living Homeless", a parody of the [[Zombie Apocalypse]] where the large group of homeless that overruns the town are the "zombies". Anyway, this episode is one part [[Wall Banger]], one part Nightmare Fuel. And both are in the same few minutes. When the kids traveled to Evergreen Terrace, the last place these "zombies" were, there's only 3 guys left in the entire town, carrying shotguns and wearing filthy, plant-covered clothing. They tell the kids of how the homeless flooded their town, moaning about "spare change" (as opposed to brains). Eventually though, the homeless got enough to rent apartments...soon, it was impossible to tell who was "homeless" and who was not. The Wall Banger, of course, was that if you could rent an apartment, you weren't homeless anymore. But everyone treated it like it was an actual, incurable affliction, like most zombies are. So, the "leader" of the three guys "found out" that his wife was "homeless". He was shocked at that "information" and wondered how could he have possibly missed this after 20 years of marriage! So, he had to kill her...with a flamethrower. The Nightmare Fuel comes in when the rubble behind the "survivors" starts shaking...and this gray, vaguely-human shaped thing rises from the rubble, moaning. That's his wife, still somehow alive despite having maybe about 75% of her flesh burned away. After some rather useless dialogue "''You nurned ny ips ough!'' (You burned my lips off), she shoots all three dead, after sustaining several bullet wounds herself.
** In that same episode, a scientist tries to shoot himself to death...and fails. He then proceeds to keep shooting himself all over his body, with many shots to the head and heart and still doesn't die. When he finally does, there's a huge puddle of blood underneath him. Just think about living in all of that pain. It makes you shudder, doesn't it?
* The scene with George Lucas and Steven Spielberg raping Indiana Jones. That scene is nothing short of disturbing.
* The Woodland Christmas Critters?
{{quote|'''[[Friday the 13th (film)|Jason]]''': Man, I do ''not'' want to meet the kid that dreamt those things up.}}
** Given what the villainous cohorts already [[Eye Scream|did with]] {{spoiler|[[Strawberry Shortcake]]}}, their own [[Up to Eleven|suggestions]] are pretty goddamn frightening.
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{{quote|'''Wendy''': Bye-bye, Miss Ellen.
'''Kyle''': Wendy, you didn't...!
'''Wendy''': I warned her... [[Punctuated! forFor! Emphasis!|Don't. Fuck. With Wendy... TESTABERGER!]] }}
* The episode "The Jeffersons" (The episode about [[Michael Jackson]]). The whole episode has a creepy atmosphere, but the worst part has to be the end of the episode when {{spoiler|parts of the face of Mister Jefferson fell off, starting for the nose.}}
* Passion of the Jew. Kyle has an EXTREMELY DETAILED dream where Jesus is crucified, and Kyle, in the end, is the one poking Christ with the spear. *shudder*