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The [[Spiritual Successor]] to [[Don Bluth]]'s popular ''[[Dragons Lair]]'' laserdisc arcade game, ''Space Ace'' was similar, and yet it wasn't.
Instead of a [[Knight in Shining Armor|knight]] and a [[EverythingsEverything's Better With Princesses|princess]], the characters were Dexter, [[The Ace|a pulp space hero]], and Kimberly, his buxom, short-skirted, sarcastic girlfriend. Their mission was to locate the evil Commander Borf, a blue behemoth of an alien who had taken it upon himself to create something called the Infanto Ray, that he would use to transform the inhabitants of Earth and any other planet he wished into babies or children.
Before the game itself, Ace is zapped with said ray, which transforms him into his previous geeky teenage self. The rub is that, due to some apparent malfunction or his own body chemistry, the effects turned out somewhat wonky, and he switches between his adult, musclebound self and his younger self at the least opportune times. The game itself took care of this by utilizing one button that served as the weapons button and the "energize button", and when Ace's wrist weapon flashed you had the option of transforming into Ace or simply remaining as Dexter to carry out the mission...and thankfully, [[The Dev Team Thinks of Everything|Bluth animated two separate scenes for each of these instances]] seeing as how Ace could dispatch enemies quickly and Dexter had to use his smarts to get past them.
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** Also, in episode 11, the Infanto Ray made another appeareance, and this time, it was perfected by Borf. Kimberly was turned into a baby, (along with the other victims) but it did not last forever; the effects wore off after Dexter was brainwashed, turning Kimberly back to normal.
* [[Game Over Man]]: Borf.
* [[Hey ItsIt's That Voice]]: Would you believe [[The Simpsons|Bart Simpson]] was voicing Kimberly on the [[Saturday Supercade]] version?
* [[Impossible Hourglass Figure]]: Kimberly
* [[The Many Deaths of You]]
* [[Nintendo Hard]]: The SNES port. Check out [ Frankomatic's] playthrough of the game and you'll come out believing it to be one of the hardest games ever made. And to top it off, to view the game's ending, you have to get the highest rating in every single level (kill a requisite amount of enemies and collect enough glowing disc powerups, and with near perfect accuracy and minimal shots fired to boot). Given the game's wonky controls and absurd difficulty (Dexter [[One -Hit -Point Wonder|dies in one hit to anything]], has limited lives, there are no level checkpoints, and the game is loaded with ridiculous memorization and [[Kaizo Trap|psyche outs]]), this all adds up to a near impossible task without the use of save states. Hell, even finishing the game at all is near impossible.
** And oddly enough, the port actually does follow the original pretty damn closely. Just don't expect to ever get far enough to notice.
* [[Panty Shot]]: Frequently with Kimberly, apparently.
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* [[She Is All Grown Up]]: Male version, with Ace.
* [[Spiritual Successor]]: To ''[[Dragons Lair|Dragon's Lair]]''.
* [[Theme Music Power -Up]]: Transform into Ace and the heroic "Space Ace" theme plays! Also a [[Crowning Music of Awesome]] for those who love cheesie power-up songs.
* [[The Lancer]]: Ace
* [[The Chick]]: Kimberly