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[[File:CloudBFS.jpg|link=Final Fantasy VII|frame|If you can wield it, you can have it.]]
Big Fucking Sword. Or, [[Fun With Acronyms|Blade of Fearsome Size.]] Or, [[Rule of Three|Bulky Falchion of Slicing.]] (Okay, that last one might be a bit of a stretch...)
AWhatever commonyou tropecall to both video games and animeit, a BFS is an unrealistically large sword most often owned by [[The Hero]], [[The Chosen One]], or whatever type the lead happens to be. The BFS is often nearly as long as its owner is tall, and may or may not have other special abilities besides being humongous. If a BFS does possess other strange qualities, one of them almost assuredly prevents it from being used by other people, whether that be weight, a magical barrier, a direct link to its owner, or other means.
Usually, no other character in a game or series is the possessor of a sword that is anywhere close to as huge as the BFS. Sometimes, even when unusual swords and weapons are an everyday occurrence, characters are still surprised by the size of the lead's BFS, as it is a physical manifestation of its owner's potential power.