Babylon 5/Tropes Q to Z: Difference between revisions

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This page covers tropes found in ''[[Babylon 5]]''. Tropes beginning with letters A-H can be found at [[Babylon 5 /Tropes aA to H]] and tropes beginning with letters I-P can be found at [[Babylon 5 /Tropes I to P]]. Subjective tropes go to the [[Babylon 5/YMMV|YMMV page]].
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** In "The Corps Is Mother, the Corps Is Father," Bester and another Psi Cop ''hyper''space a "mundane" who killed one of their colleagues.
* [[Tie-in Novel|Tie In Novels]] -- notable for having the tie-ins be [[Canon]], with series creator [[J. Michael Straczynski]] reviewing them and/or providing outlines. Events described in the novels were more than once later referenced in the series.
** ''SOME'' are canon, others are disavowed. [[Word of God]] is that of the nine Dell books, # 7 is 90% canon and # 9 is 100% canon. The other seven books "[[Canon Dis ContinuityDiscontinuity|strayed too far from canon]]".
* [[Time Abyss]]: Lorien
* [[Time Travel]]: "Babylon Squared" and the two-parter "War without End". Notable as the episodes (set two seasons apart) are both sides of the same time travel event.
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* [[Turn in Your Badge]]: In "Survivors", Garibaldi is suspended from duty and made to turn in his security authorization, communication link and sidearm after being framed for the sabotage he was investigating. True to the trope, he insists on continuing to investigate on his own.
** Following an order by the Political office allowing Nightwatch to take over B5's security, Nightwatch begin consolidating its hold on the station by firing staff who won't cooperate and join ("Point of No Return"). Ironically reversed at episode's end, when Sheridan relieves them ''all'' of duty, replacing the disloyal guards with Narns.
** [[Inverted Trope|Inverted]] in ''In The Shadow Of Z'Ha'Dum''. Garibaldi [[What the Hell, Hero?|resigns in protest]] when Sheridan refuses to release [[Smug Snake|Mr. Morden]] when he can't charge him with a crime, but he ''knows'' he had to have something to do with the death of [[Death Byby Origin Story|Anna Sheridan]].
** And [[Played With]] in ''Conflicts Of Interest'': Garibaldi resigned several episodes previously, but never got around to turning in his Identicard and his issued gear until Sheridan and Zack Allen pressed the issue. Zack even knew Garibaldi well enough to ask for his ''backup'' gun too. {{spoiler|He didn't realize that Garibaldi would have a spare ''Identicard'' too.}}
* [[Twisting the Words]]: "The Illusion of Truth"