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* In one dream sequence at the end of the ''Anarky'' mini-series (1997), Anarky unleashes his device that makes everyone realize the goodness of the individual and induces mass honesty. Bruce then diverts all Waynecorp weapons manufacturing towards civilian applications, such as using Mr. Freeze's technology to advance space exploration and Poison Ivy's botanical knowledge to help find a cure for cancer. Then it starts going horribly wrong since, even with the goodness of the individual in full force, there are still jerks out there too insane to express it correctly.
* This trope was used to justify Barbara "Batgirl/Oracle" Gordon remaining wheelchair-bound despite the ready availability of possible cures in [[The DCU]]: she doesn't want to receive special treatment and therefore dishonor public servants who were disabled in the line of duty; either a cure becomes available for everyone, or she stays in the chair. Of course, that raises the question of why can't the numerous DC Universe cures be made available to the public. The reboot has changed this (see below)
* Lampshade hung, and almost subverted in James Robinson's ''[[Starman (Comic Bookcomics)|Starman]]'', where the original Starman (the title character's father) dedicated his later years to turning his cosmic rod into a more general energy source that would revolutionize the world. Although a visitor from the future claimed his success led to him becoming a scientific hero on the level of Einstein, it never actually happened in the present day DCU.
* Stories set during [[World War II]] explained why the superheroes didn't just Blitzkrieg into Berlin and end the war: Adolf Hitler had acquired the Spear of Destiny, which he could use to control any superpowered being that entered the boundaries of the Reich. (The same was true of Imperial Japan and the Holy Grail.) Later, Hitler's belief in the Spear's power was discussed in an episode of ''[[Justice League Unlimited]]''.
* The [[Justice Society of America]] was unable to stop the attack on Pearl Harbor because they had been transported to another dimension by an Axis sorcerer during the attack. However, no convincing reason has been given as to why the Justice Society was unable and/or unwilling to stop the Soviet conquest of Eastern Europe.
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** IIRC the original Pokemon in Japanese were "Dead" rather than K.O.ed. But this is from the series that describes a slug as hotter than the sun...
** This is not the case in many Western RPGS, however common a trope in Eastern RPGS. In [[Planescape: Torment]], for example, once the protagonist [[Meaningful Name|The Nameless One]] can raise party members at the end of the very first dungeon, he can ''always'' do so if that party member hasn't been removed entirely from the game by the player. Even the plotline deaths can be undone in the [[Golden Ending]], except for the {{spoiler|Nameless One's own death and acceptance of damnation.}} Given the [[Eldritch Abomination]], [[World Half Empty]], [[The Undead]], [[The Legions of Hell]], and all the other things arrayed against The Nameless One and cohorts, this isn't a [[Game Breaker]]. It's not even a [[Disc One Nuke]].
** ''[[The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim]]'' features a quest in the Mage's College story arc where the player comes upon a dying NPC who sputters out his last words and then bites the dust. No amount of healing spells, regardless of how powerful your magical ability, will prevent his death.
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