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* #5: Sandman's drunken attempt to do a promo for NoDQ.com's XMV (full promo [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xI2VwXudL0c&feature=relmfu here], Botchamania [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HCU-7T8Phy4 here])
* #8: The now-legendary definition of a "windjammer":
{{quote| '''Al''': Can I ask you a question first of all?<br />
'''Lance''': Go right ahead.<br />
'''Al''': You know the definition of a windjammer?<br />
'''Lance''': No I really don't--<br />
'''Al''': It's the agonizing screams of a trapped turd.<br />
''([[Beat]], followed by raucous laughter)''<br />
'''Lance''': ...shit! }}
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== Botchamania 11-20 ==
* #11: Dave "The Redneck" Schultz's misadventures in San Francisco:
{{quote| '''Schultz''': Last time I was in San Francisco, I went downtown lookin' for a woman. [[Lampshaded Double Entendre|You know what I'm saying]]?! I wanted a woman! I ''couldn't find'' a woman! ''(Mean Gene, conducting the interview, [[Corpsing|corpses]])'' I found [[Dude Looks Like a Lady|a lot of men that LOOKED LIKE women]]! ''(camera zooms in Schultz's face as Gene turns away)'' Now YOU, [[Hulk Hogan]], you belong in San Francisco--[[Lampshade Hanging|What's wrong with you, Gene?!]]--I'm tellin' it like it is, baby! You belong in San Francisco; that's your kind of place, that's your kind of people, because you've never had a woman, baby!}}
** Also, Sid Vicious says the following ''with an entirely straight face'':
{{quote| '''Sid Vicious''': You know and I know that you are only half the man that I am, and I have half the brain that you do!}}
* 15: [[Dwayne Johnson|The Rock]] appears to be suffering from a bout of laryngitis, much to [[Mick Foley|Mankind]]'s amusement.
** The Rock loses his glasses. And then Mankind retrieves them for him.
{{quote| '''The Rock:''' The Rock thanks you for that. }}
* 18: The Rock + Coach + Broken Microphone = Hilarious.
* 20: [[Roddy Piper]] dropping an F-Bomb and Gene Okerlund's reaction.
** "Hower Power". Period.
** A Japanese wrestler has technical difficulties:
{{quote| '''Wrestler''': Oi! ''(mic isn't functioning properly, starts tinkering with it)''<br />
''(Audience laughs)''<br />
'''Wrestler''': ''(to someone in the crowd)'' [[Translation Convention|<HEY! STFU>]] }}
** Lex Luger goes berserk.
{{quote| '''Lex Luger:''' I'm pissed, now!}}
Line 36:
** Look out! Flying monkey!
* 26: [[Kevin Nash]] is mistaken about how [[Ric Flair]]'s [[Catch Phrase]] goes.
{{quote| '''Nash''': So while you guys decide to do the limo-flyin'...}}
* 27: Dragon Dragon, the most agile reptile in wrestling history. Or maybe not.
* 28: Look out, [[Vince McMahon|Vince]]! Flying sweatshirt!
{{quote| '''[[Jerry Lawler|King]]:''' Morons!}}
** The "Chicken Incident".
{{quote| '''[[Vince McMahon|Vince]]:''' [[That Came Out Wrong|I'll choke the chicken!]]}}
Line 54:
** Magnum T.A. to Tully Blanchard: "And when we come to Philadelphia this time, there's gonna be no mistaking what's gonna happen: [[Accidental Innuendo|I'm gonna come on you like nobody's ever come on you before!]]"
* 45: After his match with [[Triple H]] at One Night Stand: Extreme Rules (the one that injured his collarbone), a legitimately angry [[Randy Orton]] tells off a booing crowd.
{{quote| '''Orton''': [[Precision F-Strike|SHUT THE FUCK UP!]]}}
** [[Mick Foley]] offers up this gem during a TLC match
{{quote| "They're sliding in not one but two <s>Tables</s> ladders".}}
** JR calls Umaga's spinning sideslam to [[Jeff Hardy]] a Black Hole Slam, while technically not wrong it looks rather awkward considering the implications.
* 46: Million Dollar Mania, Rick-Rolling and all.
Line 85:
* 66: [[Bobby Heenan]] hates [[WCW|this place]].
* 67: Announcing a match between [[Chris Jericho]] & [[Jeff Hardy]].
{{quote| '''[[Stephanie McMahon]]''': Furthermore these superstars will be in action against each other. You will see [[Triple H]]...Well, I pulled an Adamle.}}
** 67 [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PfWGdN-BX0Q Also started this.]
** Yet another f**ked-up WCW match ending. Cue the flying beverages.
* 68: On an episode of [[ECW]] during a match between Jack Swagger and [[Christian]]:
{{quote| '''Todd Grisham''': ''Our main event continues next, Swagger vs [[Freudian Slip|Striker]] and Finlay & Hornswoggle are here too.''<br />
'''Matt Striker''': ''I'm not wrestling!'' }}
** Sandman gets drunk before a show. [[Hilarity Ensues]].
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== Botchamania 81-90 ==
* #84: [[Scott Steiner]] does ''not'' take kindly to being corrected.
{{quote| '''[[Scott Steiner]]:''' So if I set up a meeting with you and Sharmell, and I'll be the [[Malaproper|modifier]]-<br />
'''Reporter:''' You mean, moderator.<br />
([[Beat]])<br />
Line 118:
* #86: The ending that used sound bytes from [[Ric Flair]], [[The Iron Sheik]] and others to introduce [[Banjo-Kazooie|Lord Woo Fak Fak]].
** Uh oh. Looks like the Toronto fans forgot which sport they were watching...
{{quote| '''Toronto Fans:''' GO LEAFS GO! GO LEAFS GO!}}
* #87: Gene Okerlund explains his [[Precision F-Strike]].
* #89: The introduction of the series' resident [[Butt Monkey]], "[[CZW]] [[Fan Nickname|Airhorn Guy]]."
{{quote| '''Audience Member:''' Knock knock, who's there? I GOT NO PANTS ON!!!}}
** [[Vince McMahon]] and [[Bobby Heenan]] answer a viewer's letter...or try to.
* #90: Santino Marella (in drag) hits on [[Jim Ross]]. [[Enforced Method Acting|J.R. never saw it coming]].
Line 128:
== Botchamania 91-100 ==
* 91: [[Wrestler/Raven|Raven]] vs AJK. The winner: the table they tried to use in ''numerous'' spots that [[Made of Iron|absolutely REFUSED to break]].
{{quote| '''Audience:''' Let's go, table! *clapclapclapclapclap*}}
* 94: [[Kevin Nash]] tries his hand at commentating.
* 96: A fan craps on [[Randy Orton]]'s promo.
{{quote| '''[[Randy Orton]]:''' Unfortunately, something else is a part of me. Something that I have been living with for quite some time.<br />
'''Fan:''' HERPES!!! }}
Line 138:
* 101: Gene Okerlund corpses. [[Running Gag|Again.]]
* 103: [[Mick Foley|Cactus Jack]] and Terry Funk face the wrath of the flying chairs.
{{quote| '''[[Joey Styles]]:''' Please do not throw the chairs into the ring! Stop the chairs!}}
* 104: Yet another promo walk-in.
** [[Shawn Michaels]] looses his tear-aways.
* [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=waxJ7aMoSRY Botchamania 109] opens with a high-energy intro to ''Survivor Series'' set against ''[[Guilty Gear]]'' music. In the middle of it all is a quick "[[Corpsing|Send For]] [[Randy Savage|The Man]]" cutaway that goes against the tone so hard it's just hilarious.
** A match that brings a whole new meaning to the term, "[[Garbage Wrestler]]".
{{quote| '''Dusty Rhodes:''' It's a toilet lid! He's got a toilet lid! Look, a pizza pan!}}
* 110: [[Trish Stratus]] and "Polly Walnuts".
** Caution: Floor slippery when covered with cotton candy.
Line 152:
* 112: [[Chris Jericho]] vs. Flying Glowsticks.
* 116: A wrestler loses his pants, much to the commentators' amusement.
{{quote| '''Commentator:''' We just saw his weiner!}}
** [[Jeff Jarrett]] vs. Flying Tacos.
* Look out! Flying [[New World Order|NWO]] t-shirt!
Line 159:
== Botchamania 121-130 ==
* 123: [[CM Punk]] tells it like it is.
{{quote| '''[[CM Punk]]:''' [[Deadpan Snarker|Wow, that hurt.]]}}
** Look out, Paul Heyman! Flying beverage!
* 125: [[CZW]]'s Callihan has finally had enough of the fans blowing airhorns whenever he tries to speak. He manages to get a hold of one, let all the air out, and destroy it (Caption: {{smallcaps|"Air Horn Fan is defeated: Callihan Wins!"}})...only for ''more'' airhorns to go off.
Line 173:
* 133: ROH + Broken Microphones = Hilarious.
* 135: Perhaps the most awesome use of this [[Full Metal Jacket]] line ever, when two wrestlers fall on each other in a... [[Ho Yay|suggestive pose]]:
{{quote| You're the kinda guy who'd fuck a person in the ass and not even have the goddamn common courtesy to give him a reach-around. I'll be watching you!}}
* 136 A wrestler suplexes his opponent onto some light tubes Maffew decides to play the character of the referee who got a piece of glass in his eye.
{{quote| '''Ref''': ''My eye [[Jerry Lawler|Lawler]], you SOB Lawler, my eye. Damn you Lawler.''}}
* [[TNA]] Bookers vs. [[WWE]] Bookers from #136:
{{quote| ''(A meeting room taken from ''[[Akira]]'', with the caption {{smallcaps|[[TNA]] Booking Meeting}})''<br />
'''Elderly Booker''': The colonel suggests that we plan ahead and have [[Rob Van Dam|RVD]] beat [[AJ Styles|AJ]] on [[Pay Per View|PPV]] for the belt, instead of having it on Impact! for free with no build.<br />
'''Asinine Booker''': [[Big "What?"|WHAT?!]] Is he taking the piss?! If we do that, the spotlight would be off [[Hulk Hogan|Hogan]]! If we have the athleticism and wrestling emphasized, [[And That's Terrible|this'll make Hogan look bad!]] Doing it on TV won't give the fans the chance to think that!<br />
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== Botchamania 151-160 ==
* 150: The lead-in to the [[CZW]] segment is a clip from ''[[The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask]]'', where the Mask Salesman is about to get really pissed off at Link:
{{quote| '''Mask Salesman''': [[Oh, No, Not Again|Don't tell me...it's CZW...AGAIN...isn't it?]] ''(pissed-off face)''}}
** The first promo. It would have been funny even if it ''hadn't'' been botched.
* 151: "Cattle Mutilation".
Line 244:
* #167: "I sat through two three-minute matches and [[Creator's Pet|Hornswoggle]] rapping, missed [[Bryan Danielson|Danielson]] / [[Sheamus]], and '''''that's''' the [[Wrestlemania]] main event?!'' "In response to the double count-out finish of the Cena/Miz match at ''[[Wrestlemania]] XXVII'' (before the match restarted), the Cornette Medley, a collection of photoshopped Cornette Faces turning [[Jim Cornette]] into various people/characters such as [[The Iron Sheik]], [[RoboCop]], [[Lucky Star|Konata Izumi]], [[Captain Ersatz|Arachniman]], [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Kamina]], [[Pokémon (anime)|Ash Ketchum]], etc. Set to "Call on Me" (known to YTMNDers as the "X Never Changes Facial Expressions" song).
* #170: [[Jim Ross]] calls a Diva a bitch.
{{quote| '''[[Jerry Lawler]]:''' WHAT?!}}
Line 251:
* 172: The "Muffler Incident". Nothing more needs to be said.
** Robert Rhode cuts a promo involving a knock knock joke on Matt Hardy and his mystery tag partner Chris Harris (who left TNA to go to WWE and was renamed Braden Walker).
* 173: Mean Gene Okerlund winds up mixing up the name of Daffney, a female wrestler, with Crowbar, a male wrestler.
** [[Randy Savage]], the gift that keeps on giving.
Line 258:
* 174: [[The Miz]] is ... [[Jerry Lawler|AAWWWWWWFUUUUUL!!!]]
{{quote| '''Fans:''' CHAD SUCKS! CHAD SUCKS!}}
** Tony Chimel announcing the, uh, "Woman's" Championship.
* 176: Drew Galloway starts a promo by saying, "Unlike Drew Galloway..." Whoever corrected him off-screen was clearly displeased.
** Fans taunt King with a Burger King crown. ''And actually get it on his head!''
{{quote| '''King:''' McMahon! I'm about to punch somebody's lights out right now!<br />
* 179: "What are these doing here? Here we come, Botchamania."
** Another Burger King reference. [[Jerry Lawler]] is not amused.
** A CZW wrestler does [[Booker T]].
{{quote| WHAAAT?!}}
** Hey Mr. Anderson, watch out for that- ''(thud)'' ...microphone...
Line 279:
** The CZW clip features the most famous song from ''[[Jesus Christ Superstar|JEEEZUS Christ Superstar]]''.
* 185: All of [[Booker T]]'s commentarry from the episode could count, but this little jem stands out:
{{quote| '''[[Booker T]]''': Hip bone connected to the leg bone!<br />
'''[[Michael Cole]]''': What?! }}
* 186: This [[CZW]] clip setup:
{{quote| '''[[Jim Cornette|Cornette Face]]''': ''(superimposed on [[Conan O'Brien]]'s [[Walker, Texas Ranger]] lever)'' {{smallcaps| Dear Maffew: Please stop using [[CZW]] clips. Sincerely, Cornette Face.}}<br />
''(Conan pantomimes grabbing something and then punching it, sending the Cornette Face away. He then pulls the lever)''<br />
'''SFX''': ''JEEEEZUS!'' }}
* 188: Mr. Anderson has finally had enough with the microphone bloopers.
{{quote| '''Mr. Anderson:''' AAAASSSHOOOOLLES!!!}}
** More CZW clips?! NOOOOOOOO!!!
** (Belch)
Line 292:
* 190: [[Glass Jaw Referee]] to the extreme.
** [[CZW]] is introduced with the help of Yzma and Kronk from ''[[The Emperor's New Groove|The Emperors New Groove]]'':
{{quote| '''Yzma''': Pull the lever, Kronk!<br />
''(Kronk does, and a trap door appears underneath Yzma)''<br />
'''SFX''': ''(as Yzma falls)'' '''''JEEEEEEEEEEEE<small> EEESUUUUUUUUUU </small><small> UUUUUUUUUS </small>!!!''''' }}
** "Stop living in the past, you idiots!".
Line 316:
* 196: [[Left Fielder|"FISH BATTER!"]]
** Sandman's cell phone goes off.
{{quote| '''Sandman:''' Hey! ''(to the crowd)'' Tell my mom--am I'm in the middle of a match?!<br />
''(crowd cheers)''<br />
'''Sandman''': ...[[Cassandra Truth|no, I'm not in a bar]]! }}
*** Someone in the crowd imitates [[The Iron Sheik]], knowing full well this is going in Botchamania.
** Another random garbage match.
* 197: JR-Roonie, anyone?
{{quote| '''[[Jim Ross]]:''' I never said I was a rapper!}}
** An XPW announcer mouths off.
{{quote| De hot dog give me diarrhea for 3 week! }}
** Maffew leads into Conan's lever pull with Bela Lugosi's legendary [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qHkXFsK6UUg monologue] from [[Glen or Glenda]], as portrayed in ''[[Ed Wood (film)|Ed Wood]]''.
{{quote| '''Bela:''' ''VAIT...POOL DA STRINK! '''POOL DA STRINK'''!''<br />
'''CZW Lever:''' '''''JYAY-ZUS!''''' }}
* 198: It's Iron Sheik Appreciation Night at CZW, apparently.
Line 335:
** After a grueling Ladder Match, El Generico finally manages to pull down the belt. And the air vent in the ceiling. ''[[Sure, Let's Go with That|He celebrates by hoisting up both of them]].''
*** After the match, Kevin Steen had this to say:
{{quote| '''Steen''': I'll tell ya one thing...[[Worthy Opponent|I knew we'd tear the fucking roof off]].}}
** First came Insane [[Dusty Rhodes|Dusty]] Commentary, then Inane [[Booker T|Black Snow]] commentary, then there was Insipid [[Taz]] commentary, even Intoxicated [[Roddy Piper|Piper]] Commentary, and then #200 gave us Imbecilic [[Michael Cole]] Commentary.
{{quote| [[Father Ted|"How does that gobshite get on the television?!"]]}}
Line 345:
** A [[Action Girl|joshi]] wrestler does a big splash off the top rope...and her mask flies off.
** The very fact that [[Kurt Angle]] made light of the fact that he could say whatever he wanted and get cheered was hilarious enough, but what do you think it was the setup for?
{{quote| '''Kurt''': Truth be told, I'm not a fan of "the black people." And if I would go back in time, the one person in history I'd want to make tap out would have to be...<br />
''([[Conan O'Brien]] and his [[Walker, Texas Ranger]] lever are superimposed over the face of Daivari)''<br />
'''SFX''': {{smallcaps|JEEZUS!}} }}
* 202: The setup for CZW is heralded by game footage from ''[[Star Fox 64]]''. As in, hitting the eight locks and shooting the rail switcher to make the Forever Train crash into a fuel bunker and explode:
{{quote| '''Peppy''': Okay, now shoot the switcher!<br />
'''Zandig''': NOBODY DOES THIS TO ZANDIG!<br />
''(The tank then shoots the switcher)''<br />
'''SFX''': ''(as a communique from [[Conan O'Brien]] and his [[Walker, Texas Ranger]] lever)'' {{smallcaps|JEEZUS!}}<br />
'''Peppy''': Good going, Fox! }}
* 203: [[Christian|The]] [[Alberto Del Rio|A]][[Corrupt Corporate Executive|c]][[Mark Henry|e]]-[[The A-Team|Team!]] [[My Friends and Zoidberg|And David Otunga]]
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