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* In ''[[The Terminator]]'', Kyle Reese plays with one of the kids in this mode to show what a swell guy he is. Considering the dire straits the humans are in, you might wonder what they're playing - Humans and Terminators?
** The sequel also has a scene of two children playing with what look like real guns.
{{quote| '''John Connor''': [[Humans Are Bastards|We aren't gonna make it, are we?]]<br />
'''T-800''': [[In Your Nature to Destroy Yourselves|It's in your nature to destroy yourselves]]. }}
*** Later played for irony, in that {{spoiler|Sarah expresses hope for humanity in the end due to John's actions, and the T-800 [[I Cannot Self-Terminate|performs a heroic sacrifice]].}}
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* ''[[Spaceballs]]'' has a famous [[Throw It In]] scene where Dark Helmet plays with action figures of the cast. Of course, he beats the heroes and gets the girl, too.
* ''Reign of Fire'' has a scene in which Christian Bale and Gerard Butler entertain the children by acting out the [[Luke, I Am Your Father]] scene from ''[[Star Wars]]''.
{{quote| "Of course we made it up."}}
* In ''[[High Noon]]'', kids imitate the battle to be between the Marshal Will Kane and the bandit Frank Miller, with "Kane" getting shot dead. When the real Will Kane turns up, they quickly disperse.
* ''[[Sky High]]''. "Heroes" and "Villains" compete to save a mannequin civillain from spinning blades. Big surprise, the guys who consistently play "Villains" are actual villains.
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