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*** In the pleasant lightness of the 42nd Millenium there can be only peace!
** Better idea: Rather than opening up diplomatic relations with the orks, the Emperor has discovered how to "tune" his psychic power to mimic the Ork Waaagh. The orks think he's Gork or Mork (fight each other over which one), and he sends them against Chaos, the Tyranids, and the Necrons.
{{quote| '''The Emperor:''' ''I'm'' da biggest, dat means ''I'm'' da boss!}}
** Or the Emperor uses his psychic powers to convince the 'Nids that the Eye of Terror is a fat free, low cal buffet and beer garden. Hive Fleet splinters flock to it, the "Shadow in the Warp" plugs the [[Negative Space Wedgie]] long enough for the Space Marines to [[Curb Stomp Battle|trounce]] several factions and convince the Tau that there is something to Chaos. Travel in the warp becomes easy. By the time the Chaos gods re-open the eye, their forces are weakened and the 'Nids equate our galaxy to spoiled food.
* If it gets better, it will get better in a way to sell more action figures. So -- the miracle working of the living saints suddenly starts to manifest plentifully and all over the place, and even gets better, so they can protect psykers against taint and purify tainted planets. '''Massive''' crusade against Chaos is feasible. Plus unleashing a lot of new psykers against orks and tyrannids. Plus the Inquisition and Church won't like it, so you can have fighting there -- especially if people protecting psykers get annoyed about the Black Ships, or if seccessionists get their hands on the miracles, or both.
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* Alternatively, the Codices are 'In Character' and the Black Templars are lying in order to make themselves look important, or are just bitter that THEY weren't given a Soulspear to play with.
* No, no, no, the Black Templars Codex states explicitately that, during the almost-civil war after the Horus Heresy, Dorn relented and allowed ''two'' Second Founding Chapters to split from the Imperial Fists Legion: Crimson Fists (loyalist Codex-adherent Chapter) and the Black Templars (''definitely'' non-Codex). (Technically, there are three ''Chapters'' split from the old ''Legion'', but the Imperial Fists are First Founding.) The Soul Drinkers have a damn convoluted history, anyway, but ''all'' of the [[Imperial Fists]] successor Chapters have artefacts of Dorn:
{{quote| [[Imperial Fists]]: The Fist of Dorn. Carried by First Company Captain, Darnathy Lysander. A super-powered, master-crafted [[Drop the Hammer|Thunder Hammer]].<br />
Crimson Fists: Dorn's Arrow. Carried by the Crimson Fists' Chapter Master, Pedro Kantor. Venerable storm bolter integrated into his armour.<br />
Black Templars: The Sword of the High Marshals, carried by High Marshal Helbrecht. Forged from Dorn's own shattered sword as a symbol reminding them to uphold the honour of the Emperor.<br />
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== The Emperor is an agent, perhaps unwitting, of the Chaos gods. ==
What does it say at the beginning of all the novels:
{{quote| It is the 41st millennium. For more than a hundred centuries the Emperor has sat immobile on the Golden Throne of Earth. He is the master of mankind ''by the will of the gods''. [Emphasis added.]}}
Which gods could these be? The Imperium worships only the Emperor himself. Gork and Mork, the Ork deities? The surviving Eldar gods? Cegorach, who is in hiding? Isha, who is in captivity? Khaine, who is in pieces? Or perhaps the C'tan, who have slept since before humanity existed, and only awoke recently? None of these beings seem to be credible candidates. No, it can only be the Chaos gods, who have clearly been deeply interested in the affairs of the Imperium since its founding. The only question is why they want the Emperor on the throne of Terra, and whether the Emperor knows that he is their agent.
** I always tought that the 'gods' who endorsed the emperor were humanity's own warp entities, like [[Greek Mythology|Zeus]] or [[Norse Mythology|Thor]] or possibly [[Egyptian Mythology|Ra]]. They got consumed by Chaos a long time ago (they only had energy from one planet of sentients, and they were so many of them that they didn't have enough power to resist) but were able to give their power to the Emperor before they were fully consumed. But since there's no canon evidence for such a thing, that's another WMG entirely...
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Simply, fear is the ultimate emotion. All of the other Chaos Gods draw from emotions that are traceable to fear, yet there seems to be no great being of pure fear in the Warp. Even though fear and the Warp are like hazelnut butter and cocoa together. To top it off, most people under the Imperium are controlled by '''fear''' of the xenos. Man itself would fuel this new god. And the other Chaos Gods may logically just be aspects of it:
{{quote| ''"Fear. Fear leads to anger, leads to hate. Fear breeds terror, brings despair. Fear tries}}
to multiply and fade away, it craves the presence of others, lusts for sensations that
let it be forgotten for a time. Fear drives change, anything to be other than itself. It is
simple, unreasoning, and the constant companion of humanity."''
{{quote| --[[Neon Genesis Evangelion|Shinji Ikari]], [[Shinji and Warhammer 40 K (Fanfic)|Shinji and Warhammer 40 K]]}}
Not sure how it ties into the God-Emperor is a Chaos God/Malal still exists theories, but it should still hold water.
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== Every time the Inquisition orders an Exterminatus, [[Hoist by His Own Petard|Chaos just gets more powerful]]. ==
From Kyras' speech at the end of Retribution:
{{quote| "In mere hours, billions will die! '''Innocent!''' Guilty! Strong and weak! Honest and deceitful! ALL of them! They will scream, they will burn, and for '''no purpose but that mighty Khorne may revel in their bloodshed!'''}}
Who's to say that this particular Exterminatus is special?
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