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* Inverted on ''[[The Event]]''. The people from the Inostranka crash have 2% different DNA from humans, and the president interprets this fact to mean that they're just like humans. His advisor informs him that they have less in common with humans than apes do. This is used as an argument that they don't deserve human rights, an idea which the president doesn't approve of.
* Referenced on ''[[House (TV series)|House]]'':
{{quote| '''House:''' Oxygen saturation is 94%, check her heart.<br />
'''Foreman:''' Her oxygen saturation is normal.<br />
'''House:''' It’s off by one percentage point.<br />
'''Foreman:''' It’s within range. It’s normal.<br />
'''House:''' If her DNA was off by one percentage point she’d be a dolphin. }}
* The entire premise of ABC's one-season-wonder ''[http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0128419/ Prey]'' was based on a killer strain of humanity with the same genetic variance from ''homo sapiens'' as exists between us and chimpanzees. Also, they were caused by global warming.
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