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* Major Bludd leaves a bomb for both sides of a business deal in an issue of the Devil's Due version of G.I.Joe.
* ''[[Suicide Squad]]'':
{{quote| '''Harley Quinn''': "Uh, fellas? Our boy is a blow-up doll. [[Crosses the Line Twice|And]] ''[[Crowning Moment of Funny|not]]'' [[Crosses the Line Twice|the fun kind]]."}}
== Film ==
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** ''[[Star Trek III: The Search For Spock|Star Trek III the Search For Spock]]''. After some Klingons beam over to the Enterprise in order to capture it, they hear the computer counting down the last few seconds before the ship's [[Self-Destruct Mechanism]] activates. Their leader, Kruge, is listening in and tells them to get out, but it's too late.
** Alt-Captain Janeway (or maybe the original? It's a bit confusing) pulls the same trick in "Deadlock." The Vidiians, having overrun ''Voyager'', enter the bridge, where they are greeted by a pleasantly smiling Janeway and a silent autodestruct countdown.
{{quote| "Hello. I'm Captain Kathryn Janeway. Welcome to the bridge." ''BAH-WHAM''}}
* One of these happens in ''[[The Fifth Element]]'' right near the end.
* This turns up a lot in the ''[[Pink Panther]]'' films from ''A Shot in the Dark'' onwards. More often than not, they result in [[Non-Fatal Explosions]].
{{quote| '''Clouseau''': Special delivery -- a bermb. Did you order one? A BERMB?!}}
* ''[[Die Hard]]'', when McClane ties plastic explosives and a computer monitor to a swivel chair, with electrical cord, and drops the chair down an elevator shaft onto two mooks who were shelling an armored police car.
* In ''[[Casino Royale]]'', part of Le Chiffre's [[Evil Plan]] is to get his mook to blow up the newest Skyfleet plane with a key fob explosive attached to a fuel truck. Bond interferes. One unnecessarily long fight later, Bond's down and out, and the mook triumphantly hits the button on the trigger...[[Oh Crap|then sees that the bomb's been attached to his belt...]]
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* In ''Legend Of The Rangers'', one of the [[Babylon 5]] TV movies, the Rangers did this to the same villains on two separate occasions. After all, who'd be stupid enough to use the same trick ''twice''? To clarify, the enemy did use precautions the second time, but the protagonists anticipated and nullified them.
* While we may not get to see it, one opening quote gives us:
{{quote| '''"Requested:'''<br />
One Mark V ECM unit, 1000 km of<br />
Fullerene cable, one low-yield nuclear warhead.<br />
'''Purpose:'''<br />
Surprise party for a foreign dignitary."<br />
[[Andromeda|Argosy Special Operations requisition form]], CY 9512 }}
* In ''[[Mighty Morphin Power Rangers]]'': At the end of the third season, Lord Zedd sends Goldar and Rito into the tunnels under the Command Center to plant a bomb and blow the place up. It succeeds, quite chillingly, though Zordon had prepared for the possibility. And in the finale to ''[[Power Rangers Zeo]]'', Rita and Zedd blow up the Royal House of Gadgetry with a package bomb. They get rebuilt by the beginning of ''[[Power Rangers in Space]]''.
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** Scribing Explosive Runes on random items for various enemies to find, usually in the form of "[[Shmuck Bait|Guess what spell I prepared this morning]]" is one of Vaarsuvius's running gags.
* [[Xkcd]]: Parodied in the [http://xkcd.com/433/ fifth installment of the "Journal" series]: the man goes to the woman's house and greets her. She presses a button and there is an explosion outside of the frame.
{{quote| '''Man''': What was that?!<br />
'''Woman''': Remote mines under your car.<br />
'''Man''': Oh, those. I moved them to your garage before knocking.<br />
'''Woman''': Touché. }}
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* In the attact mode cinematic to ''Tekken 5'', someone delivers a bomb to Heihachi Mishima via Jack robot.
* In ''[[Mass Effect 3]]'', after going to {{spoiler|Sur'Kesh to get the fertile krogan female}} and coming under attack by {{spoiler|Cerberus operatives}}, you go to the elevator to try to get topside, only to find a bomb in the elevator. Garrus says it best.
{{quote| '''Garrus''': [[Oh Crap]]!}}
== Western Animation ==
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