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=== ''[[The One (film)|The One]]'' (movie) ===
* The ending, where Yulaw embarks on his quest to {{spoiler|beat up an entire dimension of prisoners}}.
{{quote| '''Yulaw''': "I am Yulaw! I am ''nobody's'' bitch!}}
* Yulaw introducing himself to Gabe. Doubles as [[High Octane Nightmare Fuel]]
{{quote| '''Yulaw:''' The good news? You're not crazy. The bad news...}}
* Yulaw taking on an entire element of one universe's SWAT equivalent by charging into the middle of them and beating them senseless in real-time while they end up moving in utter slow motion.
* The final showdown between Gabe and Yulaw. Especially when they bust out two similar (as in internal or chi-based) but fundamentally different (one being aggressive, the other more about redirecting and striking at the right moment) martial arts: Xingyi for Yulaw, and Baguazhang for Gabe.
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