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* The Game in which ''[[Life in A Game]]'' takes place seems to take ''all'' video games as true, with [[The Legend of Zelda|Zelda]] appearing alongside [[Halo|Master Chief]], and [[Chrono Trigger|Frog]] serving as the hero's [[Jerkass]] Mentor.
* The [[That Guy With The Glasses]] [[TGWTG Year One Brawl|one year anniversary video]]. Basically, in a Chicago hotel 20 contributors of [[Video Review Show|Video Review Shows]] beat up one another in an [[Ultimate Showdown of Ultimate Destiny]], climaxing in {{spoiler|Super Mega Death Christ vs. Giant Robotic [[Donkey Kong]] Jesus riding a puff of smoke}} blowing up. You know what? [http://thatguywiththeglasses.com/videolinks/thatguywiththeglasses/nostalgia-critic/6719-1-year-anniversary-video Just watch it.]
{{quote| {{spoiler|'''[[Ask That Guy With The Glasses|Ask That Guy]]'''}}: (speaking to the various reviewers present) In fact, I think there's a lot of you who want to do crossovers, aren't there? Because everybody really eats that shit up.<br />
'''Everybody''': Yeah! }}
** All the cast stayed in Chicago for a couple more days to film crossovers after this. Highlights include [[Atop the Fourth Wall|Linkara]] being force-read his ''own'' Massive Multiplayer Crossover fanfiction by the Sage, the [[Professional Wrestling|Ultimate Warrior]] writes a comic series so bad that reality breaks down and Linkara and [[The Spoony Experiment|Spoony]] keep changing into different [[Alternate Universe]] selves and the Critic and [[The Angry Video Game Nerd|Nerd]] joining forces to review... a Making Of of a [[Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles]] Tour. Yeah.
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