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* The FAQ on the ''[[Munchkin]]'' website is full of stuff like "No, thieves can not steal during combat or backstab themselves". This may be viewed as [[Hypocritical Humor]] since the term "Munchkin" refers to someone eking out every possible advantage they can from any game mechanic.
** They're willing to go along with a sufficiently devious rules abuse, though. One famous example is playing Go Up A Level cards on other players; since some monsters will allow players to run away for free if they're below a certain base level, this could be used to force a player to fight that (often quite powerful) monster. The company's response:
{{quote| ''This is not the original intent of Go Up a Level cards, but it is such a munchkinly and vile idea that we like it too much to say no.''}}
** One card allowed you to change one die roll to be any number that you wanted it to be. However, they didn't specify that it had to be a number ''between 1 and 6''. This led to people declaring that the die roll was one million or negative twelve or whatever, with bizarre results. They later changed the card.
** Originally, the Wizard class could "charm" a monster by discarding their whole hand. Munchkin players being what they are, they immediately began "discarding their whole hands" when they had nothing in them. Later editions specify a minimum of three cards.
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** According to [[Discworld/Night Watch|Night Watch]], the Assassins' Guild School is now co-ed, so that rule would have to have been rewritten to avoid girls keeping crocodiles in their room and [[Loophole Abuse|pointing to Rule 16's use of the word "boy"]].
*** Which, when they added "Read boys for girls" as a note to the list, led to this:
{{quote| School Rule No.145 : No boy is to enter the room of any girl.<br />
School Rule No.146 : No girl is to enter the room of any boy.<br />
School Rule No.147 : (provisional) : It has been pointed out that our injunction to 'read boys for girls, and vice versa', can, if taken together with the two previous rules by someone with little to do but argue, mean that no pupil is to be in any room at all. This was not the intention. No pupil is to be anywhere except where they should be. A girl is defined as a young person of the female persuasion.<br />
School Rule No.148 : Regardless of how persuaded he feels, Jelks Minor in Form IV is a boy.<br />
School Rule No.149 : Arguing over the wording of school rules is forbidden. }}
** This is surely a [[Historical In-Joke]] referring to Lord Byron. He wanted to keep a dog when he was at Cambridge, but school rules forbid it. He inspected the rules carefully and found there was nothing prohibiting [[Everything's Worse with Bears|pet bears]], so he got one. It's unknown when Cambridge applied the highly-necessary patch.
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