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== [[Video Games]] ==
* [[Super Mario Bros.|Yoshi]] invokes this trope quite a fair bit in some of his games. Although a lot of his skillset revolves around eating living things, he can use his tongue for other things, especially in ''[[YoshisYoshi's Story]]'', where Yoshi can use it to nudge bubbles around if need be, and use it to hookshot his way onto red ! balls.
* [[Gex]] uses his tongue for several things, especially volleying out fire, ice and slime when he's eaten a powerup, as well as to grab ledges in lieu of his hands.
* Sting Chameleon of ''[[Mega Man X]]'', pictured above, uses this for two of his primary attacks. His melee attack comprises of a painful metal tongue lash, but he can also hang from the roof with it to cause multiple spikes to come out of the ceiling.