Max Payne (series)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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The titular protagonist. A former NYPD detective and DEA Agent, his wife and daughter were murdered by junkies three years prior to the events of the first game. This causes him to go undercover hunting for the source of the drug, 'Valkyr'. In the second game, he returns to the NYPD and crosses paths with Mona Sax, an assassin that he falls in love with. Things... don't go well. The third game takes place a decade later, with Max having left the NYPD and New York behind in search of a new life in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Three guesses as to how it goes.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type IV.
* [[The Alcoholic]]: Jim Bravura believes he is one in the second game. But he first becomes one by the time the third games comes around.
* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type IV.
* [[Badass]]: Max spends most of his time doing one of two things: [[Heroic Self-Deprecation|Tearing himself down]], and [[One-Man Army|tearing other guys to shreds.]]
** [[Badass Beard]]: Gradually grows one in ''3'', starting out as a [[Beard of Sorrow]].
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* [[Catch Phrase]]: "Have no fear, Vlad is here!", and "Dearest of all my friends." (He [[Sharpshooter Fallacy|refers to everyone]] as this.)
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: {{spoiler|He betrays Woden, his former mentor, and Max, his friend.}}
* [[The Mafiya]]
* [[Man in White]]: In the sequel.
* [[Neighbourhood Friendly Gangsters]]:
{{quote|'''Max''': "Vladimir was one of those old-time bad guys with honor and morals, which made him almost one of the good guys."}}
* [[Reformed Criminal]]: Or so he claims at the beginning of ''2''. His restaurant is only a front for the Cleaners.
* [[Renegade Russian]]
* [[The Mafiya]]
* [[Man in White]]: In the sequel.
* [[Weapon of Choice]]: Vlad, like Mona, prefers the Desert Eagle as his sidearm, but he's even more well known for using bombs.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: {{spoiler|A phone message makes it clear that he viewed Alfred Woden, his mentor in the Inner Circle, as a father figure, and was angry about him not respecting him as a son. So he settles for killing him instead.}}
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* [[Ancient Conspiracy]]
* {{spoiler|[[Bigger Bad]]: of the first game, see [[Manipulative Bastard]]}}
* [[Chronic Backstabbing Disorder]]: {{spoiler|Now that Max has become liability in the second game, he sends Mona to kill Max.}}
* [[Dirty Old Man]]: A regular visitor of the prostitute, Candy Dawn. {{spoiler|It comes back to bite him as she videotapes his visits and sells it as blackmail material. Both Nicole Horne and Max gets hold of a copy}}.
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* [[The Mafia]]
* [[Smug Snake]]
* {{spoiler|[[The Unfought]]: He falls to pieces the moment Max enters his office, and is mowed down by Horne's mooks shortly after.}}
* [[Unwitting Pawn]]: To Horne.
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* {{spoiler|[[The Dragon]]: To Nicole Horne}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Mole]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Smug Snake]]}}
* [[Sinister Shades]] / [[Sunglasses At Night]]
* {{spoiler|[[Smug Snake]]}}
* [[Terms of Endangerment]]: Patronizingly refers to Max as "Maxie."
* [[You Have No Chance to Survive]]
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* [[The Lancer]]: He's Max's sidekick for a couple of levels, although he always seems to be doing the least dangerous job that he possibly can be.
* {{spoiler|[[Love Redeems]]: If Giovanna wasn't pregnant with his kid, he might not have survived. Passos ducks out of the game's plot the moment he finds that out.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: When he learns Giovanna is pregnant with his kid, he wisely decides to skip town with her.}}
=== Anthony DeMarco ===
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Max's new boss in Sao Paulo. He is an industrialist who is paranoid about kidnapping attempts. {{spoiler|He gets killed by a crooked cop during an attack on his company's headquarters while Max is busy fighting off the invading paramilitary goons.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Bodyguard Betrayal]]: Rodrigo gets shot in the back of the head by the head of the police unit he called to save him.}}
* [[May-December Romance]]: Fabianna is considerably younger than Rodrigo.
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]: Rodrigo is the oldest of the Branco brothers and Max's direct boss. Even after his wife Fabianna is kidnapped, he's much calmer about it than either of his brothers.
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Rodrigo's brother. He is a local politician that wants to clean up the city. {{spoiler|In actuality, he is the mastermind behind a human organ trafficking ring, and the [[Big Bad]].}}
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]]: The closest thing there is to one in the game.}}
** {{spoiler|[[Non-Action Big Bad]]: See below.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Corrupt Politician]]: To the point of being a [[Complete Monster]].}}
* [[Make It Look Like an Accident]]
* {{spoiler|[[Man Behind the Man]]: He was, apparently, manipulating everyone to suit his own plans, possibly including all of the different gangs in Sao Paolo and especially his own family.}}
* [[Non-Action Guy]]: He does nothing but gives orders to Max {{spoiler|and [[The Dragon|Becker]]. To top it off, Max defeats him in a [[Cutscene Boss|cutscene]] by easily breaking his leg instead of the usual gunfight that occurs in the games.}}
** {{spoiler|The one time he tries to do something by pointing a gun at Max he's easily disarmed and headbutted while delivering a monologue.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Tempting Fate]]: After his final confrontation with Max, he laughs and says he'll walk, so Max breaks his leg.}}
=== Marcelo Branco ===
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Rodrigo and Victor's younger brother, he is a party-loving playboy.
* {{spoiler|[[Kill It with Fire]]: How he dies.}}
* [[Rich Idiot With No Day Job]]: Marcelo's not so much a person as a device used to dispose of cocaine.
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Fabianna's younger sister, Giovanna lives in two worlds. By day, she's a social worker in Sao Paulo's impoverished lower-class neighborhoods, but by night, she parties with her sister in Sao Paulo's night spots.
* {{spoiler|[[Pregnant Hostage]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Screw This, I'm Outta Here]]: After revealing she's pregnant with Raul's baby, the two decide to skip town.}}
=== Wilson De Silva ===
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Becker is the leader of the Unidade de Forças Especiais (UFE), a {{spoiler|''spectacularly'' corrupt}} special police organization in Sao Paulo.
* {{spoiler|[[An Arm and a Leg]]: loses an arm after Max shoots a live grenade inches away from him.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Dirty Cop]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Dragon]]: He is the right-hand man to Victor.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Final Boss]]: Becker is the half-dead guy who Max is about to execute in his early flashback to the end of the game.}}
=== Serrano ===
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Serrano is the leader of Comando Sombra, a powerful São Paulo street gang with ties to South American drug cartels. He and his gang kidnap Fabiana Branco in the hopes of collecting a hefty ransom from her wealthy husband.
* {{spoiler|[[Asshole Victim]]: After he murders Fabiana before Max's eyes, Max later encounters him as a prisoner in the Imperial Palace Hotel, having been brutally tortured after getting arrested in the favela raid.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad Wannabe]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[Extreme Melee Revenge]]: Gives one to Dr. Fischer offscreen after Max uncovers the organ harvesting operation at the derelict hotel.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Laser-Guided Karma]]}}
* [[Scary Black Man]]
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]: The entire kidnapping operation was secretly set up by Victor Branco, who sent Comando Sombra the information they needed to carry it out as part of his plan to get his other family members killed to gain control of the family fortune.}}