Super Robot Wars J/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[The Archer]]: Bellzelute's, and one of the Bellzelute Brigandi's finishers is a big green crystal arrow. How big? Big enough to impale a ''battleship''.
* [[Badass Cape]]: [[Super Robot Genre|Super Robot]] Granteed generates one when pulling of its finisher.
* [[Bifurcated Weapon]]: In order for the [[Real Robot Genre|Real Robot]] Bellzelute's Orgone Rifle to pull off its finisher, the Shot Launchers have to combine with it.
* [[Big Eater]]: Festenia.
* [[BFG]] Bellzelute's Orgone Rifle and Bellzelute Brigandi's Orgone Launcher. Also, the Orgone Rifle Final on the Laftkranz.
* [[BFS]] Granteed materializes one out of energy, found on the [[Mid-Season Upgrade|Granteed Dracodeus]] if Katia or Tenia is the lucky girl, Bellzelute Brigandi if Tenia is the chosen one. Also, the Orgone Sword Final on the Laftkranz.
* [[Bifurcated Weapon]]: In order for the [[Real Robot Genre|Real Robot]] Bellzelute's Orgone Rifle to pull off its finisher, the Shot Launchers have to combine with it.
* [[Big Eater]]: Festenia.
* [[Blade Below the Shoulder]]: [[Real Robot Genre|Real Robot]] Coustwell takes this to the extreme by having a shin-mounted ''kick blade''.
* [[Chest Blaster]]: Granteed has this ''and'' a smaller beam that comes from a ring on its head, similar to [[Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann|Viral's Enkidu]].
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: Think of [[The Powerpuff Girls]]' color, but switch Blossom with Buttercup, and you have these.
* [[Crash Into Hello]]: In Touya's route the girls crash the OG mecha you picked into his school almost killing him.
* [[Gainaxing]]
* [[Good Old Fisticuffs]]: Granteed. You know you're dealing with a [[Super Robot]] when a punching combo deals more damage than the head-mounted beam cannon as well has having the best [[Critical Hit]] Ratio of all of it's attacks.
** Also present on Coustwell, becomes [[Rapid-Fire Fisticuffs]] with Coustwell Brachium, and taken [[Up to Eleven]] with 'Tenia's version of O Finish.
* [[Crash Into Hello]]: In Touya's route the girls crash the OG mecha you picked into his school almost killing him.
* [[Guns Akimbo]]: Bellzelute.
* [[Mecha Expansion Pack]]: All of the mecha get add-ons that are used as weapons in their upgraded forms.
* [[Color Coded for Your Convenience]]: Think of [[The Powerpuff Girls]]' color, but switch Blossom with Buttercup, and you have these.
* [[Gainaxing]]
* [[Leitmotif]] Each girl caters to a different combat attribute: power, range or defense. They also have a different final attack for the [[Mid-Season Upgrade]] when they're used often enough to unlock it.
* [[Mecha Expansion Pack]]: All of the mecha get add-ons that are used as weapons in their upgraded forms.
* [[Mid-Season Upgrade]]
* [[Moe Moe]]: Technically all three, but Melua seems to be the main source of it.
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** Actually, make that just Coustwell Brachium in general.
* [[Rocket Punch]]: A variation found on the melee Coustwell and Coustwell Brachium. Not a "true" [[Rocket Punch]], as the mecha condenses a crystalline fist out of energy and hurls it at the opponent.
* [[Shrinking Violet]]: Melua.
* [[Shoulders of Doom]]: The Coustwell Brachium gets a pair of these, which can [[Attack Drone|detach and aid in attacking]].
* [[Shrinking Violet]]: Melua.
* [[Sweet Tooth]]: Melua.
* [[Swiss Army Weapon]]: Bellzelute's Orgone Rifle and Bellzelute Brigandi's Orgone Launcher.
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The main enemy of [[Super Robot Wars Judgment]]. Said to be the ones who seeded life on Earth, and now they reside in the moon, watching over the Earth. With all the wars going on, you know what's going to happen. They also claim to be defeated by another force and fled to the far ends of the universe. Led by Gu-Landon Goetz and his [[The Dragon|Dragons]] Al-Van Lunks, {{spoiler|Calvina's boyfriend, who was taught by the rebellious father of Touya, El-Selda Shun}}, Fu-Lu-Mu-Lu and Jua-Mu Dalbi. Tropes associated with the Fury:
* [[A God Am I]]: Somewhat: they terraformed and seeded life on Earth.
* [[Apologetic Attacker]]: Al-Van
* [[Ax Crazy]]: [[Psycho for Hire]] Jua-Mu after he gets promoted. See the main entry for an extra reason on Jua-Mu's behavior.
* [[Black Knight|Black Knights]]
* [[BFS]]: Orgone Sword.
* [[Black Knight|Black Knights]]
* [[Cold Sniper]]: Fu-Lu Mu-Lu, mostly.
* [[Complete Monster]]: Gu Landon became delusional and in the end goes on like this. Jua-Mu, however, was a more subtle one, and cranks his monstrosity [[Up to Eleven]] once he becomes [[Ax Crazy]].
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** In fact, Al-Van's version of Raftclans final attack is a combination of(in order of the animation) Zankantou Inazuma Juryoku Otoshi, Zankantou Shippu Dotou, and Zankantou Unyo no Tachi.
* [[Gay Option]]: {{spoiler|If Touya does not pick any girl in his [[Harem]], he will save Al-Van from his imminent death}}.
* [[A God Am I]]: Somewhat: they terraformed and seeded life on Earth.
* {{spoiler|[[Heel Face Turn]]}}: Al-Van.
* [[One-Winged Angel]]: Gu Landon transforms his Zui Gadin in the final scenario.