Groin Attack/Web Comics: Difference between revisions

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** Also, this:
** Then there's Bun-Bun's [[Groin Attack]] on Gofotron: He stole the [[Sixth Ranger]]'s piece of the [[Combining Mecha]], the crotch. [[Hilarity Ensues|Hilarity]] [[Mike Nelson, Destroyer of Worlds|Ensues]].
* In ''[[8-Bit Theater (Webcomic)|8-Bit Theater]]'' Black Mage, soon after becoming a Blue Mage (which allows him to learn attacks he survives getting hit with) is hit by a "Goblin Punch", which is actually just a kick in the nuts from a non-goblin monster (the attack was named by "the greatest cryptozoologist in all Red Wizard history, Blindy O'Sightless"). He learns this attack and [ returns it] [[Megaton Punch|with enough force to launch the enemy into low orbit]].
* In [[Monsterful]], the mummy Lily Osiris has shown her pervert ghost friend Lawrence that not even ghosts are safe from this.
* Webcomic ''[[The Sins]]'' demonstrates that this doesn't work on [[Anthropomorphic Personification|Anthropomorphic Personifications]] in this strip:
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* In ''[[Questionable Content]]'' Faye accidentally headbutts Marten's groin and then vomits all over him while she's blind drunk.
** In an earlier comic, the Vespavenger's Vespa, which could morph into a not-so-giant-mecha, manages to also hit Marten in the crotch, ''with a metal pole''. This leads to the statement from Marten as he's on the ground in pain, "Pain level...[[William Shatner|Shatnerian]]... in...intensity"
* And in ''[[Doc Rat]]'', even a [ punching bag] [[Share the Male Pain|feels the pain]]!!!
** ... but [ later on], it becomes a '''''VERY EFFECTIVE''''' [[Chekhov's Gun]] [ when taking out a nasty villain]!
* ''[[Sparkling Generation Valkyrie Yuuki]]'': [ Used on the Auroch]
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* BLU Scout tries this against {{spoiler|Rojo}} in [ this page] of ''[[Cuanta Vida]]''. Unfortunately, [[It Got Worse|it gets worse]]. Much, much, worse.
* Nan in ''[[Lovecraft Is Missing]]'': "[ Two bits of advice . . . wear steel underpants.]"
* In ''Remedy'', a mugger fights a super-powered house cat ([[Changing of the Guard|who left in charge of protecting the neighborhood by his master]]). The mugger... [ ...see for yourself].
* In ''[[Thistil Mistil Kistil]]'', after they have drugged her and dragged her toward [[Human Sacrifice]], [ Hedda resorts to this.]