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* In ''[[Screamers]]'', the captain survives the [[Late to the Party]], survives the Twist Ending, and makes it to the Emergency Evacuation Pod in time to [[Last of His Kind|make it off the planet alive]], only to take a [[Everything's Worse with Bears|cyborg teddy bear]] along with him for the ride home.
* ''[[Walk Hard]]'''s Dewey Cox dies 3 minutes after his last performance.
* ''[[Monty Python and Thethe Holy Grail]]'' ends with our heroes assembling an army to fight the dastardly French and reclaim the Grail once and for all. Just as the army begins its assault, modern-day police vans hove into view and arrest everybody, including the cameraman, thus ending the film.
** This an actually more of a [[Brick Joke]] shaped aversion, as the police investigation of the knights is a [[Running Gag]] for most of the film.
* The ''[[Phantasm (Film)|Phantasm]]'' sequels ''all'' end with the heroes defeating the Tall Man, only for him to come back and devastate them. {{spoiler|In [[Phantasm Oblivion|the fourth film]], he kills Mike, one of the franchise's two leads... a death followed by a flashback to Mike as a kid, with no idea what's coming.}}
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** "Cold" (SVU s9e19): It looks like the [[Complete Monster]] [[Dirty Cop]] is about to get convicted, but then, out of nowhere, two bombshells are dropped one after another. The key witness against him? Its revealed that she's an illegal immigrant, rendering her testimony moot. And the autopsy reports that were the key evidence? They couldn't prove the cop raped one of the victims, ''[[What the Hell, Hero?|Novak knew it, and lied about]]''.
*** This Diabolus was essentially just an excuse for Diane Neal and Adam Beach to leave the show, as Novak is disbarred for falsifying the evidence and Lake {{spoiler|shoots the perp in a [[Vigilante Execution]] and is arrested}}.
** "Redemption" (SVU s3e6): The real culprit behind the serial rapes has been caught and all that remains to get the innocent man originally convicted for the crimes out of jail is to get the perp to confess. Everything seems to be smooth sailing... until Elliot goes to the bathroom. When he returns, he finds that in that tiny window of time {{spoiler|the [[Cowboy Cop]] guest star (who'd been pursuing the rapist for years and who was also in the interrogation room) has pushed the perp out the window in a [[Vigilante Execution]]}}. Because they can't get a statement from the real perp now, the innocent man stays in jail (it should be noted that [[Artistic License: Law|the justice system doesn't actually work like this]]).
** "Zoontic"(CI). The creepy doctor that had been infecting people with diseases and the sleazeball he hired to rape his old girlfriends are behind bars without a trial. Everything is going swimmingly. And then at the literal last minute, it's revealed that the doctor got 5 grams of anthrax from South America, and he only had 3 grams in his apartment.
** Of course, sometimes the same person will show up a few seasons later where they actually will get what's coming to them.
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