We Will Wear Armor in the Future: Difference between revisions

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== Video Games ==
* Starting with ''Tiberian Sun'' soldiers in [[Command and& Conquer]], particularly GDI, have worn plating and helmets, culminating in GDI's infantry all wearing powered armor by ''Tiberium Twilight''.
** Given that they're living in an increasingly-[[Crapsack World]] that is getting more and more toxic to humans, the armor is justified, given that it also contains life support systems.
* The UNSC marines in the ''[[Halo]]'' series tend to wear more plating than their modern counterparts, especially the ODSTs. But it is not powered like the Spartan's MJOLNIR armor. The trope has gotten more pronounced as the series has progressed: in the first game, quite a few marines are wearing simple fatigues, and even the armored ones wear a relatively modest set of helmet, breastplate, and greaves. The armor set gets noticeably bulkier in ''Halo 3'' and ''Halo Reach'', where it's become more like standard Sci-Fi plate armor.