Tales of Symphonia: Difference between revisions

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* [[Absurdly Spacious Sewer]]: Meltokio. When Zelos and co. are arrested the party uses this to continue to come and go from Meltokio. It has doors, trash compactors, stairs, and bridges.
* [[Abusive Parents]]:
** In the [[OVA]], Dirk beats up Lloyd because he used a exsphereExsphere to protect himself and Colette. Judging by how Dirk is characterized, and how Norman of ''[[Pokémon Special]]'' got away with worse but was likewise still portrayed as a good father, this is probably a case of [[Values Dissonance]], rather than deliberately portraying Dirk as a bad father.
** Zelos never had the nicest relationship with his mother, as she was forced into a loveless marriage, even though she "probably loved someone else." {{spoiler|When she's killed in an attack that was intended to kill Zelos, her last words to him were "You should never have been born".}} It's shown in the manga that even before this, she was cold and dismissive of her son, often making the excuse that she's ill or has a headache to get out of having to see him. No wonder he's so messed up...
* [[Acrophobic Bird]]:
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** Palmacosta.
* [[Drowning My Sorrows]]:
** Kratos and apparently Colette(?!) are seen doing this in the fourth OVA bonus, in mourning for their loss of lines/screen time. Yuan's there too though celebrating his increase in screntimescreentime.
** Zelos also visits the bar later for the same reason.
* [[Dub Name Change]]: Genius or Genis? Refill or Raine?
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* [[Gameplay and Story Segregation]]:
** Suffers pretty bad from it, considering how powerful the party becomes.
** But also gameplay and story intergrationintegration; when Raine gets the Unicorn's Horn, and when Colette loses her voice. Not to mention a rather subtle one comes from when you notice Kratos's AI behaviourbehavior - he actually uses First Aid on Lloyd ''quite'' a bit.
* [[Glass Cannon]]: Colette, Genis, and Sheena. Especially frustrating with Genis and Sheena, since their most powerful attacks rely on them getting into Overlimit first, which requires them to get hit at least a few times. Especially frustrating with Sheena, considering she has arguably the worst damage output otherwise. Even resident [[White Mage]] Raine can put up better numbers with attack magic. People rag on Sheena for this, but it seems a Justified trope considering that she might be a Guardian User/Magical Ninja, but she wasn't raised to be a fighter, and in fact one thing about making pacts that terrifies her {{spoiler|as well as the Volt incident}} is that they refuse to make a vow with her and attack.
* [[Go Through Me]]: Happens a couple of times with varying results.
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* [[Hero Secret Service]]: Above mentioned [[Five-Man Band]], and eventually also the rest of the party in regards to Lloyd.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: Much to [[The Hero|Lloyd's]] dismay, there's quite a few. Some end without people ending up dead. Others... don't.
* [[He Who Fights Monsters]]: Forcystus runs a Human Ranch and looks down on humans as inferior beings like the rest of the Desians, he even thinks an appropriate punishment for breaking a non-agressionaggression pact is to pit Lloyd and Genis against {{spoiler|a mutated Marble}}. What made him join in the first place? He {{spoiler|fought and defeated an army of humans who were committing genocide against Half-Elves}}! It goes beyond that, even; {{spoiler|there's a ''brief'' hint, of the blink-and-you'll-miss-it variety, where it's insinuated that he was a companion of Spiritua, the first Chosen of Sylvarant, and the one who came closest to fulfilling Mithos' needs until Colette came along; after she "failed" in Mithos' true aim, the insinuation is that Forscystus joined Cruxis out of guilt.}}
* [[Hidden Elf Village]]: Heimdall. There's also a [[Wutai|hidden Japanese village]], Mizuho.
* [[Human Resources]]: {{spoiler|Exspheres}}.
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* [[Malevolent Architecture]]: Lampshaded at a few points.
* [[Magitek]]: Used by the villains, and the source of quite a few problems as a result.
* [[Master of None]]: Kratos and Zelos. They don't really have that many techs to combo with, having only one full combo per tech tree side. Outside of a glitch using it for infinite combos, magic's casting times prevents it from synergisingsynergizing with melee. That's not to say, however, that they're bad characters. In fact, they're usually considered the best characters behind Raine and [[Your Mileage May Vary|Colette.]]
* [[Medium Awareness]]: One skit has Lloyd complaining about why they have to climb through the Mana Tower again and that they should had just been given the "Quick Jump" option. Everyone else is confused as to what this "Quick Jump" is since Lloyd is apparently the only one who is mildly aware that they are in a video game.
* [[The Messiah]]: Lloyd, after much [[Character Development]]; Colette would also qualify, but is overshadowed by Lloyd.