Oumagadoki Zoo: Difference between revisions

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* [[Acrofatic]]: Chita.
* [[Adult Child]]: Shiina, due to being cursed at a young age. This somehow stunted his mental growth.
* [[All Your Powers Combined]]: Shiina's ability in the one-shot. Unfortunately this did not carry over into the serialization, but that's [[Story-Breaker Power|probably for the best.]] {{spoiler|In chapter 36, he [[New Powers as the Plot Demands|gets this power back]].}} {{spoiler|Shikuma}} also demonstrates this power.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Isana has one that sort of doubles as a [[Shapeshifter Weapon]]: It turns into his whale tail which seems to be able to change size and the fin apparently can be used as a blade.
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* [[Insane Troll Logic]]: Shishido's reason for fighting Isana.
** Shishido: That guy is trampling down Shiina...[[American Dad|so if I take him down, then by the transitive property, I'm the boss! Algebra's awesome!]]
* [[Interspecies Romance]]: Many. Some of them [[Official Couple|canon]], horrifyingly enough. Leads to [[HotImprobable Skitty-On-WailordSpecies ActionCompatibility]].
* [[Mighty Glacier]]: Kasai, Kaizou, and [[One-Winged Angel|Isana]].
* [[Naughty Tentacles]]: Devilfish's fighting style.
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* [[Psycho Rangers]]: Ushimitsudoki Aquarium. Possibly Yatsudoki Circus.
* [[Punny Name]]: Oumagadoki, when spelled with the character for "demon" is an alternate spelling of Oumagatoki, "the time when demons meet". Also, every one of the animals' names are either pretty poor puns or outright [[Meaningful Name|mean]] [[Exactly What It Says on the Tin|whatever animal they are.]] Subverted with Takahiro, whose name means hawk when he is an eagle.
* [[Single-Target Sexuality]]: [[HotImprobable Skitty-On-WailordSpecies ActionCompatibility|Kasai for Uwabami.]] Uwabami seems to have the hots for Shiina, though. And let's not forget [[A Boy and His X|Suzuki and]] [[Canine Companion|Toytoy]]...
* [[Spell My Name with an "S"]]: Dholaki/Dholak and a couple others.
* [[Shown Their Work]]: The author obviously went through alot of trouble putting in facts about wild animal physiology while incorporating their behaviors with each character's personality (Rhino's trigger-happiness and tendency to charge due to his poor eyesight, lion's aggressiveness towards the director resulting from male lions' natural desire to find a pride and kick out the dominating male, Gorilla's tendency to act on his anxiety by pounding his chest, etc.)