Strawman U: Difference between revisions

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The schools used for this fall into the following categories:
=== '''Berserkeley ==='''
"Berserkeley" is filled with [[Granola Girl|Granola Girls]], rude skaterpunks, [[Dirty Communists|angry socialists/anarchists/whateverists screaming about how Amerikkka is pure evil and that we deserve to die in a ditch]], [[Malcolm Xerox|pissed-off black nationalists]], irritating [[Hipster|hipsters]] wearing idiotic fashions, [[Hollywood Atheist|Hollywood Atheists]], and [[New Age Retro Hippie|aging hippies]].
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** Earlham College (Quaker Church) in Richmond, Indiana, is so left-wing that everybody is addressed by their first name -- calling an instructor "Mister", "Ms.", "Professor" or "Doctor" So-And-So is definitely frowned upon. Students are often at odds with the local and regional Yearly Meetings (the Quaker equivalent of a synod) over sexuality and drinking. (In case you're wondering, the Yearly Meetings are against both.)
=== '''Jim Jonestown University ==='''
Run by the harshest, most conservative [[Dean Bitterman]] imaginable and his goons, bordering on [[Benito Mussolini|fascism]]. The only things in town are a huge church and a Walmart, and the school itself is filled with [[Jerk Jock|Jerk Jocks]], [[Corrupt Hick|Corrupt Hicks]]s, [[Alpha Bitch|Alpha Bitches]]es, [[The Fundamentalist|fundamentalists]], and [[Moral Guardians]] in training.
Anyone who has half a brain turns out to be either a [[Stepford Smiler]], [[Holier Than Thou]], or [[Ax Crazy]]. The city council, if it exists, will be packed with [[Corrupt Corporate Executive|Corrupt Corporate Executives]] and [[Corrupt Church|oppressive, right-wing pastors]]. Being a historic university, its founding charter frequently comes with a long and detailed list of complex bylaws and regulations which just seem tailor-made for the Dean to abuse our plucky heroes.
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May overlap with a [[Wizarding School]], [[Boarding School of Horrors]] or an occult-filled [[Cthulhu Mythos|Miskatonic University]]. Will undoubtedly overlap with [[Politically-Motivated Teacher]].
== [[Film]] ==
* ''PCU'', in the film of that name, somehow manages to be both. The campus is, shall we say, ''polarized''. This trope was basically the entire point of the movie.