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** She also has [[Ghost Amnesia]] and can't even remember being alive because she's been dead for over 1000 years. Incidentally, that's the beginning of some bizarre [[Really Seven Hundred Years Old|age inflation]] for the villains of the series.
** There's also the case of the Prismriver sisters, a trio of poltergeists. Technically, they were never alive to begin with, being [[Replacement Goldfish|magically-created phantom copies of existing people]] made by the fourth sister. All four original Prismrivers are long dead now, but the poltergeists "live" on rather normally.
* The ghosts that appear in ''[[System Shock 2]]'' and ''[[BioshockBioShock (series)]]'' are referred to as a psychic echo and are only replaying the event that they act out. Often these events involve the violent death of the individual, such are one ghost reenacting his own suicide.
* Fomors in ''[[Final Fantasy XI]]'' are the restless souls of dead soldiers and adventurers given shape. One region in the game has them aggro depending on if you've defeated more of them or the beastmen that murdered them. Appease them enough, and they won't attack you unless you engage them.
* ''[[Project Zero]]''/''[[Fatal Frame]]''. The games are all about people being drawn to/trapped in haunted areas, the spirits of the dead are either the original inhabitants who died during a horrible supernatural event, or the spirits of other people who later became trapped and killed by the ghosts there. There is also the [[Magitek|Camera Obscura]], your only weapon in the games, which seems to steal energy from the ghosts until they can no longer materialise (as opposed to capturing them, since they have a habit of turning up again later).
* A number of characters in ''[[Killer 7Killer7]]'' are ghosts. In particular, the syndicate's first kill, Travis, is [[Mr. Exposition]]. Ghosts spoke in terrible [[Gratuitous English]] in the original Japanese version; in the American version, [[Woolseyism|ghosts can't speak in coherent language, sounding like they're talking through a garden hose]] - though you can still make out the original Engrish in places.
* In ''[[King's Quest IV the Perils of Rosella]]'', the heroine must lay to rest several ghosts in a haunted house. To achieve this, she must unite them with an object that was dear to them during their lifetimes. For instance, the baby wants its rattle; a weeping woman wants her locket, the miser desires a pouch of money; a soldier is searching for his medal; a little boy wants a toy horse. Oddly enough, all these objects are found ''in the graves'' of these individuals, alongside their earthly remains...leading one to wonder why that wasn't enough to set them all at rest, or why the ghosts themselves didn't know where these items were.
** Of course, the requisite shovel can be used [[Guide Dang It|precisely]] [[Lost Forever|five times]].
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* In ''[[Minus]]'', [http://www.kiwisbybeat.com/minus28.html here].
* In [http://pumpkinflower.comicgenesis.com/ Pumpkin Flower] ghosts can be seen by everyone and have to sleep. Powers and form seem to depend on the individual, but they're all insane. {{spoiler|Even [[Yaoi Guys|Dell]] but no one talks about that.}}
* In ''[[Concession]]'' ghosts are usually after revenge, and can bond to a living person (like a relative or lover) and give them [[Powers Via Possession|enhanced psychic powers]]. They also seem [[Always ChaoticExclusively Evil|universally evil]] and prone to committing [[Mind Rape]].
** Recent hidden pages suggest that {{spoiler|the body protects the spirit from a form of radiation, and the longer a ghost refuses to pass on the more like an [[Eldritch Abomination]] they become, also Miranda [[Emotion Eater|feeds on despair.]]}}
* In ''Crazy Ghosts'' you get a whole bunch of different ghosts living together in one house, one of which is the personification of death and a another is apparently the prototype for all ghosts
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