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== [[BioshockBioShock (series)]] ==
== Bioshock takes place in the ''[[Magic: The Gathering]]'' multiverse ==
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It was his attempts to infiltrate the US and Soviet governments that left Rapture vulnerable. OSS caught wind of his operation and assisted mafia backed smugglers in their business of providing contraband goods to the citizens of Rapture. This is what led to Fontaine's rise to power and the eventual conflict the caused the collapse of Rapture's society.
== Rapture is not located underwater; the views from the bathysphere and from the observation windows are elaborate tricks used to dazzle a casual observer. ==
If it had been underwater, it is doubtful that whales and giant squid would swim so close or that the building exteriors would be free of your typical underwater growths. Also, there is no evidence of the adverse effects of being underwater (air pressure and so on) affecting the residents. All of the water leaking in all over the place is part of the illusion.
* No, the water that "leaks" in is real--it's piped in from somewhere to form "leaks" to enhance the illusion of there being water outside. It's not illusory water.
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* Rapture was just a hallucination caused by an Android trying to drown you in an aquarium, really it is 1912 and you're in a flying city.
** Also Jossed. [[Word of God]] says that Bioshock Infinites Colombia (the flying city) is set in the same universe as Rapture.
*** Same universe, maybe, but [[Word of God]] also says its a different timeline.
== Rapture IS underwater, and close to [[H.P. Lovecraft|R'lyeh.]] ==
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* Possibly confirmed by [ the viral website] for the sequel - one of the pieces of paper says that {{spoiler|one of the kidnappings took place in Innsmouth, RI. It's in the upper left corner, third item from the "top"}}
** This troper agrees with this theory, and would like to make an addition. The ADAM slugs are the gibletized remains of a [[Eldritch Abomination]]. after all, {{spoiler|[[Mass Effect 2|Even dead gods still dream.]]}}
* Also, one of the idle Little Sister quotes in Bioschock 2 (when she's with another Big Daddy, to be precise) is;
{{quote|"God is sleeping Mr. B, in the water. Wait 'n see."}}
* Which is a pretty obvious reference to [[Cthulhu Mythos|Cthulhu]]. This is also relevant to the previous WMG.
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*** There's one near enough to Ryan's office though. If you die in Ryan's office, you pop out at the Chamber near the Bathysphere. Also, who says he wanted to leave? Ryan still believes Rapture can be saved. He wanted to manipulate the player into killing off Fontaine, leaving him with no genuine opposition.
* Look at it this way--the sequel has to have a villain, and Sander Cohen probably isn't up for it. That leaves either Ryan, or you in the evil ending, and while the latter would be a cooler twist, developers seem curiously squeamish about making evil paths canonical.
** Jossed by the previews; Big Sister is quite clearly the villain. There may very well be a twist about her role, but Ryan isn't necessary as an opposing force.
*** It doesn't say that he's not alive...just that he's not * the* villain. Though it would completely wreck the scene of his death in [[BioshockBioShock (series)]] considering how he went out of his way to make his death a giant [[Mind Screw]] for Jack. Also, Big Sister runs Rapture now, so if he were alive, he apparently has no power over the city anymore.
*** Actually, a recent issue of Gamepro states that the Big Sister is a villain; just not the ''main'' villain. She is most likely going to [[The Dragon|play the part of muscle and act as his/her enforcer.]] Who, then, is the main villain? Personally, this troper has his money on someone we've met before (though he has no idea who that might be, since most of the characters from the first game, are, you know, out of commission...)
*** News these days seem to say that the main baddie of Bioshock 2 is some sort of cult leader that the Splicers and Big Sisters follow who wants to kill you and bring Rapture back to its former state.
* I could imagine him singing Still Alive.
** Oh god, now I can't get Ryan singing that out of my head. [[Schmuck Bait|Thanks.]]
* Even if he did die 'for good', [[BioshockBioShock (series)]] 2's resurrection of Delta 10 years after he died proves that Vita-Chambers do not have to be used immediately. Ryan could have paid off a Splicer or convinced a Little Sister or something to revive him after the situation in Rapture had calmed down.
== The Big Daddies are actual fathers ==
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== Demitosse will be a major antagonist in Bioshock 2 ==
If you look out many of the windows in Rapture, you'll see a series of billboards with three names: RYAN, FONTAINE, DEMITOSSE. Since Ryan --> Fontaine was the [[Big Bad]] progression in the original game, this has fueled fan speculation that a further Fontaine --> Demitosse plot progression would appear in the sequel, with Demitosse being the new Big Bad.
* It's actually spelt [ Demitasse]. According to [[The Other Wiki]] a demitasse is a small coffee or tea cup and, considering the text under "demitasse" in the screenshot, it's probably just an ad for tea or tea cups rather than the name of some mysterious [[Big Bad]].
** So the next [[Big Bad]] will be a cup of Coffee... Oh my god... [[Homestar Runner|Homsar's]] Father!
** Jossed, since there hasn't been any mention of a Demitosse anywhere in the game.
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== The girl in the Bioshock 2 trailer is Big Sister ==
She's obviously an older Little Sister and I think it's safe to assume she misses at least part of Rapture as she still owns a (homemade) Big Daddy doll and it watching the sea. The rising city in the sand could represent her return to Rapture, where she outfits herself with the Big Sister suit. As for her motive, I'm not quiet sure... Maybe she thinks being a Little Sister was awesome and wants to make other girls experiance what she did? I don't know.
* [[Jossed]]; a case of [[Never Trust a Trailer]].
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*** There are loads of different ways he could've fixed his voice box after winning, from the extra Rapture medkits he had in his pockets to doctors back home.
== The Big Daddies are [[Team Fortress 2|Heavies]] in diver suits. ==
Like the Heavy, they're big, tough, simple-minded and carry really big guns. The Heavy is also a defense class, which explains why the Big Daddies are so protective of the Little Sisters. Speaking of which, the Big Daddies/Heavies most likely see the Sisters as Medics- like Medics, Little Sisters have fast healing powers that everyone wants and carry big needles.
== Ryan Industries got help from Vault-Tec when constructing Rapture. ==
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If this is true, then he's probably the founder of the "Cult of Jack" we've seen in the interviews.
** Wouldn't Fontaine count as an ideological opposite of Ryan as well, In a [[Neutral Evil]] sense? Ryans speech in B1 could peg his ideological opposite as anyone from the CIA to the Vatican. Then again, I did hear what sounded like Russian on the Something in the Sea radio, so this could have some truth to it.
*** Jossed. {{spoiler|Sofia Lamb, an activist, is the villain.}}
*** Ah-ah-aahh! It's actually confirmed, sort of. {{spoiler|Lamb is a ''Collectivist'' who, once she got into power, used the Rapture Family to take control. In multiple audio diaries, Ryan makes the connection between her philosophy and Communism. "A new Kremlin will engulf the council before they catch on."? "Her bolshevik fever dream"?}}
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He really got killed when Fontaine became more plasmid then man. Jack was actually lying on the ground,imaging that he was saving the little sisters or taking over the world,while he slowly died. He never escaped and never beat Fontaine.I mean,Fontaine is basically Superhuman in every way,no man could beat him on the first try,even with the amount of guns Jack was carrying,but Jack probably got the last laugh when Fontaine got killed by the little sisters in a revenge attack. Sadly,though,they were a little too late.
* This actually could explain why nobody seems to know exactly what happened to him after Fontaine's death. If he dies after that titanic battle, he won't lead splicers in an attack on a nuclear sub nor will he lead the little sisters to freedom. Which, now that I think about it, explains where Tenenbaum is during that sequence. He's imagining what Tenenbaum would say to him, given his previous actions in-game.
* There are a fair amount of Big Sisters in Bioshock 2, and they're basically {{spoiler|teenage Little Sisters}}, so it's quite possible none of them were saved. However, Subject Delta never goes back to any of the areas that Jack visited, so unless we find out what happened to those places, we can't really know that fate of the Little Sisters. It's possible all the Little Sisters that Jack saved were just saved by Tenenbaum, if Jack died.
* If Jack was unable to defeat Fontaine because he was superhuman, then you'd better guess again, 'cause Jack is too. The only real difference between Fontaine and Jack was Fontaine was stronger, but was unable to use weapons. And Jack can use a Vita-Chamber, so how exactly would he die if he could just come back and wither down Fontaine's health? Plus, Jack had a grenade launcher, a Tommy-Gun, a revolver most probably designed for killing bears, a device capable of LITERALLY THROWING ELECTRICITY, a crossbow, a very large-caliber shotgun, and a wrench, as well as the ability to fling every single element of nature from his hands at will. Yeah, Fontaine's going down like a corpse with cement-block shoes.
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== Big Daddy is an ancestor of Iron Man ==
They look so similar to Iron Monger in the movie that it probably just isn't coincidence. One of Tony Stark's ancesstors (most likely his grandfather) worked for Ryan and helped develop the Big Daddy. However, he soon sneaked out after seeing that Rapture was going to pieces. This would explain how Tony built his first suit because he knows from his grandfather how to build a Big Daddy (which is essentially a mech-suit) with parts 50 years old.
== Sander Cohen is [[The Phantom of the Opera|the Phantom]] ==
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== The Third Bioshock Villain will be a Nihilist ==
He believes in nothing and manipulating people is his only joy in life.
== Random [[BioshockBioShock (series)]] 2 Plot Guesses ==
Just a few predictions for the upcoming sequel:
* As Subject Delta (The ''fourth'' Big Daddy, first one to successfully bond with a little sister) you will encounter Mark Meltzer (The guy from the There's Something Under the Sea website) and can choose to help him in his quest for his daughter
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* There will be a brief prequel tutorial in which {{spoiler|You end by killing Suchong}}
** Sadly [[Jossed]] by the emergence of the first five minutes: {{spoiler|you learn about the controls while wandering through Adonis Baths, and don't end the tutorial in killing Suchong.}}
* Either you will be related to {{spoiler|Andrew Ryan}} or Sinclair gets you access to the Vita Chambers.
** Confirmed, because of respawn footage.
*** {{spoiler|Actually, as you eventually find out, Eleanor reprogrammed the Vita Chambers with your genetic code.}}
* In the multiplayer story the spawn points will be {{spoiler|Prototype Vita Chambers}} because Sinclair also developed the widespread ones.
** {{spoiler|[[Jossed]], they just respawn.}}
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* Orrin Oscar Lutwidge (another character from the There's Something Under the Sea website) will {{spoiler|return to Rapture}}
** Unlikely, as {{spoiler|Lynch threatened him with torture and killed an orderly who came to check, while Lutwidge is on the run.}}
* Jeremiah Lynch (an antagonist from the There's Something Under the Sea website) will arrive in Rapture and you will have to stop whatever he's been planning.
** {{spoiler|Both above have been [[Jossed]] Oscar Orrin Lutwidge killed him at the end of the ARG and then he committed suicide.}}
*** Huh? Both the wiki and the Something in the Sea website fail to mention {{spoiler|the deaths of Lutwidge or Lynch}}. Despite neither of them being in [[BioshockBioShock (series)]] 2, In what source is it said {{spoiler|that they die}}?
**** It was at the final location party in L.A. we arrived hoping to meet Oscar or catch lynch and found two chalk outlines and some 'cops' who explained what happened. Then we went inside for a release party.
* Instead of {{spoiler|Father Wales}} being [[The Dragon]] to [[Big Bad]] {{spoiler|Sofia Lamb}} it actually turns out to be the other way around
** {{spoiler|[[Jossed]]}}
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** {{spoiler|[[Jossed]]. There's no plot twist of [[Wham! Episode]] magnitude, but that doesn't mean the game [[Player Punch|pulls its punches]]. }}
== The sea slugs that create ADAM are close relatives of Elysia chlorotica ==
Elysia chlorotica is a species of sea slug that steals chloroplasts from algae to make its own food. It can also pass the genetic material for chloroplasts down to its children, though they have to eat more algae to do the same as their parents. The ADAM slugs are part of this family, except they merely have a rather unstable genetic code, which was how Dr. Tenenbaum was able to make plasmids out of their genetic material.
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After completing his Quadtych, it is ultimately up to the player if they wish to kill him or not and the reason why we didn't see him in Bioshock 2 is because Subject Delta didn't go anywhere near Fort Frolic thus never meeting up with the still alive Cohen.
** On the other hand, Sofia may have killed him and used his Adam in her [[Assimilation Plot]]. In fact, that might explain why Alex the Great wound up so horribly wrong.
== Sander Cohen ''was'' killed by Jack, but was revived by a Vita-Chamber ==
During the events of Bioshock 1, the Vita-Chambers would only revive someone with Andrew Ryan's genetic code. However, consider the following three factors:
1. Sander Cohen is a powerful Houdini Splicer, whose ability to teleport and throw fireballs allow him to travel quickly and safely throughout the city.
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== Tenenbaum has been using extremely powerful prototype plasmids for a while now to keep herself alive in Rapture, and she's still sane because she implanted herself with an experimental ADAM slug. ==
It may be far-fetched, but let's consider the evidence- one, surviving in Rapture for the events of both Bioshock 1 and Bioshock 2 takes a lot out of a person and this troper thinks it highly unlikely that most people could make it without plasmid assistance.
Two, Frank Fontaine himself highlights this by saying, "If you survive World War II and Rapture without so much as a scratch, you got more than leprechauns watching over you."
Three, Tenenbaum was one of the few people there in Rapture practically since the beginning. Since she had the authority to start up the Little Sister program and all that, it's not unlikely she was able to develop certain abilities in the field of plasmids, for survival's sake. A person with her authority should have no trouble getting her hands on, say, a plasmid that makes your body indestructible or a plasmid that psychically repels Splicers.
The bit about the ADAM slug is also possible because Tenenbaum practically made the Little Sisters herself, and if anyone would know how to implant those slugs into someone who's not a Little Sister, it's her. As for why, it's revealed in the sequel that people with Little Sister ADAM slugs and the like, such as {{spoiler|Eleanor Lamb}} are immune to the effects of Splicing, and by dabbling in some forbidden science, which is within her ken, naturally, Tenenbaum is able to remain immune to the effects of plasmid use while being able to stay alive in a nightmarish place like Rapture.
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== Subject Delta is Eleanor's literal father. ==
We are never told who Eleanor's father was, only that Sophia seemed to have no time for romance after arriving at Rapture. Subject Delta, in his persona as Johnny Topside, came to Rapture for as yet undisclosed reasons. [[Word of God]] said that Subject Delta's past was supposed to heavily parallel with Mark Metzer's. Eleanor also seems to regard subject Delta as her true father. With this in mind - we can connect the dots. Delta is Sophia's estranged husband. After the Lambs vanished to Rapture, he, like Metzer, searched the world for his daughter, eventually discovering Rapture and becoming a key player in the civil war. He, like Metzer, was also turned into his own daughter's Big Daddy.
** Halfway Jossed. There's an Eleanor-Vision that was removed from the final game showing this, but the developers didn't want Subject Delta's backstory to get too developed.
== The Third Bioshock game will be about Tenebaum ==
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== The endings in Bioshock 1 branch off into different storylines. ==
For the good ending, Jack and his Little Sister pals live long lives and Bioshock 2 happens. But with the bad ending, Jack launches the sub's nuclear missiles, that hit both China and the USA, making them think that the war between them had begun. With this war, both nations fire their entire nuclear stockpile, bathing the world in nuclear fire. A few Splicers remain, and they become Feral Ghouls, mainly Glowing Ones and Reavers.
** China didn't gain nuclear weapons technology until 1964, four years after the game and the bad ending take place.
*** More damning, in Fallout the bombs fly on October 23rd 2077.
** Soviet maybe?
== Jack has an ADAM slug. ==
Little girls are the only subjects that can be implanted with slugs to successfully yield up to thirty times the amount of ADAM and gain super healing. It's never stated why other hosts wouldn't be "viable". Perhaps they merely didn't multiply the ADAM output. Jack was implanted with a slug that produces ADAM at an almost worthless rate. The ADAM built up in his body during his entire year on the surface was all blown on Electroshock. However, caffeine and nicotine can cause it to generate Eve. More importantly, even though his cells couldn't regenerate like the Little Sisters, they gained the immunity to the symptoms of splicing that the Sisters have, leaving him free to splice at his leisure without fear of insanity or mutation. This was Fontaine's insurance policy against Jack's plasmid-induced super aging driving him insane while on the surface. If you like, this slug also slowly grew back his vocal chords after the Big Daddy conversion, thus undoing the major continuity error of every postgame fanfic ever.
== Rapture is developing a sustainable food chain consisting entirely of ADAM. ==
Little Sisters take in the old ADAM, serving as scavengers and decomposers. It's entirely possible that they can subsist entirely on this. Their waste product (recycled ADAM) is distributed among Big Daddies (just because only the Alpha series gets properly weaponized plasmids doesn't mean they're not all heavily altered) and possibly used by whoever's in charge (Ryan or Lamb or whoever) to bribe splicers. Splicers and occasionally Big Daddies and Little Sisters become food for larger, tougher splicers. Big Sisters are the top predators. Incidentally, they make a lot of sense viewed from this perspective. The "increased aggressiveness" of older Little Sisters was just them getting hungrier, as pubescent kids do, and beginning to see the splicers as Happy Meals with legs. They don't care about keeping ADAM in the food chain (like lions don't care about making food for dung beetles) or protecting the Little Sisters (at the very least, it's not a primary objective). They attacked Delta because he was a delicious four-course meal. Then the Big Sisters throw up ADAM for whoever's holding their leashes, the ADAM is given to splicers who start killing each other over it, and the cycle begins anew. For all we know, none of them even need food. Delta's gluttony aside, it's hard to see how Big Daddies would eat. The only necessary inputs are more people because I refuse to accept the possibility that splicers aren't sterile.
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== If there is a Bioshock 3, the player character will be [[Dating What Daddy Hates|Billy]]. ==
Having somehow survived the flooding of Dionysus Park, Billy will grow up to be a jaded splicer, who does a [[Heel Face Turn]] after seeing his childhood crush alive and well... but as a big sister.
== The telekinesis plasmid works by sonic manipulation. ==
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'''Alice:''' ''How do you know I'm mad?''
'''Chesire Cat:''' ''You must be, or you wouldn't have come here.'' }}
And then, as Rapture is basically on its last knees, the US Government and Soviet agents show up to crash the "tea party" [[Call Back|just as Ryan always feared.]] Which is when Lutwidge's [[Xanatos Gambit]] is revealed, {{spoiler|he ''wanted'' them to find Rapture and eventually had outside contacts clue them off. And using superpowered splicers loyal to him he plans to take both invading forces out and seize their vessels and resources to "bring the party to the surface" and make the bad ending of the original Bioshock a reality.}}
* This is the best Bioshock 3 idea ever
** You win TV Tropes!
== Johnny Topside, a.k.a. Subject Delta, was the inspiration for the creation of Big Daddies. ==
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== Andrew Ryan was right! ==
At first. Rapture fell apart because he betrayed his own Objectivist principles and became mad with power, cutting off trade with the surface, not letting people leave, banning religion and placing belief in the "Great Chain" in its place (which Lamb pointed out in one of their debates, was essentially a faith in itself), and generally running the show like a despotic dictator. He could have found a way to preserve trade with the surface without giving away the location of his city, he could have let people practice their religion privately, or else leave if they felt their were being oppressed.
== Ryan was splicing, and that is why he went crazy and betrayed his principles ==
First off, sorry if this has been said already. Ryan merely appeared healthy and normal because he could afford the highest-quality plasmids and tonics, and probably tested them thoroughly (on inmates of Persephone, most likely) to make sure they didn't cause immediate disfigurement or noticeable insanity. But the brain-and genetics-are both delicate, tricky things, and just because a plasmid didn't immediately make the user catatonic or frothing at the mouth crazy doesn't mean that it couldn't have subtler, long-term effects, such as making the user increasing paranoid.
== Rapture is powered by the BP oil spill. ==
...Give me one good reason it isn't.
* Rapture was built in the 40s, experienced a great amount of decay and destruction through the late 50s and 60s, and is located a ways east of Greenland.
** Timey Wimey Ball. With portals.
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== All the "Shock" games have elemental and extremist motifs - meaning that Levine's future projects can be predicted. ==
[[System Shock]] takes place in a [[Crystal Spires and Togas|space city]] where [[The Singularity]] causes a disaster, Bioshock takes place in an [[Atlantis|underwater city]] where Objectivism causes a disaster, [[Bio ShockBioShock Infinite]] takes place in a [[Fluffy Cloud Heaven|flying city]] where ultranationalism causes a disaster. Ken Levine's next project will be either a crossover with Fallout taking place in a giant underground vault or a some kind of geothermal city planted in a volcano where where either a [[Government Conspiracy]] causes a disaster, or an [[Animal Wrongs Group]] causes a disaster. His general theme seems to be "extremism is bad", so everybody will eventually get a turn. But given how much venom he put into his anti-transhumanism and anti-capitalism tracts, the ultranats better get hit hard.
== [[Team Fortress 2|Medic]] is Tenenbaum's brother ==