BioShock (series)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Anti-Hero]]: [[Sliding Scale of Anti-Heroes|Type III]] mostly, as the player will probably kill many splicers in a [[Video Game Cruelty Potential|most painful way]] (but [[What Measure Is a Mook?]]). If you choose to harvest little sisters, Type V. Of course, when he harvests ''all'' of them, he'll no longer be an Anti-Hero, but [[Complete Monster|worse]] [[Face Heel Turn|than]] [[Villain Protagonist|that]].
* [[AFGNCAAP]]: As the [[Player Character]], naturally.
* [[Badass Normal]] (He begins the game as this, then becomes more of a [[Badass Abnormal]] as he becomes more and more spliced. {{spoiler|And ends up partially becoming a Big Daddy, to boot.}})
* [[Bee-Bee Gun]] His insect swarm plasmid.
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* [[Hypocrite]]: And how! He acts like a stereotypical tyrant once things stop going his way, but it's okay as long as he [[Completely Missing the Point|technically doesn't pass any laws]].
* [[Lack of Empathy]] / [[The Unfettered]]: He sees ''nothing'' wrong with {{spoiler|murdering a woman in cold blood for selling his unborn child}} or with {{spoiler|gassing a scientist who was trying to save Acadia from his poisons}}, or with {{spoiler|decorating the entrance hall to his office with the grimly mutilated corpses of his would-be assassins}}.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: Not only does his name contain all the letters to spell out [[Ayn Rand]], you can also get the joke by transposing the first letter of his last name- Rand[rew], Yan (pronounced the same as Ayn).
* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: [[Ayn Rand|Immigrant from Communist Russia, develops a fiercely individualistic philosophy promoting self-interest, dreams of building a hidden libertarian utopia where men of ability and independence can live free from the predation of government and moochers...]]
* [[Older Than They Look]]: According to the [ Bioshock wiki] Ryan was born in 1892, which would make him 67 or 68 at the time of the first game. From his pictures on the audio diaries he looks like a healthy man in his mid-forties, and while he seems older when you meet him at the end, he certainly doesn't look nearly 70.
** Justified. In Rapture, you will often see ads for a gene tonic that makes you look 'twenty years younger!' Apparently they actually work.
* [[Screw the Rules, I Have Money]]: That, plus power and influence, seems to do more of the talking in his life even after he set up the societal rules of Rapture and ended up breaking them when Fontaine and Atlas proved to be formidable enemies.
* [[Self-Made Man]]
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* [[The Atoner]]
* [[For Science!]]: Her initial outlook on her work, even to the point of collaborating with her Nazi captors.
* [[Germanic Depressives]] (A rather justified case)
* [[Grandma, What Massive Hotness You Have!]]
* [[Hot Scientist]]
* [[Heel Realization]]: One day she got a good look at a Little Sister and felt hatred like she never felt before, and not towards the children.
* [[Les Collaborateurs]]: Despite her Jewish heritage, her [[For Science!|love of science]] led her to become an aide to the Nazi scientists of Auschwitz.)
* {{spoiler|[[Mission Control]] (After [[The Reveal]] in the first game)}}
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: The first twenty minutes of [[BioshockBioShock (series)]] 2 imply she'll have as large a role as she did in the first game, then after meeting up with her, she flees from Lamb, sending Delta off to Sinclair {{spoiler|She came back in the Minerva's Den DLC}}
=== Frank Fontaine ===
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** He mentions {{spoiler|having spent six months as a [[Master of Disguise|chinaman]] once}}.
* [[Consummate Liar]]: There is no doubt that Fontaine is a lying bastard from beginning to end.
* {{spoiler|[[Dead Person Impersonation]]: [[BioShock: Rapture|Bio Shock Rapture]] reveals that he murdered and stole the identity of the real Frank Fontaine in order to take over Fontaine Fisheries and gain access to Rapture. While his real name is in fact Frank, his real last name is unknown (and it's stated that only a handful of people in the world know it)}}
* [[Drunk on the Dark Side]]: {{spoiler|After overdoing a self-defensive splicing.}}
* [[Diabolical Mastermind]]: He eventually gains a lot of power within Rapture, even rivaling Andrew Ryan's, because "he's got the [[Psycho Serum|ADAM]], and that makes him the guv'nor".
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* {{spoiler|[[Faking the Dead]]}}
* [[Functional Addict]]: {{spoiler|Prior to the boss battle, Fontaine has clearly been using ADAM, but only enough of it to survive the dangers of Rapture. Unfortunately, when Jack corners him, Fontaine splices up with all the ADAM he's been able to gather, driving himself mad in the process.}}
* {{spoiler|[[Hoist by His Own Petard]]: He had Jack created to kill Andrew Ryan... only for Jack to turn on him when Fontaine showed his hand and tried to kill him. He was also partly responsible for creating the Little Sisters, a group of whom swarm him to deliver the killing blows.}}
* {{spoiler|[[The Man Behind the Man]]}}
* {{spoiler|[[One-Winged Angel]]: He confronts you after splicing himself into a hulkish superman with multiple [[Elemental Powers|plasmids]] and more than a passing resemblance to the [[Irony|mythical Atlas]]. It's twice as ironic when you realize that in the end he's defeated by a bunch of little girls}}.
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* [[Villain Teleportation]]: As a Houdini Splicer, Cohen performs a lot of paranoia-inducing teleports.
* [[White Dwarf Starlet|White Dwarf Star]]: His reputation has already waned by the time Ryan recruits him for Rapture, with his comeback production receiving less-than-stellar reviews; Cohen, of course, talks of nothing but his "projects" and his admirers. Being the only headliner in Rapture helps get him to prominence again.
* [[Wicked Cultured]]: Yes, it's true that most of his sculptures and poems range from crap to utterly mad, but there's no denying that he's also a very talented composer.
=== Dr. J.S. Steinman ===
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{{quote|''"We all come down here, figured we'd all be part of Ryan's Great Chain. Turns out Ryan's chain is made of gold, and ours are the sort with the big iron ball around your ankle."''}}
Initially just a worker in Neptune's Bounty fisheries, Peach was drawn into becoming the leader of Fontaine's smuggling ring. As Fontaine started to take advantage of his employees and the Rapture Death Penalty was introduced, he found himself trapped between a rock and a hard place. He became paranoid and reclusive, refusing to believe Fontaine was really dead.
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=== Subject Delta ===
The protagonist of ''[[BioshockBioShock (series)]] 2'' and the [[Player Character]], a [[Super Prototype]] Big Daddy.
* [[Can't Live Without You]]: As an Alpha Series Big Daddy, Delta will either lapse into a coma or die unless he is reunited with Eleanor soon.
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* [[Super Prototype]]: He moves faster than the Big Daddies in Bioshock 1, and can use plasmids. Dr. Suchong also [[Lampshade Hanging|mentions]] that it's superior to what is to come, but they had to [[Nerf]] the following versions to the point of [[Lowered Monster Difficulty|"mediocrity"]], mostly because they would be too [[Hoist by His Own Petard|dangerously]] overpowered.
* [[This Is a Drill]]
* [[Was Once a Man]]: Apparently, he was known as {{spoiler|Johnny Topside, a deep-sea explorer who found Rapture whilst exploring the sea-bed}}. At least that's what Stanley says.
=== Dr. Sofia Lamb ===
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{{quote|''"Until ADAM, the human animal was a slave to the gene... the inner Tyrant. Lust... greed... rage; self obsession was etched into our DNA. We were not pulling the 'Great Chain of progress,' as Ryan believed - but shackled to it. But now, in theory, we can redraft the human blueprint. Serving the common interest can become as natural as breathing."''}}
The [[Big Bad]] of [[BioshockBioShock (series)]] 2. ''[[Doctor Who]]'' fans [[Hey, It's That Guy!|may recognize her as]] [[Agatha Christie]], played by Fenella Woolgar. An idealist as obsessive as Ryan, but with a philosophy that's diametrically opposite. She believes in absolute collectivism, denouncing individuality and. indeed, sentience as a curse. She plans to use her daughter Eleanor to set the foundations for Utopia, [[Utopia Justifies the Means|whatever it takes]].
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** [[Non-Action Big Bad]]
* [[Berserk Button]]: {{spoiler|She couldn't stand Eleanor rejecting her ideology and went to increasingly erratic and extreme lengths to stop Subject Delta. Finally she smothers Eleanor in a last ditch attempt to stop Delta; she had no way of knowing this wouldn't kill Eleanor as well, but it's quite clear she didn't care}}.
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: Despite her calm demeanor and utopian views, she is [[The Sociopath|clearly a cold-hearted sociopath at heart]], ruling Rapture with an iron fist.
* {{spoiler|[[Break the Haughty]]: Suffers from this in the semi-good ending of the game, especially when Eleanor makes it clear that she only saved Sophia's life to make sure that she'd go on living in the knowledge that her Utopia had failed and her daughter had betrayed her.}}
* [[Blondes Are Evil]]
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* [[Evil Matriarch]]: Is she ever! It's clear from the opening cutscene that she possesses no love for Eleanor as a human being, only possessiveness.
* [[The Evils of Free Will]]: She believes that individuality is the root of all evil.
* [[Four Eyes, Zero Soul]]
* [[Freudian Excuse]]: In the form of her strict upbringing as a psychiatrist following in her father's footsteps, and in the form of her volunteer work in post-bomb Hiroshima.
* [[Foil]]: Her collectivist outlook makes her one to Andrew Ryan.
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* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]: Not only did he mastermind Rapture's security systems, but {{spoiler|after his mutation began}} he also modified the branches of it around Fontaine Futuristics to provide help to anyone answering his [[Distress Call]]. After {{spoiler|his mutation drove him insane}}, he also equipped numerous security drones with monitors and speakers to carry his voice and face- part of it, at least- to his "employees."
* [[Kick the Dog]]: {{spoiler|In one of his earliest scenes, Alex the Great has his modified security drone electrocute a pair of terrified splicers.}}
* [[Large Ham]]: In every single audio diary in the game, he's heard speaking as quietly and carefully as possible, so it's a bit of a shock to hear him start hamming it up {{spoiler|as Alex the Great, chewing the scenery to a pulp and spitting it at Delta.}}
* [[Mad Scientist]]: As one of Rapture's scientific elite, this is a given.
* {{spoiler|[[The Man Behind the Curtain]]: When Delta finally meets Dr. Alexander's horribly mutated self, he's not much of a threat without the splicers he employs; true, he may be a gigantic monster with the combined powers of hundreds of different splicers implanted into his body, but his reliance on his tank prevents him from physically attacking, and the bright light means that he can't even see Delta clearly enough to fight back in any other way.}}
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=== Subject Sigma ===
The protagonist of [[BioshockBioShock (series)]] 2 DLC Minerva's Den and the [[Player Character]], another [[Super Prototype]] Big Daddy.
* [[Elemental Powers]]: same as two previous protagonists
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* [[This Is a Drill]]
* [[Tomato in the Mirror]]: Inverted. {{spoiler|It is revealed at the end of Minerva's Den that Subject Sigma is C.M. Porter; C.M. Porter who has been assisting him turns out to be The Thinker.}}
* [[Tragic Monster]]: {{spoiler|Subverted in the end where he is back to an unspliced state.}}
=== Reed Wahl ===
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* [[The Insomniac]]: Type C- it's driven him even ''further'' into insanity,
* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: "I splice up strong, fast, tall. Why can't I splice up ''normal?!"''
* [[Madness Mantra]]: "I hear 'em when I'm asleep... when I'm awake... when I'm asleep, when I'm awake, when I'm asleep, when I'm awake, when I'm asleep, when I'm awake, when I'm asleep when I'm awakewhenimasleepwhenimawake ARRRRGGHHH!"
* [[Manufacturing Victims]]: Apparently, as a very devout member of the Rapture Family, he's hopelessly addicted to Sofia Lamb's therapy.
* [[Nervous Wreck]]
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* [[Dr. Jerk]]
* [[Dressed to Heal]]
* [[Expy]]: Of the William S. Burroughs character Dr. Benway, possibly.
* [[Kryptonite Is Everywhere]]: Taken to ludricrous levels with his rampant germophobia:
{{quote|"There's semen on everything! ''EVERYTHING!''}}