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* The fake Kraid in ''[[Super Metroid]]''. Kraid was the hardest boss in the first Metroid, in Super there is an enemy that looks just like him but isn't challenging at all. Even the proper boss in that game is a warm up boss.
** The Elite Pirates from the first ''[[Metroid Prime]]'' game were stupidly easier than the Troopers, or even the regular Pirates. Thermal Visor, lock onto the cannon on their shoulder, fire a Super Missile...splat. Usually dead before they get an attack in. Even if they survive the cannon exploding right against their neck, their only real attack at that point is a shockwave along the ground, which you basically have to have your arms fall off at that exact moment not to be able to jump over.
* The Giant Smiles in ''[[Killer 7Killer7]]'' can be considered these, since despite being somewhat annoying, they can be easily dispatched by walking up to them to set them off, then running away and watching as they very slowly topple over and explode.
* ''[[Star Control]] 2''. Just after refueling the Starbase, a big and scary Ilwrath battleship confronts you... with only a skeleton crew and a malfunctioning cloaking device. It's what passed for a ship-to-ship combat tutorial in 1992.
* In ''[[Batman: Arkham Asylum]]'', the first Titan mutant you face is all huge, ugly, super-strong and invincible. {{spoiler|He dies after a minute by himself due to imperfections in his mutation process.}}
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== MMO ==
* In [[EveEVE Online]], frigates (the smallest combat ships in the game) are often used against battleships (the largest non-capital combat ships in the game) with great efficiency. The battleships guns are unable to track and hit the small, fast frigates and end up doing no damage most of the time. Mind you - should you stop just for a few seconds, you'll be torn apart very quickly - battleships with low refire guns are often quite capable of taking an immobile frigate in a single volley. In fact, when in a gang, frigates are often used as "tacklers" - to stop the enemy from fleeing. It's not that uncommon to have a single frigate prevent a capital ship from jumping away for long enough to get reinforced by a friendly fleet. This means that your friend who just created an account can be ready for battle in just a few days - flying the "weakest" ship with great efficiency. Also, comparing the price of a frigate and battleship...
** "My ship costs less than your ammunition. My modules were all picked off of rats. I don't even think my weapons are loaded. And I'm about to ''[[Something Awful|ruin your life]]''."
* In [[Air Rivals]], a lvl 19 BCU mission requires you to beat a lvl 65 boss in an early map. This troper, who were ANI for all his gaming experience, knew how hard that boss is, and trying to do that mission on a BCU gear he went like OMGWTFBBQ, until he killed the thing with [[One-Hit-Point Wonder|ONE. FREAKING. SHOT.]] Turns out that's a dud boss, done for the mission, much weaker than the real one (although the real one spawns right after the fake one is defeated, so yeah, you can still be doomed.
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