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{{quote|''"[[Gratuitous Rap|You know there's something you should know, so I'm gonna tell you so!]] [[Ass Pull|Don't sweat it!]] [[Brain Bleach|Forget it!]] [[Big Lipped Alligator Moment|Enjoy the show!]]"''|Fritz, opening [[That Reminds Me of a Song|the "Party Time" number]]}}
''Titanic: The Legend Goes On'' -- also known as ''Titanic: The Animated Movie'' or ''Titanic: The Animated Musical'' -- is an animated film written and directed by Italian director Camillo Teti. The film follows the adventures of a [[Cinderella (Disney film)|Cinderella]] [[Captain Ersatz]] named Angelica, who boards the Titanic with her wicked stepmother and her stepsisters. In a role-reversal of the romance from the better known [[James Cameron]] [[Titanic|film]], the poor girl falls in love with a rich young man ([[Contrived Coincidence|whose nanny happens to be]] Angelica's long-lost real mother).
Accompanying them on the voyage are a [[An American Tail|family of immigrant mice]], a [[101 Dalmatians|Cruella de Vil]] lookalike and her Cockney henchmen, a detective who dresses like [[Sherlock Holmes]], a trio of Mexican mice, and a rapping dog. [[Random Events Plot|You will not be able to follow what they're doing or why they're doing it]]. Then again, you probably wouldn't ''want'' to.
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* [[Aluminium Christmas Trees]]: May have been one for the producers of this film. The Titanic was real, guys!
* [[Anachronism Stew]]: The rapping dog. Just... the rapping dog...
* [[Award Bait Song]]: Like the movie it's ripping off, it attempts to have a soulful love ballad, even played over the requisite ballroom scene.
* [[Broken Record]]: In uncut version, some lines indeed sound like a broken record. Some sentences seem to somehow start mid-word and out of nowhere.
** "Can't go through this way. Don't force me to resort to violence! You can't go through this way. Don't force me to resort to violence! Don't force me to resort to violence. Can't go through this way."
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** It's also implied that the gold digger Winnie and Jeremy McFlannel die as well. They are last seen on the boat, willing to stay with each other to the end, and aren't mentioned in the epilogue.
** Funnily enough, the part about the singer dying on Titanic due to being busy singing may in fact be some sort of reference to how the orchestra decided to stay behind on the ship and play one last tune of "Nearer My God To Thee". No word on whether attractive singers were part of the group, though.
* [[Fan Disservice]]: The stepsisters in their underpants.
* [[Four Lines, All Waiting]]: We've got the thieves, the love story, the detective, the mice, the bankrupt banker and the search for the mother. Oh, and the boat thing.
** Dubiously justified in that the movie makers seemed to want to concentrate more on the lives of the passengers, taking it for granted that the viewers would already know about the iceberg thing.
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* [[Heroic Dolphin]]: The dolphins who help save people from the sinking ship
* [[I Was Quite a Looker]]: Victoria claims to be this, explaining why she'd have a party dress in Angelica's size. We never actually see evidence of this, though.
** And of course this brings up some major [[Fridge Logic]]: why would Victoria, who looks to be quite elderly, have a dress from her youth (presumably the 1880s) that's very much in keeping with 1912 styles?
* [[Kick the Dog]]: One of the wicked stepsisters intentionally drops a cup and the stepmother orders the young heroine to clean it up, calling her "clumsy" in the process.
* [[Large Ham]]: The voice actress who does the voice of Meanstreak when she goes "IT'S A FAAAAKE!"
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* [[Lip Lock]]: The English dub is rather poor.
* [[Love At First Sight]]: One of the most extreme examples.
* [[Male Gaze]]: Oh yes, that's a very pretty necklace you're wearing ma'am. Oh, nice tits too.
* [[Misplaced Wildlife]]: Dolphins in the north Atlantic? Really?
** While certain species of dolphins, including the bottlenose, have a range that spans virtually the entire Atlantic, there are no reports of dolphins arriving after the sinking.
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* [[Very Loosely Based on a True Story]]: and we do mean ''very''.
* [[Viewers Are Goldfish]]: Yes, thank you movie; we already know what happened less than three minutes ago.
* [[Vocal Dissonance]]: You'd expect the [[Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs (Disney film)|Dopey-esque]] bellhop to have a silly-sounding voice, but no. He speaks with a perfectly normal-sounding one instead.
* [[What the Hell Is That Accent?]]: The littlest mouse. Supposedly meant to be Swedish.
* [[Where Are They Now? Epilogue]]: [[Lampshaded]] by the youngest of the mouse family at the very end of the film.
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