The Lord of the Rings (film): Difference between revisions

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* [[This Is Sparta]]: '''''"You! Shall Not! Pass!"'''''. Then the bridge practically broke in half.
* [[Throwing Your Shield Always Works]]: Lurtz throws his shield at Aragorn during the skirmish at Amon Hen, pinning him to a tree. Aragorn gets free of the shield just in time to dodge another attack.
* [[Throw It In]]: Viggo Mortenson couldn't get the cry of grief and anger right at the scene when the trio think Merry and Pippin were killed. One shot he kicked a helmet and broke his toe. The scream actually fit the mood perfectly, and was used in the final cut.
** In a scene at the beginning of the first movie, when Gandalf visits Bilbo at Bag End, [[Ian McKellen]] inadvertently bumps his head against a wooden beam in the low ceiling. Although unintentional, the actor managed to make the little accident look perfectly natural and [[Rule of Funny|very funny]], and so it was kept in the final cut.
*** And then in Helm's Deep, the army of orcs stomping their feet and weapons before battle was entirely unscripted. It all happened because one of the actors playing the orcs got bored and began stomping his feet and weapons. Then other orc-actors took notice and began to do the same thing. Before long, they all did it, which led to Peter Jackson throwing it in.
** According the the wiki, the scene where Aragorn deflects Lurtz's thrown knife was an accident. Lurtz was apparently scripted to miss, but the actor accidentally threw the knife right at Viggo, who managed to [[Badass|deflect it with his sword.]]
*** That whole fight scene is an instance of this trope. That headbutt? Completely real. Aragorn getting punched in the ribs? That punch wasn't pulled. Aside from any stab wounds incurred, Lawrence Makaore and Viggo Mortensen were actually beating the crap out of each other. It was mainly because the make-up Makaore was wearing obscured his vision, and the punches that were supposed to be pulled ended up actually connecting. Mortensen just figured that it would be best if he just fought back just as hard rather than yelling cut.
* [[Title Drop]]: In every single film.
** -> "You shall be '''the Fellowship of the Ring'''."