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Draco in Leather Pants/Western Animation: Difference between revisions

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* The Brotherhood of Mutants in ''[[X-Men: Evolution]]''. Though they were portrayed somewhat sympathetically, and shown at times to be manipulated, they still were jerks that often caused lots of trouble. Their numerous fangirls usually defend anything [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold|Lance]], [[White-Haired Pretty Boy|Pietro]], and [[The Woobie|Toad]] do and consider the X-Men to be the real villains. The most egregious example is Pietro. While Lance and Toad showed they have some good in them, Pietro was a borderline sociopath who had little concern for anyone but himself.
** A possibly more rational alternative is the sentiment of fans who would rather ''be in'' the Brotherhood (assuming they were mutants, of course). A standard element to the plot of most X-Men adaptations is that any mutant who wants to use his powers for good is going to face an uphill battle, because much of humanity will hate him regardless. The Brotherhood thus can be seen as the way for people to abide by [[The Caligula|Caligula's philosophy]]--if you're going to be hated no matter what you do; the least you can do is become feared. The Brotherhood at least stick up for each other, and would almost certainly help a member get revenge on anyone who persecuted him.
*** There's also the general sentiment in much of Marvel fandom that the Jerkassness of the general population has reached such a height that its honestly hard to remember why Magneto is supposed to be the villain, seeing as how humanity seems bound and determined to prove him right on every substantial point.
** Avalanche himself is an enigma, similar to Terra from ''Teen Titans'', in that while the comics version of the character was indeed an asshole, the show version was an [[Anti-Villain]], and ends up getting both Leather Pantsed and [[Ron the Death Eater|Deatheatered]]. It's virtually impossible to find a fanfiction these days where he isn't either a [[Possession Sue|saint]] or a [[Complete Monster]], and anyone who dares to even try to take middle ground will be torn apart for 'bashing' or 'purifying' them. Some people refuse to see any good in him, and others refuse to see any flaws in him, and trying to do both [[Unpleasable Fanbase|is dangerous to your sanity.]] It doesn't help that some of the show's writers fall to this as well, [[Depending on the Writer|as some episodes make it hard to believe he destroyed a school, and others make it hard to believe he stopped that explosion.]]
* Sideshow Bob from ''[[The Simpsons]]''. While his [[Wicked Cultured|intelligence]], menacing aura, and highbrow/[[Deadpan Snarker]] attitude, combined with the perpetual clown-like mishaps to which he's subjected, make him a cool and funny villain, there is a considerable fanbase determined to overlook the fact that his life pretty much revolves around murdering Bart and those who stand in the way of his murdering Bart, instead making him into an angster hiding his suffering under an antisocial exterior. Extra annoying in that they overlook the canonical explanation for any angst (his being Krusty the Klown's [[Butt Monkey]] for years), instead giving him a depressingly cliched tragic backstory.
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