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In the end, what makes a "Stop Having Fun!" Guy isn't the rule-setting; it's the attitude. While regular competitive/tournament players simply like playing to win, the Stop Having Fun Guy believes that this is the ''only'' right way to play the game.
The SHFG is a specific subspecies of [[Fan Hater|Fan Haters]]s, who dislike/condescend to "casual" gamers who don't play the same way they do. It also overlaps with [[Complacent Gaming Syndrome]], where the players use only one or two characters/strategies/levels to make winning easier.
See also: [[Scrub]], [[Serious Business]], [[Fan Dumb]] and [[Internet Backdraft]]. The larval form of the SHFG is the [[Munchkin]]. See [[It's Easy, So It Sucks]] for the mentality that sometimes results from the single-player form of this.
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* [http://xkcd.com/359/ This ''xkcd'' strip] is the [[Trope Namer]].
* Destructoid's ''[http://www.destructoid.com/ten-golden-rules-of-online-gaming-64474.phtml Ten Golden Rules of Online Gaming]'' is a satirical how-to guide on becoming the stereotypical online gamer, including many elements of the SHFG and/or [[Scrub]] mentality.
* Several years back, a former tournament-level player called David Sirlin, who's now working for [[Capcom]], wrote an article called "[http://www.sirlin.net/articles/playing-to-win-part-1.html Playing To Win]", which contrasted [[Scrub]]s and [[Tournament Play]]ers with little middle ground. The article made some good points, but the tone made it the poster-child of [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]] for years. More recently, he followed it up with [http://www.sirlin.net/articles/playing-to-win-part-3-not-playing-to-win.html "Not Playing To Win"], a limited defense of casual play.
* Expect to receive grief for even ''lagging'' in online video games. How ''dare'' you not pay for the most expensive internet connection, even if it isn't available where you live, and how ''dare'' you be using a wireless network that's prone to going on the fritz or randomly burping? There is ''no'' excuse for not having the best internet out there!
* Do you play on anything that isn't part of the glorious PC Master Race? Well, you're wrong, and a terrible person for having fun that way.
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* The biggest, and perhaps most [[Memetic Mutation|goofy]] of all fighting games' SHFG goes to the ''entire'' [[Super Smash Bros]] series. Despite all the ways that this game can be played on both the goofball mess fests and serious 1 on 1 duels, a lot of the serious players seem to heavily focus on the Tournament Level, which focuses on not using items and playing very static stages. While there is nothing wrong with this style of play, it isn't how everyone likes to play, per se. None the less, a quick stop to any Smash Forum [[Internet Backdraft|and asking up the idea of "how do you play" is not really a good idea...]] This is lovingly [http://legendaryfrog.deviantart.com/art/Hardcorez-75608753 drawn out in this LegendaryFrog comic]. The Tournament scene is arguably more well known for its Hatedom than anything else. Despite this, it's hard to find Brawl games that ''do'' allow items and break the [[Abridged Arena Array]].
* In ''[[Street Fighter II]]'' series, you'll have those who sneer at players who chose [[Ryu and Ken]], because Akuma (who is banned in most tournaments) is "[[Game Breaker|So much better]]."
* Inverted by players who prefer "old" Sagat ([[Character Tiers|also extremely good]]) over Akuma, since Akuma is banned in tournaments -- andtournaments—and that means that many people don't find it "useful" to practice [[Serious Business|against a character you aren't going to play against in tournaments anyways.]]
* ''[[Guilty Gear]]'' fans will often scoff at you for not knowing basic blockstrings and combos, even though many of what they term "basic" require a fair amount of practice (ideally on a home system) to get down pat.
* You're a [[Scrub]] if your Ranked Match team in ''[[Marvel vs. Capcom 2]]'' consists of anything but [[Game Breaker|Captain Commando, Psylocke, Cyclops, Cable, Magneto, Storm, or Sentinel]]. Now that the game has been released for [[Xbox 360|Xbox Live]], don't you dare complain about seeing the same five or six characters over and over.
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* Go to the general board of any ''[[Pokémon]]'' game in [[Game FAQs]], and ask for advice on which moves you should teach to your freshly caught favourite. There will always be someone who will (a) tell you that this pokémon is not suited for competitive use, and point towards better pokémon who outdoes yours in every possible aspect, (b) a variation on the first, suggesting an ineffective moveset because your pokémon does not deserve the good TMs, or (c) copy-paste a Smogon moveset, even if it involves chainbreeding.
*** Smogon movesets in particular are rather useless for normal play - the average Smogon moveset requires not only chainbreeding, but also pulling the Pokemon up to 100, EV and IV training every stat from the bottom, and using one-use, hard-to-find items. Also notably, most tiers in the game are based on the rest of the [[metagame]], and only one Gym Leader in any game (Roark's Geodude and Onix in D/P/P, which he puts aside for the rematch) uses [[Game Breaker|Stealth Rock.]] At this point, they aren't even for cartridge play. A lot of them involve giving the pokemon in question a specific Hidden power type, which is impossible in the actual games. They're all really only meant for Shoddy Battle, Smogon's Gen IV battle sim. This in turn means that they totally ignore the idea that some players don't do competitive battles or like to keep things simple.
** It isn't just [[Game FAQs]]. Pretty much anywhere the ''[[Pokémon]]'' fandom hangs out you will find ''really'' obnoxious [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]]. There may be more than even ''[[Super Smash Bros|Smash Bros.]]'' Wi-fi and [[YouTube]] videos are dominated by them, so much that you can't find a casual battle anywhere unless you play with friends. And the worst of all is Smogon. Whatever you do, don't go to Smogon if you're a casual player.
** In fact, pretty much the entire competitive ''Pokémon'' community is the epitome of this trope. If you’re one of the poor fools who ''dares'' to raise your Pokémon without <s>horribly and cruelly abusing/biologically mutating</s> EV Training them, you are going to be called a [[Scrub]] and be publicly humiliated. And if you even think about ''thinking about'' mentioning that it’s actually a physical possibility to play the game without regard to the endless amounts of soulless numbers and statistics, prepare to be mercilessly flamed until absolutely nothing is left of you.
** Heck, just having the "wrong" ''moveset'' can cause the [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]] to look down upon you. And to put it further, having the wrong nature, stats, and whatnot is also frowned upon.
*** Speaking of "correct" teams and moves: one war story has the teller losing five widely-used competitive Pokemon before sweeping with one normally ranked in the second-lowest tier, to the complete surprise of both players. The hilarity is best appreciated in [http://www.serebiiforums.com/showthread.php?t=437618 the original thread] (complete with chat-log).
** Do ''not'' mention you use "Uber" Pokemon. At all. Even if you're just a casual player (IE: Not very competitive) the more hardcore gamers will accuse you of using nothing more than "[[Game Breaker]]s" or "Relying too much on over-powered Pokemon to win battles". Heck, just having an "Uber" on your team and not even ''using'' it counts.
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** God know how you're supposed to advance in ''[[Suikoden|Suikoden 2]]'' then: one of the character recruitments ''requires'' a certain amount of battle retreats. SHFG's tend not to be big on logic or exemptions.
* Apparently, you're supposed to enjoy [[Level Grinding]] as well. If you don't, then you just don't know how to have fun in an RPG.
** Averted/Inverted somewhat in ''[[Final Fantasy VIII]]'' -- level—level grinding makes the game excessively harder, {{spoiler|because the enemies scale with you.}}
*** And then played straight, as actually playing the game with the Experts of ''FFVIII'' will give you a very bizarre [[Solve the Soup Cans]] kind of logic in how to "properly" play the game. Said way tends to involve either playing Card Games or trying to Card Them All! Which actually is even ''longer'' and ''more'' complicated then normal Level Grinding.
* There is only one [[Player Party|party]] setup worth using. Every other combination of characters is absolutely worthless. Unless you specify otherwise, everyone will always assume you're using that party.
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*** Actually, don't even bother admitting to playing or liking ''Fallout 3'' even if it's the ever-buggy PC version. There are many a SHFG who whines endlessly about their dislike for the game and will not allow you to enjoy it on those merits.
* When faced with a party of [[Munchkin]]s, a game of ''[[Dungeons and Dragons]]'' can turn into this very quickly. Woe to you if you happen to have a character who is not [[Min-Maxing|min-maxed]] up the arse. Even if you want to make a character who fulfils a role that the party needs, you're still a worthless maggot because you aren't multiclassing/are multiclassing/aren't using a [[Game Breaker|cleric or druid]].
** It can be a real problem in some editions if characters are at different levels of [[Min-Maxing|min/maxing]]: the game balance can be shattered. A character min/maxed by a pro and a character made by a person new to the game can have such a gap in power and survivability that anything that would be a challenge for the min/maxed character is likely to destroy the new person's character in one round. A certain amount of balance must be struck in this case where the DM either reigns in the min/maxed character or helps the new player min/max their character somewhat, or a combination thereof. What makes the [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|"Stop Having Fun!" Guy]] is he will be unwilling to either tone down his character or help the other player beef up his, instead deciding to berate and insist that his character is not the problem at all and expect everyone to play his way.
*** ''[[Exalted]]'' has a similar problem. Unless all the PCs put some effort into being combat-capable, anything that can even remotely challenge the combat-monsters will shred the non-combatants before they can blink.
* There was a time in ''[[Adventure Quest]]''<nowiki>'</nowiki>s history (before a lot of the new quests were released with scaled level versions) when they were all one difficulty. Then ''Fire War'' was released, a low-to-medium level quest against the fire mage Drakkonan. This was immediately followed by a string of level 80+ content. When people complained that they couldn't do any of the new content they were told in no uncertain terms that low-level players had been given one special event and that was enough. Some particularly [[Egregious]] arguments insinuated that even giving low-level players one event amounted to insufferable persecution of hardcore fans.
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* Honorable Mention goes to the various "real musicians" who tell players of games like ''[[Guitar Hero]]'' and ''[[Rock Band]]'' that they should stop playing video games and learn a real instrument, ignoring the fact there are no ''[[Modern Warfare]]'' fans killing passengers at airports like the infamous ''No Russian'' level, or otherwise stop playing video games and join the real CIA. Most of the time, however, these people fail to realize that these games do not just emulate playing an instrument, but the entire rock star lifestyle, which would normally be extremely improbable to obtain in real life regardless of how well one can play a real guitar.
** Harmonix have responded to these complaints by adding the more realistic Pro Mode for ''[[Rock Band|Rock Band 3]]'', in which drummers get to use additional cymbals, keyboardists get to use the entire two-octave keyboard at once, and most anticipated of all, guitarists can use a new guitar controller with six strings and over a hundred buttons on its neck to more accurately simulate guitar playing, with a proper, fully-functional six-string controller on its way. This, in turn, has bred a new kind of "Stop Having Fun!" Guy, who insists that no matter how good a guitarist this game may make you, you're still a [[Scrub]] for learning to play through a video game instead of practicing by yourself.
** Some ''actual musicians in bands'' have tried rhythm games and failed, simply because the controllers are different than actual guitars or drums, for a variety of reasons.<ref>For example, the game might represent a guitar arpeggio by having the player move up and down the neck, while a "real" guitarist would hold one chord the whole time and pluck each string in sequence. Also, an experienced musician playing a familiar song [[Damn You, Muscle Memory!|must fight his or her own muscle memory]], similar to being [[Hollywood Tone Deaf]]. In addition, lots of notes are generally left out when playing on lower difficulties, so it's also possible to fail just by playing null notes.</ref>. One such example appears in ''[[Gene Simmon's Family Jewels]]'', where KISS tries to play ''Detroit Rock City'' on ''Rock Band 2'', but fails after only a few seconds. Such encounters often leads the game's fans [[Fan Dumb|to accuse the musicians of not being able to play their instruments.]]
** Actually there are people wondering why anyone can have fun playing FPS and/or fantasy action games if the only proper way to have fun of shooting and fighting is, respectively, training at the shooting range/IPSC course or joining local medieval reenactment group.
** [[Unfortunate Implications|One wonders if, for games like]] ''[[Command and Conquer]]'', ''[[Medal of Honor]]'' and the like, [[If You're So Evil Eat This Kitten|Al Qaeda feel the same]].
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** When it comes to the safety bar, the players can be easily separated into two types: those who support their weight with it [[Challenge Gamer|to achieve the highest score]], and those who [[Self Imposed Challenge|adamantly refuse to do so]] because they think [[Scrub|it's more fun that way]]. Both groups are equally vocal and equally annoying. Some in the anti-bar camp will heckle or even outright smack the hand of any player whom they see reaching for the bar. Even if the player is trying to beat [[That One Boss|That One Song]] or play [[Harder Than Hard|Oni Mode]] (where you have to play 5+ songs in a row without breaks, and missing 4 steps out of 300+ on any one song will fail you and end your game on the spot) or Survival Mode (instead of missing 4 notes max, it becomes a [[Timed Mission]] with only accurate stepping to keep the timer alive for the most part).
** Similar but lesser hate can be directed as a player who uses speed mods or any built-in noteskins to make reading stepcharts easier, [[Wall Banger|even if some of this noteskins are default options on some of the games]]. The only possible exception is the Solo modifier on older DDR arcade releases: due to a bug, if one player chose Solo, both players had to have it on.
* For a while, the speed mod debate carried over to ''[[Guitar Hero]]''. It certainly didn't help that in all ''Guitar Hero'' games so far '''but''' ''GH5'',<ref>Yes, even ''VanHalen'', which was released after ''GH5'', if only because it ran on a pre-''GH5'' engine.</ref>, speed modifiers were filed under the cheats menu.
* The online game [http://www.jamlegend.com JamLegend]'s score system awards most experienced players a golden "P" (pro) badge. Pray you don't end up in a multiplayer match made up of pros...
** Besides that, most comments on the songs will simply consist of "FC" (Full Combo), sometimes followed up with "Too easy" or "Can't believe someone failed it". The moderator staff deleted them at first, but eventually resigned and let the SHFGs shout out their pride.
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** There are massive complaints on the forums by the very vocal minority of "Hardcore" Raiders stating how Blizzard is ruining the game by allowing Casual Gamers to acquire endgame gear with the new Random Dungeon Finder tool (which allows players to get into Pick Up Groups that have a fair chance of not sucking, and hands out endgame loot tokens for successful runs). Has everyone forgotten that ''World of Warcraft'' has always been a casual-player-targeted MMO?
** They also whined a lot during the ''Burning Crusade'' and ''Wrath of The Lich King'' major class revamps, commenting the game becoming too easy to play for noobs with little skills that can play with little or no addons. They seem to forget that even with the new changes, it still requires some skill to play classes, not to mention that players have to incorporate the new abilities and changes in their gameplay. This has continued into ''Cataclysm'', with complaints about the new information displays. These mostly consist of giving people information they weren't previously given in the game but which is vital for progression content. Their attitude is apparently that instead of being given this info, they should have to look it up on third-party sources. There is no thought or skill involved in looking up these numbers, it's simply adds to the already extensive busywork of the end-game. But apparently actually providing these fundamental stats is catering to noobs.
** The Random Dungeon Finder combined with the new gearscore attributes have caused a whole new outbreak of [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]]. It's not at all uncommon to wait some time to get a random group, only to have the tank and/or healer (the two hardest members to find) look at your gearscore and immediately declare they are "not playing with a bunch of noobs" and drop group - even if said gearscore is equivalent to raid-quality gear prior to the most recent raid dungeon updates and you are playing an easy 5-man instance. It can also lead to party leaders voting to boot other party members with "unacceptable" gear scores. An exceptionally petty action when the said low-scoring player is probably still leveling their endgame gear and they just got bumped from the chance to earn tokens to buy better gear, and by getting booted from a random dungeon party, they are now forced to re-queue. The worst bit is that the point at which a gear score stops being too low is about the same point as you don't want any of the gear from the dungeon anyway. If you actually need something from the dungeon you're running, you're not good enough.
*** It should be noted that GearScore ''is not'' an in-game attribute, but a UI mod that assigns scores to equippable items and tallies your scores up to determine how well-geared you are. It's basically a tool to allow [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]] to be lazy about their elitism.
** Some people have this very attitude towards vanity items and the people who farm for them: Why would you farm for a mount and/or pet? It doesn't help you during a [[Boss Battle|boss fight]]. Same goes for people who do Vanilla/BC raids. You're dumb for collecting old gear that's outmatched by the greens you got while questing in Outlands/Northrend.
* Instant-Message Roleplay has its own breed of the [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|"Stop Having Fun!" Guy]]. It's the type that demands a great number of Instant Message boxes be filled per post, and will throw a fit if you do anything under the limit. Most people would be hard-pressed to stretch a single action into ''three''. How they manage to find people to play with is anyone's guess.
* AOL. AOL by far has some of the worst "Stop having fun guys" RPers. The standard fare to RP with anyone is: you must have a well thought out profile (this apparently is the most important thing. Also if it's not schwag and it doesn't have a picture, it's not "well thought out"), can type two full IM boxes consistently, and should have a storyline to play along with (although some offer their own). And then there's the whole vocabulary thing (calling eyes "orbs" and ears "radars" of all things). There was also a group that booted you out of the room if you didn't RP ''fast enough'', claiming they do a mostly "talking" RP.
** AOL roleplayers have eased up a little lately. For one, AOL has so badly wrecked its profile system that people just e-mail their info to each other.
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* The reverse has been known to be true as well; some players advocate a maximum number of lines (usually three or five) per post for a variety of reasons that boil down to "you're a noob if you can't say what you need to say in three lines" or "you're a poser who pads his posts with [[Purple Prose]]." It can become a [[Cyclic Trope]] when the para-posters become dominant in a particular chat, save for a couple of disgruntled veterans who aren't on the paragraph side, and the latter become role models for a lot of newbies who don't like the para-post clans, form their own clans until they become dominant in numbers and the para-posting clans disintegrate, leaving behind a few old guard who start wowing the newbies with their "mad posting skillz..."
* There's been a recent controversy on [[Twitter]], specifically the "TwitterDex", a group of people who like to act out ''[[Pokémon]]'' Tweets that have their own wiki. A recent influx of people portraying characters from the games (such as [http://twitter.com/E4Karen Karen], [http://twitter.com/Champion_Lance Lance], and [http://twitter.com/ChampionSteven Steven]) who chose to portray their characters in slightly different ways than they're shown in [[Canon]] have crossed paths with the "veterans" who think that the Twitter series they're posting "isn't an RP" and that their characters are "out of line". A recent incident involving a party at Steven's house where people drank and had a good time ([[The Rule of First Adopters|some more than others]], though nothing truly explicit occurred) was shut down when Steven reached his Tweet Limit for the day and arguments regarding the portrayal of characters and clogging up followers' feeds with multiple tweets began.
* Forum [[Play-By-Post Games|Play-by-posts]]. Seriously many people require you to have an extreme amounts of actions taken. Of course this may also happen when you are playing numerous characters or [[NPC|Non-player characters]] at once, which would result in a longer post; but if you have only ''one'' character, then you ''must'' match theirs in length and description! [[Wall Banger|Even when you are ''not'' in control of the environment and therefore have nothing else to describe but your character's actions.]] Another case where it goes both ways - some [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]] will demand that you simply don't overload them with details or introduce them over time, and will enable you to get away with a shorter post, and if you do too much stuff then you're overwhelming other players or are just trying to show off. Bottom line? Either try and balance "Get right to the point" and "Enriching the world", don't add details for the sake of longer posts and don't just say you nod and that's all, or adapt to the type of game you're in.
* [[MUSH]]es and [[MUCK]]s often suffer from the above phenomena too. Some will encourage (or require) you to write "long, descriptive" poses or character descriptions (what others see when they "@look" at your character), where it turns out that "long and descriptive" actually means "a giant rambling paragraph of [[Purple Prose]]." And then there are the competitive posers who try to constantly one-up each other in length and [[Purple Prose]]...
* ''Efedding''. It's a forum-based writing/roleplaying game with [[Professional Wrestling]] as a backdrop. ''Efedding'' players can generally be broken down into "storyline" (writing short stories and chapters thereof featuring your character(s)) and "trashtalk" (doing like real pro wrestlers do and talk trash about your opponent and the match). [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]] exist on both ends of the spectrum. Trashtalker SHFGs consider storyliners to be pretentious psuedo-intellectuals who don't know how to play the game. Storyliner SHFGs consider trashtalkers to be uncreative dullards who don't know how to play the game.
* In ''[[Phantasy Star|Phantasy Star Universe]]'', there is a large group of people who will boot you from the party for a number of reasons. Picking up "trash" rare items (even when there is some value to them)? Not having the right Weapon/Armor element (especially at a low percent)? Having weapons that are not grinded (enough)? Having low Photon Art levels? Daring to not play as the "right" race/class combo, ''especially'' as a disadvantaged one (Beast Ranger, Newman Hunter, CAST Force)? Getting most of the ''good'' rares when the setting's on Set Random? Oh Noes! Hell, ''just being there'' at the end boxes on missions is a viable reason to be kicked from the party. You don't have to do much to get booted from the party. Sometimes even nothing at all...
* In ''[[EVE Online]]'' there's a constant struggle going on between "carebears" who do non-PvP related activities such as mining or mission running and the PvPers and pirates. Sure, there's the saying that "PvP in EVE is consensual and you consent whenever you undock", but PvPers seem to be of the mind that the game is ''all'' PvP and you should not have the freedom to play the game the way you like - if you prefer to fly out into an asteroid belt and shoot rocks with a mining laser, you ''deserve'' to die and be taunted for it. This despite the fact that freedom of gameplay is EVE's biggest drawcard and that half the in-game economy is powered by carebears. They're a little more forgiving if you're a new player, and don't have the skills or equipment to survive in 0.0, but veteran players have no excuse. (Which is not to say there aren't carebear players who are just as [[Serious Business]]).
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* As far as many ''[[Runescape]]'' players are concerned, if you haven't leveled all of your Free-to-play skills up to ''at least'' 75 than you're barely playing the game. And don't even consider buying a membership; you aren't worthy.
** However, in the PVP worlds, each and every person there can qualify as the [[Most Triumphant Example (Sugar Wiki)|Most Triumphant Example]] of this trope. Heal when you're not low health? You get flamed. Use certain weapons? Flamed. Have a balanced level rather than specialise in one thing? You're labelled the scum of the earth. It reeks of [[Munchkin]]ism constantly, and it's why a lot of people avoid the PVP of the game.
* ''[[Final Fantasy XI]]''. Dear God, ''[[Final Fantasy XI]]''. The game has 20 jobs, of which you can pick a main and a sub. Of those 300+ combinations, there are maybe 15 that are acceptable to the SHFG: Any Melee class that is not Samurai or Dragoon shouldn't even bother leaving the Mog house. Sorry Warriors, Dark Knights, Thieves, etc -- youetc—you're only going to be invited to a SHFG's party if there aren't any Samurais or Dragoons available. If you are not playing Samurai or Dragoon because you have already taken both to the level cap -- youcap—you should expect to have one of three subjobs as a melee -- eithermelee—either /SAM (for anyone over 60), /WAR (for anyone under 60) and /NIN (for parties with a particularly loud SHFG leader). These are the only acceptable subjobs, all others will be asked to change before leaving town.
** For spellcasters: black mages should either [[Level Grinding|level grind]] solo (which is tricky and works best at higher levels) or party with other black mages in what's called a manaburn party. Likewise, Summoners should [[Level Grinding|level grind]] solely with other summoners, which is similarly called an astralburn party. All normal levelling parties should have a [[The Red Mage|Red Mage]] as healer/buffer/debuffer, and have no need for any other caster. And everyone wants a bard for their wide variety of powerful [[Status Buff|buffs]]. Other spellcasters else should not waste their own time. The others -- Scholarothers—Scholar, White, and Blue Mages -- areMages—are unfortunately only useful as subjobs.
** Ninja is the only job that can naturally [[Dual Wielding|dual wield weapons]], has a variety of spells (Ninjutsu) and can usually do generally respectable damage. However, none of this is likely to matter, because one of those spells creates a few [[Doppleganger Spin|shadow images]] which effectively cause the next few normal attacks to automatically miss. The [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]] realized early on that when used properly, casting this over and over would make the ninja effectively invincible in most situations, both by avoiding damage and by preventing enemies from using their [[Limit Break]]s. Thus, "Blink Tanking" became the norm. In its most common form, a NIN/WAR gets a monster's attention, then uses shadow images to absorb its attacks while the rest of the party kills it. At high levels, a WAR/NIN can do likewise, although the spellcasting mechanics make it slightly more difficult and less reliable. In addition, other melee characters will frequently use Ninja as a subjob, both to allow DualWielding and for the above shadow image spell. However, some SHFGs insist that ''all'' players use Ninja as a subjob, even those who get little out of it, mainly because it ''weakens'' the player's damage output and makes the duties of the healer and "Blink Tank" a little easier.
** [[Magic Dance|Dancer]], [[Marionette Master|Puppet]][[Lethal Joke Character|master]] and [[The Beastmaster|Beastmasters]] are nearly unseen in parties. Fortunately, all three can solo reasonably well. There are several reasons for this: none of them add anything to a party that other jobs can't do just as well; dancer is a late addition to the game, puppetmaster requires a little [[Difficult but Awesome|more effort, investment and planning]] than most jobs to be similarly effective, as well as relying on an [[AI Roulette|unpredictable]] [[Robot Buddy|automaton]]. Beastmaster is commonly seen as the best job to solo with by SHFG and regular players alike, and their reliable pets tend to either be mediocre or [[Glass Cannon|easily killed]].
** The [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|"Stop Having Fun!" Guy]] mentality on ''[[Final Fantasy XI]]'' goes beyond choice of job; choice of camp and party style are ways you can "do it wrong" too. Many of the above narrow job choice demands are based primarily on what's optimal in a meleeburn against colibri (or less commonly against puks and [[Lizard Folk|Mamool Ja]]. If you aren't meleeburning colibri, you had better be solo, or in a manaburn or [[Game Breaker|astralburn]] instead; if you're fighting anything else in any sort of way aside from those two, at ''best'' the local SHFG will [[Stop Helping Me!|persistently "gently" remind you how inefficient you are at getting XP and provide "tips for improvement"]], and at worst tear you a new one.
*** And Heaven help you if you decide to use a weapon uncommon to your job -- forjob—for instance, using a pole as a Monk. Even if you're soloing and ''not'' looking for a group. On the plains outside the Valkurm Dunes.
*** It is worth noting that very little of this applies to high level raid-style content, which commonly requires jobs that are considered useless for optimal [[Level Grinding]], especially thief to increase [[Randomly Drops|drop rates]], paladin tanks to survive powerful enemy [[Limit Break]]s and magic damage, white mages for more efficient heals and better [[Death Is a Slap on The Wrist|raises]], and rangers and black mages for long-ranged burst damage. Dancer, puppetmaster, beastmaster and corsair are still rarely seen, however.
* ''[[Guild Wars]]'' has this often when it comes to character builds. Woe betide you if you try something unique. There's only a certain type of build you can use, and if you don't do this, you suck.
** Better yet, no one will tell you what these builds are or where to get the skills needed for them! At most, you'll get the name for the build. As if this is supposed to instantly communicate everything you need to know.
* [[Livejournal Roleplay|Roleplay on LiveJournal]] has a lot of these. Occasionally slip up in your characterization? You're the scum of the Internet and need to gtfo of LJ. The anon meme and Roleplay Secrets community combine this with the [[GIFT]] for extra vitriol, to the point where there are threads complaining about people using the "wrong" ''userpics'' or formatting their comments "wrong." Also, dare to play out a gay couple and you ''will'' be snarked at because according to the [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]] (or girls), [[Yaoi Fangirl|you're only in it for the sparkly buttsex]] and/or because having a character whose orientation is never mentioned in canon be gay or bisexual is [[Wall Banger|somehow]] OOC.
* There are plenty of these in the ''[[Dungeon Fighter Online]]'' community, especially concerning builds and play styles. If you like playing the normal game at all, then you are a worthless n00b (never mind that thegame isn't really made for PVP). Several skills are considered "useless," and even if you demonstrate how they can be particularly useful, you are derided for picking a "worthless" build. This game is unique because you could have a 100% win record in PVP, yet still be called a bad player if your build has "worthless" skills, no matter how much they helped you win. David Sirlin himself would be derided.
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** The Search and Destroy game-type tends to breed this kind of behaviour. It doesn't help that it plays like [[CounterStrike]]. Often it's best to just skip onto another game-type, as the matching service will keep dumping you back in there.
* Try to find a ''[[Battlefield 2]]'' server running something other than Strike at Karkand I/O or Wake. Wake in particular is beloved of "pro" players due to the phenomenally unbalanced Chinese jets that can be [[Whoring|whored]] for the entire match. Expect to be teamkilled if you try to get to one first.
** Most ''[[Battlefield (series)|Battlefield 2142]]'' Titan games will have ''something'' stupid going on, be it a commander parking his Titan over an antiaircraft gun so he can get tons of repair points for fixing the guns, parking his Titan over a missile silo so he can skip straight to the "loads of easy Claymore and RDX kills" stage of the match, parking his Titan directly in front of the ''other'' Titan for loads of free kills on enemy transports and gunships taking off, or the fact that everyone else playing is either doing it for tons of free Clay and RDX kills or really, really likes dying. Needless to say, this is how the game is "supposed" to be played, and capturing the silos to win rather than fighting through the ludicrously booby-trapped Titan is the height of noobery. Elsewhere, the [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]] can be found abusing the PK rockets/Voss combo to the hilt and accusing anyone who kills them with the Bauer (or, for that matter, anything else) of haxing, or sniping at you from on top of a ridiculously tall building because pod surfing is pro.
** Any sniper who uses the Zeller-H is likely to be mocked, as is anyone using a Scope Stabiliser.
* Killing a "crawler" (a zombie without legs) in ''[[Nazi Zombies]]'' will cause torments of nerd fury to come upon you. Granted, the frustration is somewhat understandable, as keeping one alive will prevent the next round from starting, allowing the team to rebuild barriers, upgrade weapons, etc. But others frustrations will go too far.
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** Rifle, Revs, Kodaichi, and E-style (short for European-style and is the "simpler" advanced technique system i.e., anything that doesn't require a glitch in the system to be usable, which is what the sword cancel techniques ''are'') is guaranteed to piss off the ones that use the sword cancel techniques (called K-Style, or Korean Style.)
*** On the flip side, there are those who insist E-style is the only true way to play, and that anyone who needs to sword cancel to in has no skill at the game.
* ''[[S4 League]]'' players that use the Cannonade, Counter Sword, or Semi Rifle are often called noobs, since these are more versatile, safer or easier to aim but less damaging versions of the [[Cold Sniper|Rail Gun]], [[Not Compensating for Anything|Plasma Sword]], or [[More Dakka|Gauss Rifle]]. They're also powerful tools in their own way -- theway—the Counter Sword is usually shunned by Scrubs as being overpowered. The Counter Sword and Rail Gun tend to also be considered unacceptable weapons on the Tunnel v1 map, where they are fun but not a good way to score touchdowns.
** And then there are the 'rawr guns r 4 noobs' players, that insult and abuse anyone who uses anything but melee weaponry ( 2 out of some 20 or so weapons ), the 'LAGGER!' haters, who abuse anyone who tries to play with a poor connection because the game attempts (albeit a bit clumsily) to protect any poor sod whose connection can't give them a perfect uplink. For people defying the game's basic premise, these guys (perhaps due to their stupidity) can be ''unbelievably'' vicious.
** Swords Only mode was originally created for the aforementioned 'guns r 4 noobs' players. The way the game is designed, though, turns some very ineffective strategies in S4/Chaser mode into [[Game Breaker]]s when playing Swords Only (which would be much easier to stop if you just [[Why Don't You Just Shoot Him?|used a gun]]). The SO community, to counter it, created an entire set of rules to prevent that and whoever doesn't respect it is raged at. Apparently, limiting yourself to 3 weapons (out of 17), 3 skills (out of 10) and ''forcing yourself to adapt to a set of unwritten rules'' is the only true way to play the game.
* The online Multiplayer mode for ''SOCOM 3/Combined Assault'' seems to consist almost entirely of suppression matches on a timer played on Devil's Road, Which is made up of two villages on either side of a lake. The result? Constant sniping, to the point where some servers have every other weapon disabled, and where this isn't the case you will be flamed for using other guns.
* ''[[Gears of War]]'' on Xbox Live: much of community believes that the only weapon that should be used is the Shotgun. If you kill someone with say, the chainsaw or Lancer, it's not uncommon to receive an angry message from that person saying "Take out your shotgun, you noob!".
* In the case of ''[[Metroid Prime]]'', the [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]] are actually the company rather than the players. Retro seems to have a deep, abiding and ''entirely pointless'' hatred for [[Sequence Breaking]], to the point that each successive version has tried progressively harder to ruin the game for [[Speed Run]]ning, apparently simply on the basis that this isn't the correct way to play the game. Most famously, Retro removed the "Space Jump First" glitch (where players who used a "scan jump" glitch when they first land on Tallon IV to get the Space Jump Boots much earlier than intended) from every subsequent edition after the original pressing.
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** ''[[League of Legends]]'' suprisigly averts this.
* If you're not coming within seconds of a world record in ''[[Initial D Arcade Stage]]'' or ''Wangan Midnight Maximum Tune'', fellow players will think you're [[So Bad It's Horrible|So Bad You're]] [[Scrub|Horrible]].
* ''[[Chrome Hounds]]'' presents an interesting case -- thecase—the [[Scrub]]s and the [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]] are both in general control of the online community, and advocating similar messages: [[Game Breaker|Stick Mechs are king]], and Base-Dropping means you're a n00b, unless you did so in a [[Lightning Bruiser|Wheelie]] (God help you if you play like the game advocates instead).
* The ''[[Mario Kart]]'' series have been getting this, starting with the DS. Mention the word, snaking, anywhere, and you are bound to stir up a flame war between people who are for it and and people who are against it. If you try to explain how snaking is broken, you are classified as a [[Scrub]] who can't handle better players or just suck at snaking.
* ''Mario Kart Wii'' is no better when it comes to using bikes and certain characters with stat bonuses. If you dare to use anyone other than Daisy and Funky Kong (since they have the best bonus for top speed), any bike other than the Dolphin Dasher, Mach Bike, Flame Runner, or even try to play by just using a kart, pro players will tell you that you will always lose and stand no chance against people using a bike. You're also a [[Scrub]] by default if you even go as far as denouncing bikes for being overpowered. Apparently, no one is allowed to use anything other than the top tiered characters and bikes because it's all about using only the best to win.
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** This also applies to custom levels or custom games like rom hacks. If they are too hard and people complain about it, the people that love it will denounce the complainers as scrubs and n00bs who can't handle a challenge.
** Conversely, admit to playing on the hardest difficulty level and being good at it and people will tell you you're not having fun.
** Interestingly, Spiderweb Software switched to using [[Idiosyncratic Difficulty Levels]] in the later ''[[Geneforge]]'' games as a response to something similar to this. The fanbase itself has relatively little friction between those who play on Normal or Tough in the older games and those who prefer [[Harder Than Hard|Torment]], but [[Word of God]] says that there's often an impression that playing on Easy is somehow wrong, and they didn't want people to feel that they were stuck playing on Normal or harder if they had trouble with the games. Makes a certain amount of sense -- aftersense—after all, if they didn't want people using Easy, they wouldn't have included it.
** Interestingly, many games ''lock'' the harder modes until you've completed the game on either easy or normal. How have they played only on insane mode without unlocking it first?
*** [[Sarcasm Mode|Well obviously those games all suck and you shouldn't be bothering with them at all.]]
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* If you are having trouble beating a certain part of a video game, do not ask for help anywhere on the internet. The only responses you will ever get are people telling you that you suck and bragging about being able to do that part in their sleep.
* Chris Sawyer, creator of the ''[[Rollercoaster Tycoon]]'' games, went on the record as saying that the "entire point" of ''Rollercoaster Tycoon'' was the scenarios, only the scenarios, and that the casual sandbox-players (that is, those who just wanted to build a simulated theme park and who didn't care about the scenarios) were "doing it wrong, and needed to get serious and do it right", especially when they used a fan-produced "key" program to open the game up for sandbox play. He disliked sandbox play so much that when he wrote ''Rollercoaster Tycoon 2'', he included code that would wreck the game if the player attempted to use any sort of "sandbox key". Sales on ''Rollercoaster Tycoon 2'' plummeted appropriately. ''Rollercoaster Tycoon 3'' was not only produced without input by Chris Sawyer, it included an open sandbox option.
* [[Tabletop Games|Table-Top]] [[War Gaming]], aka playing with toy soldiers, has its own two versions of [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]]. Type one think that you can't be a proper member of the hobby if you haven't allowed for the fact that at the battle of Bunker Hill Nathaniel Smith was riding a borrowed horse, while Type two only ever plays an ad-hoc elite SS unit containing every Jagdtiger tank the Germans ever built.
* ''[[Dead Rising|Dead Rising 2]]''. You didn't get Ending S on your first playthrough? You suck at all video games. You restarted the story? You're a [[Level Grinding]] faggot. Strangely, the first game never had this problem. Most people would even ''recommend'' grinding to max level and getting Zombie Genocider before doing anything else.
* ''[[Minecraft]]'' is young yet, but it's already got SHFGs lurking around the forums. Since the game is still in alpha, they dedicate their time not to deriding people for playing wrong, but to demanding Notch make alterations to the game to force people to play it "right". This includes everything from removing any feature whose only practical purpose is the creativity factor, to altering the way certain tools work ''for aesthetic reasons''.
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* If you play ''any'' game in the ''[[Fire Emblem]]'' series, you'd better not go on any fan forums and mention using any character that isn't [[Character Tiers|high-tier]], and you better not say you didn't use a top-tier character. If you do, expect to get flamed about why "X is terrible, Y is so much better" and "You're such a noob for not using Z".
* If you don't play ''[[Civilization]]'' at the highest difficulty setting using a build order that has been mathematically proven to be the absolute best then you're a brain-dead sub-human. If you play at any difficulty level below "Prince" then, sorry but you're too stupid to play ''Civ'' and should buy a game more to your level like ''Barney Teaches Numbers'' or something.
** Other ways [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|to have other people call you a noob]] in ''Civilization Online'': Custom name your cities, chat in the chat box, set the turn timer for ''anything'' under blazing speed, and trying for any victory that doesn't involve military force.
== Web Original ==
* [[Played For Laughs]] in [http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nhmUj9QJ9RM this video]. "THIS IS A SERIOUS GAME." Cue [[Scrub|The Scrub]] being named [[Star Wars|Boba Fett]], steal the last kill, butt-fuck one of the characters which sets off a chain reaction, resulting in that character killing the other [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys|"Stop Having Fun!" Guy]]'s character.
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** Fans of older music such as the Rolling Stones or the Beatles will lambast others for listening to modern music and modern music fans will likewise lambast older music fans for not liking new stuff. Ok, maybe the older music fan just reall likes earlier musical movements over the newer ones and the modern music fan happens to genuinely enjoy modern music ok people?
*** Saying that, Beatles and Stones fans will constantly berate each other for being fans of the other. Get over it guys, they were huge fans of each other that covered each other's music even.
* Another music genre that seems to be almost everyone's [[Acceptable Target]] is metal. Especially that which may be found on [http://metal-archives.com Encyclopaedia Metallum]. Tell anyone that you're into such music, and you ''will'' be bombarded with "randomly slamming on drums and belching into a microphone isn't ''real'' music!!" and "how can you listen to anything you can't understand!?".<ref> Perplexingly, no other genre gets this complaint as if everything else used perfectly clean vocals; [[Wall Banger]] indeed.</ref>. And this preludes the accusations of being a church-burning Satanist, Wiccan weirdo, virgin who plays Dungeons & Dragons, scary loner likely to shoot up a high school, or all of the above. If you like metal, your best bet is to treat it as an embarrassing secret and keep your fucking head down; to do otherwise would be social suicide.
** [[Heavy Metal]] itself isn't immune to this trope, with the "[[Fan Dumb|True Metalheads]]" bashing [[Nu Metal]], [[Hard Rock]] and *Core fans among other genres. The exceptions for this bashing may be at best [[Thrash Metal]], [[Death Metal]], [[Black Metal]] and classic 80s [[Heavy Metal]]. Oh, and they will ''hate'' you for liking, among other things, ''[[Iron Maiden|"The X Factor", "Virtual XI"]], [[Megadeth|"Risk"]], [[Nightwish|"Dark Passion Play"]], [[Metallica|"Load", "ReLoad", "St. Anger"]],'' [[Helloween]]'s [[Replacement Scrappy|Andi Deris]]'s era stuff, [[Pantera]]'s pre-Nineties stuff, and many other things.
* Art in general tends to attract this trope, mostly thanks to the [[True Art]] tropes that can be at play.
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** Hell, just writing fanfic, period, is enough. For every ten fanfic enthusiasts, there's one SHFG whining that they should be writing original fiction instead. Stop having hobbies I don't approve of, guys!
* Any time a thread is started about anything religious/paranormal/UFO/conspiratorial/or creepy-pasta related among said enthusiasts tends to attract condescending, skeptical know-it-alls who insist on making it very clear to you that it's not real/fake/hoax, etc... and that you're a dumb ass for discussing and believing in such things.
* Whenever a comic book character is adopted into television or movie form, there will be legions of angry fanboys screaming about ''every. single. detail'' that differs even ''slightly'' from the comics. For examples, see: ''[[Smallville]]'', ''The [[X-Men]] Trilogy'', eh, virtually ''every'' onscreen adaptation of a comic book character will have an army of [["Stop Having Fun!" Guys]] flaming the people who enjoy it.
* There exist in this world people who believe in the "correct" way to watch ''[[Star Trek]]'', or indeed any other film or show. They may not agree with one another as to whether it is appropriate, when watching a [[Rubber Forehead Alien]] die slowly and emotionally, to laugh out loud at his forehead, but whichever they do they will be ready to insult people who don't.
* AutoTune. Stop enjoying yourself by distorting your voices for aesthetic effect, artists!
