Glee/Characters/Other Minor Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[I Just Want to Be Normal]]: After she performs spectacularly at her Regionals competition, she's made in to a role model for basically every transgender, queer, or just plain different teenager in America. The stress of it gets to her and she almost leaves in the middle of Nationals.
* [[Large Ham]]: As Unique.
* [[Token Good Teammate]]: So far she's the only member of Vocal Adrenaline who's been kind and civil towards New Directions (except Sunshine, but we all know what happened there).
* [[Promoted Fanboy]]: Alex was one of the runners-up on ''[[The Glee Project]]".
* [[Sassy Black Woman]]: As Unique.
* [[Shrinking Violet]]: When not Unique, Wade is so timid that not even Jesse channeling [[Full Metal Jacket|Gunnery Sergeant Hartman]] is enough to make her raise her voice from a whisper.
* [[Third Person Person]]: Unique does not have ''time'' to refer to her gloriousness in the first person, fools!
* [[Token Good Teammate]]: So far she's the only member of Vocal Adrenaline who's been kind and civil towards New Directions (except Sunshine, but we all know what happened there).
* [[Transsexualism]]
* [[X Meets Y]]: Describes herself (or rather, Unique) as the lovechild of Kurt and Mercedes. Ryan Murphy described Alex in exactly the same words during his time on ''[[The Glee Project]]'' .