X-Factor (comics)/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Gratuitous Spanish]]: Again, guilty of this during the 90s.
* [[Heroes Want Redheads]]: He seems to have a thing for them: Rahne, Shatterstar...
* [[Interrupted Suicide]]: Three so far — in the original ''X-Factor'' (issue #22), and in the current ''X-Factor'' (issue #1 and #38).
* [[Invisible to Gaydar]]: It's been revealed that Rictor is not bi as previously assumed, but full-on gay, having found no fulfillment in his relationships with Rahne and Tabitha.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: His surname is Richter. He had {{spoiler|has once again}} earthquake powers. You do the math.
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* [[Anti-Hero]]: Generally a Type II, but recently downgraded to type IV, and briefly even type V, since most American writers don't like stereotypical "[[Euro Trash]]" characters.
* [[Big Brother Instinct]]
* [[Bishounen]]: Depending on the art, Quicksilver is usually not a bishounen except for ''X-Men Evolution'' cartoon. However, in one ''X-Factor'' issue, he was called 'Pretty Boy' by his inmates when he was put in prison for vagrancy.
* [[Brother-Sister Incest]]: It happens in the Ultimate universe
* [[Brought Down to Normal]]: He thought he had it bad when life moved in slo-mo, but after losing his powers, everything seemed so... ''fast''. He went crazy, stole mutating mists from his in-laws, and used them to get time travel powers.
* [[Cry Cute]]
* [[In the Blood]]: Pietro's ''really,'' '''''really''''' prone to [[Face Heel Turns]]. It doesn't help that he looks almost exactly like Magneto anyway.
* [[Jerkass]]: Quicksilver has been a good guy, bad guy, and in-between, but never stops being an arrogant, self-centered dick. This extends to his other incarnations, such as his appearances on the different cartoons and ''Ultimate X-Men''.
** [[Jerkass Woobie]]: Just think about Pietro's life.
*** [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: [[Depending on the Writer]], Pietro is usually, beneath his jerkassery, a good guy who does anything for his friends.
* [[Karma Houdini]]: Recently {{spoiler|Made a statement on the news that his [[Moral Event Horizon]] (see below) was a work of a Skrull imposter during the ''Secret Invasion'' crossover}}.
** While the above is true, {{spoiler|Luna herself knows the truth, and while [[Secret Keeper|she'll keep his secret because she loves him]], she's [[Calling the Old Man Out|made it very clear]] that she has lost ''all'' respect for him}}.
* [[Luke, I Am Your Father]]
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* [[Badass Normal]]: The Shadow King once sent her to assassinate Mystique, but at the crunch she overcame his mind control enough to turn the gun on herself.
* [[Shout-Out]]: In an ''X-Factor'' story written by Peter David, Val once mentioned her brother, an [[Twin Peaks|FBI agent who had been involved in a case concerning a dead girl wrapped in plastic]]. PAD also gave her an assistant called [[Blackadder|Baldrick]].
'''Marshall Stone III / Random'''
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* [[Beware the Nice Ones]]: Slow to anger, but when he does get mad? RUN. Very fast.
* [[Body Horror]]: His powers allow him to evolve to survive, resulting in some horrifying transformations. Shot with a weapon that targets the nervous system, he becomes a sponge creature. Crushed beneath wreckage, he's reduced to an oozing mass that can speak. Decapitated by a headshot, a second head starts growing out of his torso, and so forth. Thankfully these are temporary changes, but made worse that he's got no control over what he'll become.
* [[Race Lift]] / [[But Not Too Black]]: Lampshaded within the series. Darwin's powers had turned him white in a primarily white community "to better survive", but once he gains some confidence he changes himself back to his original darker skin tone. The characters point out the [[Unfortunate Implications]] of this.