Could Have Avoided This Plot: Difference between revisions

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== Literature ==
* In the novel ''Red Storm Rising'', the Soviet Union's largest oil refinery isand the nearby oil production fields are destroyed by a terrorist attack, and the USSR launches an invasion of West Germany to distract from their true intentions for the Middle East in order to get the oil it needs, intending to use their existing stocks of already existing refined oil to fuel what they expected to be an easy defeat of a NATO surprised by a supposedly unexpected sudden attack. By the end of the novel, the Russians are repelled, and in the final pages a NATO commander quips that if only the Soviets had asked for help, the West would have been happy to sell it to them. "We would have demanded and gotten some kind of concessions, but don't you think we would have tried to avoid all ''this''?"
** One Politburo member actually pointed out that they could simply ''buy'' fuel, something they could afford slightly better than losing a war they had at best an even chance of winning, but was overruled for fear of the scenario mentioned in ''The Devil's Alternative'', below; The United States would have them over a barrel. [[Incredibly Lame Pun|Of oil.]]
*** The Politburo considered it but decided against on the grounds that they were afraid the Americans would ask for concessions that would ultimately destabilize the Soviet Union's political situation, with the same effect (to them) as fighting and losing a war would -- the loss of their positions and power. Which is self-centered as hell but at least gives them a rational reason from ''their'' perspective.
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* The [[Tales of the Otori]] series ends with a fairly spectacular disaster that was considerably worsened by {{spoiler|Takeo not telling Kaede that he had gotten another woman pregnant when he left her and thought they would never see each other again.}} It is worth noting that there were ''sixteen years'' during which this information could have been imparted, but every time he considered telling her he kept putting it off. He does, at least, fully acknowledge how stupid he's been, but by then it's too late to solve the problem.
* In the ''[[Wars of Light and Shadow]]'', the Koriathain Order had been searching for the Waystone of the Koriathain, an enormous [[Crystal Ball]] that could amplify their power immensely, for five centuries. Upon learning that Sethvir of the Fellowship had it, they try breaking into his tower and seizing it by force. After being violently repelled by the wards, they are forced to ask him for the return of the Waystone when he returns from a business trip. At which point he mentions that they had asked for the return of the stone (Or assistance in finding it) at any point in the 500 years since they had misplaced it, they would have given it back without any fuss.
== Live Action TV ==