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** ''Green Arrow/Black Canary #14'': Winnick's farewell issue consisted of wrapping up the 'Connor was kidnapped' arc by turning Connor Hawke, an interesting and unique character, into a generic street-level brawler with a healing factor. He threw in some amnesia so that Connor would lose all of his former personality ''and'' his fighting skills; only the healing factor kept Connor from dying of bullet wounds while trying to stop four generic drug dealers in an alley. Connor was once one of the four best martial artists in [[The DCU]]; he is now inferior to ''Misfit''. As an added bonus, Winnick threw in a [[Take That]] from Amnesiac Connor about how 'ridiculous' the idea of a Buddhist monk who fought crime was in the first place, and capped this entire pile of crap off with Black Canary squealing about Connor's story having a 'happy ending'. Yes, because having your entire life and personality stripped away from you and being reduced to a shell of your former self is so happy. It's bad enough that Dinah's become a complete [[Faux Action Girl]] in this run; did she have to become [[Too Dumb to Live]] as well?
*** Connor's skill nerfing was so savage that he was unable to hit a standard archery target. At ''35 feet''. At ''leisure'', not with snap shots. After trying repeatedly for ''an entire afternoon''.
**** Which is worse marksmanship than I managed the first time I picked up a bow and arrow. Which was also the ''only'' time I picked up a bow and arrow. When I was ''ten years old''. Sure, I didn't come remotely close to the bullseye, but I at least managed to hit the damn target a few times.
** ''Trials of Shazam'', in which he attempts to revitalize the [[Shazam|Marvel Family]] for a new generation of comic readers. So what does he do?
*** He upgrades Captain Marvel to the Wizard Marvel, now wielding the Power of Shazam as the Wizard Shazam did before him. Which sounds cool, except that it forces him to stay in the Rock of Eternity virtually 24/7, essentially writing the Captain out of the Captain Marvel series.
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* If you ask someone who voted for Jason Todd to die why they voted that way, they'll usually cite his actions in Jim Starlin's "The Diplomat's Son" from Batman #424. Problem is, that story is a blatant [[Idiot Plot]]. The story opens with Jason beating down a rapist and turning him over to the police, only to discover that he's the titular diplomat's son. Yes, this is one of those stories where "diplomatic immunity" means [[Diplomatic Impunity|"diplomats can commit any atrocity they like and law enforcement is powerless to stop them,"]] so he walks. Seriously, ask any FBI agent and they could list a dozen different ways they could legally nail him. As for the rape victim, she is left alone in her apartment, with no police protection or counseling of any kind. I'm sure this won't lead to any negative outcome—oh look, the rapist just gave her a phone call threatening to come after her again and [[Driven to Suicide|she hanged herself.]] This leads to Robin confronting the rapist on a balcony, where he falls to his death and it's strongly implied that Robin pushed him. That's right, Jason Todd (allegedly) broke the [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]] rule against a [[Complete Monster]] who got away with his crimes due to a legal technicality that ''[[Conviction by Counterfactual Clue|doesn't actually exist,]]'' and that's why people wanted him to die.<ref>Nowadays it seems that fans who wanted Jason dead were actually a [[Vocal Minority]], with one person having made dozens of calls for his death and many others who wanted him to live being children at the time, so they weren't allowed to make the not-so-cheap call.</ref>
* Chuck Austen's ''Godfall: Preus Returns'' makes his "vaporizing Communion wafers" story look downright respectful by comparison. How bad is it? There is a scene with the titular racist Kryptonian ''kills women by having sex with them, and continues to do so''.
== Other ==