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** Sure, its almost certainly going to be retconned into 'Not a dream! Not an imaginary story!' territory within six months, but seriously, Steve Rogers going "Hail Hydra!"? You shouldn't do that crap for even six ''seconds'', unless you're well into What If territory. Which this is not.
*** The writer, Nick Spencer, [[Word of God|has repeatedly affirmed in interviews]] that this is '''not''' a case of Cap clone, Cap mind control, Cap possession, or similar, and that the story arc is intended to portray that Steve Rogers has willingly been a believer in HYDRA ideals since his mother was inducted into a HYDRA cell in the 1930s. So one of two things is true; either the creator is deliberately lying to the fanbase to build up cheap suspense (which has happened at Marvel before), or else this plot twist is as genuinely awful as it appears to be. Neither alternative is remotely palatable.
**** Apparently the plot twist is 'the Red Skull used the Cosmic Cube to travel into the past and alter Steve's life from an early age, thus leading him to the Dark Side via his mother's recruitment into HYDRA'. While that does provide an adequate in-story explanation for this bullshit, the creation of 'Captain Nazi: Marvel Univere Version'<ref>DC has had a Captain Nazi since the Silver Age. He is, not surprisingly, a Nazi supervillain.</ref>, its still regarded as staggeringly tasteless.
== DC ==
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