Explain, Explain, Oh Crap: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Eerie Cuties]]'' got a beautifully done "explain, explain, ew, gross" variant when Layla tells her sister why she shouldn't be upset...
{{quote|'''Layla''': And if you look at the facts, I didn't kiss your [[Fur Against Fang|mutt]] boyfriend at all! He was possessed just then! The one I actually kissed was Blair!
(stops and makes a face) (cut to Layla ferociously brushing her teeth)}}
(cut to Layla ferociously brushing her teeth)}}
* ''Pitch Black'' had [http://pitchblack.thecomicseries.com/comics/85/ a robed gentleman] who clearly didn't think his speech all the way through before starting it.
== Western Animation ==