Dystopia: Difference between revisions

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* ''[[Equilibrium]]'' features a future where human emotion has been outlawed in an effort to stop another disastrous war from coming to pass. Emotion is kept in check by a drug called Prozium, anything inducive of emotion is destroyed ([[Culture Police|books, movies, music, art]] and even [[Kick the Dog|cute little dogs]]), and "sense offenders" who refuse to take the drug are terminated with extreme prejudice by the [[Faceless Goons|Sweepers]] and the [[Badass Longcoat|Grammaton Clerics]].
* ''[[Logan's Run]]'': You are killed when you turn thirty.
* ''[[The Matrix]]'': A dystopia brought about by [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters]], leading to the [[Robot War]].
* The world of ''[[Repo! The Genetic Opera]]'' is ruled by a corporation that has had murder sanctioned by law, who rose to power on a pile of harvested organs. It is exactly as icky as it sounds.
* ''[[Idiocracy]]'' was presented as a dystopia based on the extreme dumbing down of America. However, it also included extreme cases of mass consumerism and product placement (brought to you by Carl's Jr.). And apparently Mike Judge [[Author Tract|had an axe to grind]] about celebrities being elected into office (Wrestler, turned porn star, turned president).
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This is complicated by the fact that every human in Alpha Complex has some kind of mutant power, and is also a member of one of the secret societies, making pretty much ''everyone'' a Commie Mutant Traitor. The game provides you with six backup clones, as you WILL be found out and terminated. Or terminated by accident. Or for the hell of it. Did we mention that the entire thing is [[Played for Laughs]]?
* ''[[Feng Shui]]'' : The 2056 juncture of the [[Tabletop Games|Tabletop Game]] is equal parts ''[[Brave New World (novel)|Brave New World]]'' and ''[[Nineteen Eighty-Four]]''. The Buro government monitors its citizens constantly, same-race relationships are frowned upon at best as "racist" and punished at worst, guns and kung fu are outlawed, it's a crime to be unhappy, all TV (except for advertising) is pay-per-view, you can't get ahead unless you work for the Buro, and the only thing worse than falling into the Public Order (2056's [[Police Brutality|brutal police]]) machine is letting the Bureau of Happiness and Productivity get hold of you -- [[Mind Rape]] is the absolute kindest term for what these guys do to people. And that's not even mentioning the CDCA (the group responsible for arcanowave technology and the Abominations) and the creepifying horrors that ''they'' get up to.
* ''[[Shadowrun]]''. One of the most famous cyberpunk RPGs set in a Dystopia, one that is played to the hilt just as described at the top of the page. Corporations are huge, often quite literally evil, and ''all'' of them employ multiple packs of criminals to do their dirty work. Racism has been given up, but only because [[Humans Are Bastardsthe Real Monsters|people are such assholes]] that they'd rather focus on [[Fantastic Racism]]. Heck, there's even this one bit from the fourth edition core book, talking about the availability of medical treatment, which cites privatized health care as one of the causes of dystopia (oddly enough, using the criticisms usually leveled at socialized/universal healthcare):
{{quote|"Thanks to privatized healthcare, most people are forced to throw themselves and their ailments on the not-so-tender mercies of an overstressed public healthcare system. Spirits help you if you?re seriously sick or hurt and have to deal with a public hospital: most of them mean well, but they?re notoriously understaffed, awash in red tape, and generally a nightmare to navigate."}}
** And that's if you're a ''legal'' citizen with a proper SIN. [[It Gets Worse|For everyone else...]]