Ace Attorney/Characters/Witnesses and Other Characters: Difference between revisions

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{{quote|"And my current profession? {{spoiler|Permanently retired.}}"}}
Hoo boy, where to start. Well, first of all, she's evil. [[Complete Monster|Really]], [[Femme Fatale|really]], evil.
Dahlia is introduced as the ever-sweet, ever-innocent [[Friend to All Living Things]], [[Yamato Nadeshiko]] girlfriend of Phoenix Wright, but Mia already knew that something was wrong with her. Turns out {{spoiler|she tried to frame Phoenix for a murder she committed AND Phoenix himself was originally supposed to be the victim}}. Mia eventually unmasks her and put her behind the bars {{spoiler|and eventually death row}}. However, her criminal career started several years before, when she seduced Terry Fawles and used him to {{spoiler|fake her kidnapping}} in an elaborate plan to get back at her family. When the plan didn't go as planned, she {{spoiler|faked her own death and got Terry convicted to death for it}}, then {{spoiler|killed her own stepsister and co-conspirator, again framing Terry,}} to stop her from confessing. In the following trial, she narrowly escaped conviction by manipulating Terry into {{spoiler|committing suicide}} and, a few months later, {{spoiler|poisoning then-defense attorney Diego Armando}}.
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* [[Anti-Gravity Clothing]]: Her stole floats, [[Foreshadowing]] her true nature.
* {{spoiler|[[Big Bad]]}}: Of the third game. Although {{spoiler|Morgan Fey}} is equally guilty in a lot of ways, as the two end up plotting together. So perhaps this is a case of {{spoiler|[[Big Bad Duumvirate]].}}
* [[Big Bad]]
* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]
* [[Cute and Psycho]]
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* [[Leitmotif]]: "Distant Traces of Beauty".
* [[Manipulative Bitch]]: "Two minutes, and she's got the whole courtroom wrapped around her little finger..."
* [[Meaningful Name]]/[[Punny Name]]/[[Shout-Out]]: A reference to the Black Dahlia, and she's certainly got thorns. Possibly a [[Shout-Out]] to Nathaniel Hawthorne, specifically the story "Rappaccini's Daughter"—the title character is a [[Walking Wasteland]] with poison permeating her blood and body, and her very touch is lethal. "Chinami"{{spoiler|Dahlia refersfrequently tomakes theuse sayingof "''chipoison moas namidaa momurder nai'tool, and she is indeed a person who'"s ("withoutlethal bloodif oryou tears"—basicallyget callousclose to her, considering the extreme)multitude of people she's murdered out of self-interest after getting close to them.}}
** In the Japanese version: "Chinami" refers to the saying "''chi mo namida mo nai''" ("without blood or tears"—basically callous to the extreme).
* {{spoiler|[[My Death Is Just the Beginning]]}}
* [[Never Found the Body]]
* [[Parasol of Prettiness]]
* [[Pink Means Feminine]]: Wears an all pink outfit. It's just part of her cover image.
* [[Screw the Rules, I'm Beautiful]]: ''Boy howdy''.
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: Her father is a rich businessman whom spoils his little girl. She also certainly is a brat, [[Understatement|to say the least]].
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: * {{spoiler|She goes into a [[Villainous Breakdown|bratty tantrum]] after Phoenix and Mia pointed out and rubbed in her face that her entire petty revenge scheme had failed big time before being forcefully ejected from Maya's body}}. Goes to show that in the end, Dahlia is nothing more than a petty spoiled brat.
* [[Smug Snake]]
* [[The Vamp]]
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Ron's incredibly hot wife (did I mention that already?). She spends money like it's going out of style {{spoiler|(hence why Ron got into thievery in the first place)}} and drives her motorcycle fast enough to call it "flying". She despises cowardly criminals above all else. {{spoiler|Apparently, Ron doesn't count because he [[Calling Card|announces his thefts]]. Man did he make a good catch...}}
* [[Biker Babe]]: And how!
* [[Rescue Romance]]
* [[What Does She See in Him?]]: The general response. It's heavily implied that he appeals to her maternal instincts... that and {{spoiler|she's under the impression he's loaded; he went into crime to [[Unconfessed Unemployment|not tell her that he was fired]]}}. There's also the fact that {{spoiler|1=while Luke Atmey hid and covered up his crime, Ron kept truthfully screaming at anyone who would listen that he was Mask☆DeMasque. So Ron is a criminal, but not the "cowardly" kind Desiree despises.}}
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* [[Brooklyn Rage]]: "WHADDYA THINK YOUSE DOIN'?!"
** [[Kansai Regional Accent]] in the original Japanese dialogue.
* [[Devil in Plain Sight]]
* [[Evil Twin]]: Parodied; when Phoenix and Maya first find out about that Nick's got a phony, Maya suddenly exclaims, "I got it!" Phoenix replies, "If you're going to ask if I've got a twin brother, the answer is 'no'."
* [[Incoming Ham]]: The first indication that you'll be encountering him in any given scene? Just look at his character quote!