RocknRolla: Difference between revisions

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* [[Badass]]: Archy and Johnny Quid, both in their own interesting ways.
* [[Badass Longcoat]]: Archy wears a black one.
* [[Berserk Button]]: Uri ''really'' loves that painting. Johnny Quid and Archy both get very angry when they are lied to.
* [[Break the Haughty]]:
** {{spoiler|Lenny}}
** Possibly also {{spoiler|Stella.}}
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* [[Genre Savvy]]: Johnny Quid's speech about what would happen to him, Roman, and Mickey after they got out of the elevator with Lenny's thugs implies this trope. Or that Johnny Quid knew how his father's Mooks work. Either way, he ended up saving their asses by doing so.
* [[Gory Discretion Shot]]: When Uri {{spoiler|finds his "lucky painting" in Stella's house}}, the audience doesn't see what happens next, but considering he leads a branch of [[The Mafiya]], it's probably not very nice.
* [[Honey Trap]]: A mild version; {{spoiler|Handsome Bob}} puts the moves on Stella's husband in order to get information about the mole who's been informing to the cops. Subverted since Stella knows about her husband's proclivities, and really doesn't care (and is, in fact, off with One-Two at the same party.)
* [[Husky Russkie]]: see the entry below.
* [[Implacable Man]]: The Russian mercenaries.
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* [[No Celebrities Were Harmed]]: Uri. [[wikipedia:Roman Abramovich|How did they not get sued?]]
* [[No-Holds-Barred Beatdown]]: Several, with the Russians beating Lenny and Johnny attacking a bouncer being good examples. (We don't see all of Johnny and the bouncer, but it ''starts'' with [[The Pen Is Mightier|Johnny jabbing the bouncer in the throat with a pencil]], and it just goes from there.)
* [[Noble Top Enforcer]]:
** In comparison to the seemingly heartless Lenny Cole, Archy definitely qualifies as one of these. Of course, that doesn't mean that he's a ''nice'' man. Just ask {{spoiler|Lenny}}.
** Uri's [[The Dragon|dragon]], Victor, might qualify as well. It is mentioned by one of the Indestructible Russians that Victor saved his life during the war.
* [[Overly Long Gag]]: Archy teaching Danny [[Serious Business|how to slap someone properly]].
* [[Politically-Incorrect Villain]]: Lenny is constantly griping about immigrants (even when the people in question are native Brits) and tossing around less than politically correct terms.
* [[Russian Guy Suffers Most]]: Subverted. Being former ''Spetznaz'', they can take it.
* [[Sequel Hook]]: Johnny Quid drops the hint that he wants to be [[Title Drop|a REAL RocknRolla]] like Archy and the credits promise Johnny Quid, Archy, and the gang will be back in "The Real [[Rock N RollaRocknRolla]]". Ritchie wrote a script for a sequel, but says that it's been sitting on the shelf while he deals with bigger projects.
* [[Sex, Drugs and Rock and Roll]] are not all there is to being a RocknRolla, but they're important parts.
* [[Soundtrack Dissonance]]: Johnny's piano song is very peaceful and calming. Meanwhile, {{spoiler|Lenny is getting the tar beat out of him.}}