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''Moria'' is a [[Dungeon Crawling]] [[Role -Playing Game]] for the [[Mainframes and Minicomputers|PLATO Network]], developed around 1975. It's based on [[dnd]], though it features multiplayer parties and a [[Faux First Person 3D]] perspective.
Players create an [[Honest Rolls Character]] by choosing from four pre-rolled combinations. The stats are Cunning (equivalent to thieving ability), Piety (clerical magic), Valor (strength and armor class), and Wizardry (offensive magic). There are no classes, instead a character's stats determine which weapons and spells they can use. There is also a Vitality stat, which combines [[Hit Points]] and [[Character Level]]. Players start in a town, where they can [[An Economy Is You|buy weapons and armor]], or sell items found while out adventuring. There are also guilds the player can join once they have leveled up enough. Up to ten players join with each other to create parties; one player acts as the Guide, who controls overall party movement.
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* [[Money Spider]]
* [[Noob Cave]]: The wilderness.
* [[Role -Playing Game]]
* [[Wizard Needs Food Badly]]
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[[Category:Western RPG]]
[[Category:Action RPG]]
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