The Spectacular Spider-Man/Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Cool Loser]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* {{spoiler|[[Did Not Get the Girl]]}}: Thanks to premature cancellation.
* [[Expressive Mask]]
* [[Genius Bruiser]]: As Spider-Man.
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* [[Teen Genius]]
* [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]]: [[Evil Genius|Tinkerer]] calls him out on it.
** Though ironically, at the end of the series he ''thinks'' he's killed {{spoiler|Norman Osborn}}.
* [[Trickster]]
* [[Wall Crawl]]
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* [[Put on a Bus]]: From "The Uncertainty Principle" until "First Steps."
* [[Took a Level in Jerkass]]
* [[The Unfavorite]]: His father prefers ''[[Why Are You Not My Son?|Peter]]'' to his own son.
* [["Well Done, Son" Guy]]: In spades. If you've seen the first movie, well... this is taken up multiple notches.
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* [[Give Geeks a Chance]]: Eventually.
* [[Heroic Bystander]]
* [[Hidden Depths]]: Turns out to hold sportsmanship higher than trophies.
* [[Jerk Jock]]
* [[Jerk with a Heart of Gold]]: Not quite there yet, but moving in the right direction.
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* [[Villain with Good Publicity]]
* [[We Can Rule Together]]
* [[Why Are You Not My Son?]]: Blatantly prefers Peter to Harry. Heck, he even provides the page quote.
* [[Wicked Cultured]]
* [[Xanatos Gambit]]: More than once.
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* [[The Obi-Wan]]
* [[Papa Wolf]]
* [[Reasonable Authority Figure]]
* {{spoiler|[[Secret Keeper]]: He knows that Peter Parker is Spider-Man in later episodes.}}
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== Ben Parker ==
* [[Death by Origin Story]]
* [[Ed Asner]]
* [[My Greatest Failure]]
* [[The Obi-Wan]]
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== Adrian Toomes/Vulture ==
* [[Bald of Evil]]
* [[Clothes Make the Superman]]
* [[Gadgeteer Genius]]
* [[Hellish Pupils]]
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* [[The Starscream]]
* [[Use Your Head]]
* [[Smug Snake]]: Becomes one after switching from [[The Dragon]] to [[The Starscream]] - he's just not as good at scheming on his own as he is at carrying out someone else's schemes {{spoiler|which leads to his becoming a pawn of the Green Goblin}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Unwitting Pawn]]}}
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* [[Berserk Button]]: ''Don't'' call him Max, or he'll '''FRY'' you into nothing!
* [[Blessed with Suck]]
* [[Comes Great Insanity]]
* [[Crispin Freeman]]
* [[The Dragon]]: To Doc Ock.
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* [[The Millstone]]: He really tries to help Doc Ock, but he's so impulsive with using his powers that he probably does more to foil his schemes than [[Spider-Man]].
* [[My Name Is Not Durwood]]: Inverted, as he now hates being called "Max Dillon" and insists on being referred to as Electro.
** [[That Man Is Dead]]
* [[Never My Fault]]: Max beats out Harry in terms of blaming others when he accuses his accident of being Curt Connors' fault even though it was Max's own negligence that caused it.
* [[Power Incontinence]]
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== Flint Marko/Sandman ==
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Type I. He's greedy for money but isn't out to hurt people unless it's in self defense.
* [[The Blob]]
* [[The Brute]]
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* [[Noble Demon]]
* [[Pet the Dog]]: He shows kindness to a little girl in "First Steps."
** In the same episode, he saves the people from the same oil tanker he's attacking.
* [[Punch Clock Villain]]
* [[Revenge]]: something he really isn't interested in, unlike most of Spider-Man's [[Rogues Gallery]]. He just wants his "Big Score," and would leave Spidey alone if he didn't keep trying to stop him.
* [[Story-Breaker Power]]: Getting there by "First Steps", once he's started to get a proper hang of his abilities. It's probably no coincidence that his last appearance in the show is in the episode where he absorbs Rockaway Beach. Yes, ''all of it''.
* [[That Man Is Dead]]: He doesn't take it as far as Electro, but on a few occasions he and Spidey seem to refer to "Flint Marko" like he was a totally separate person to emphasize this.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: After eating a lot of raw silicates in prison, when he returns in "First Steps", his [[Elemental Shapeshifter]] abilities have become significantly more powerful.
== L. Thompson Lincoln/Tombstone ==
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* [[Dangerously Genre Savvy]]
* [[Deadpan Snarker]]
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Stays behind to help Spider-Man search for a bomb in his high-rise, answering Spidey's questioning with "My party, my mess."
* [[Evil Albino]]
* [[Genius Bruiser]]
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* [[Kingpin in His Gym]]
* [[Large and In Charge]]
* [[Maybe Magic, Maybe Mundane]]: Per [[Word of God]], it was deliberately left ambiguous whether he has actual [[Super Strength]] or if he merely trained himself to the point that he might as well.
* [[Names to Run Away From Really Fast]]
* [[Noble Demon]]: Only shows this when up against [[Eviler Than Thou|The Green Goblin.]]
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* [[Big Bad]]: Of the [[Quirky Miniboss Squad|Sinister]] [[Five-Bad Band|Six]].
* [[Card-Carrying Villain]]: Drinks out of an "evil genius" mug, in addition to naming his team the ''Sinister'' Six.
** Technically the paper named his group--Ock just ran with it.
* [[The Chessmaster]]
* [[Combat Tentacles]]
* [[Drunk on the Dark Side]]: ''Relishes'' his [[Evil Genius]] persona.
* [[Even Evil Has Standards]]: Doc Ock politely asks and waits for Aunt May and Anna Watson to excuse themselves from the upcoming brawl between the Sinister Six and Spidey, even halting Rhino as he tries to charge through them.
* [[Evil Genius]]: As his [[For the Evulz|coffee mug]] indicates.
* [[Freak Lab Accident]]
* [[Hollywood Cyborg]]
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* [[Rival Turned Evil]]: though more like bestfriend turned evil, since he wasn't especially in rivarly with Peter at the beginning.
* [[Shipper on Deck]]: Shipped Gwen/Peter.
* [[Took a Level Inin Badass]]: Second season.
* [[Took a Level in Jerkass]]: About the time Peter got the black costume and even moreso after he started wearing it.
* [[Villain Ball]]
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* [[Mafia Princess]]
* [[She's All Grown Up]]
* [[Unresolved Sexual Tension]] / [[Slap Slap Kiss]]: With Hammerhead, her ex-boyfriend.
== Silvio "Silvermane" Manfredi ==
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== Alex O'Hirn/Rhino ==
* [[Anti-Villain]]: Type I. He's mean and reckless, but [[Even Evil Has Standards|he has standards.]]
* [[The Brute]]
* [[Dumb Muscle]]: Just like in the comics.
** Somewhat subverted: he's no genius, but he does make some fairly intelligent deductions, including being the first one to realize that if Peter Parker takes Spider-Man's pictures, he can use Peter to find Spider-Man. "I ain't stupid" is practically his [[Catch Phrase]].
*** Something similar in happened with Scorpion in [[Spider-Man: The Animated Series]], a character largely considered a dullard is the first one to make this connection.
* [[Evil Duo]]: With his partner in crime, Flint Marko, both before and after they got their powers.
* [[Meaningful Name]]: "O'Hirn" is an anagram of "Rhino".
* [[Nigh Invulnerable]]
* [[Smarter Than You Look]]: He's actually not as dumb as he might seem, as seen in "Accomplices".
== "Montana"/Shocker ==
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* [[Anti-Hero]]: Type II
** [[Anti-Villain]]: Type III
* [[Badass Normal]]: In this continuity, though she's a [[Badass Abnormal]] in the comics.
* [[Catgirl]]
* [[Classy Cat Burglar]]
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* [[Dating Catwoman|One-Time Makeout With Black Cat]]
* [[Femme Fatale]]
* [[The Tease]]: Really loves getting Spidey flustered.
* [[This Is Unforgivable!]]: To Spider-Man in her last appearance.
* [[Trickster Archetype|Trickster]]
* [[White-Haired Pretty Girl]]
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== Walter Hardy/The Cat Burglar ==
* [[The Atoner]]: He became this after {{spoiler|accidentally killing Uncle Ben}}.
* [[Composite Character]]: In the comics, he's a separate character from {{spoiler|Uncle Ben's unnamed killer}}.
* [[Heroic Sacrifice]]: A non-fatal example.
* [[My Greatest Failure]]
* [[Thou Shalt Not Kill]]: Unfortunately, it didn't quite work out that way.
* [[You Killed My Father]]: {{spoiler|Peter}}'s reaction to him. [[Not So Different|Ironically enough]], Black Cat basically gives this right back to him when {{spoiler|Walter decides to stay in prison}}.
[[Category:The Spectacular Spider-Man]]
[[Category:Characters (animation)]]
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