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{{quote|''"Per angusta ad augusta, per aspera ad paradisum" (through dificulties to honor, through hardship to paradise'')}}
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Developed by ClockUp. Anime produced by Majin.
=== The eroge/anime provides examples of:===
* [[Action Girl]]: The Woman In Black in the VN and Natsuki in the anime. {{spoiler|If you play through a certain path in Kanae's route, you will discover they're both and the same}}.
* [[All Just a Dream]]:{{spoiler|The end of Rinne's route. After Takato wakes up in a bed in a room inside a house stated to both his and Rinne, where Rinne is watching over him, he says to her that he had a bad dream, she assures that she will always be by his side, and the route just ends after Takato assures himself he don't have to think about the dream after all.}}
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* [[Rape by Proxy]]: What the whole thing is and the majority of the girls believe to be, since they have to have sex or die, but Takato seriously doubts it because he ''likes'' it. Apparently he never heard that sexual excitement and orgasms don't equals consent, which gets specially ironic when one of the "games" involves constantly stimulating a girl with a magic wand until she have 10 orgasms, and Takato and the players can see clearly how prolonged stimulation of sexual pleasure can be used as torture as the girl goes mad with pleasure.
* [[Sanity Slippage]]: Keisuke seems to be always verging on insanity, but it is specially clear on {{spoiler|the Kanae's route. As he abuses Kanae, he begins to dream and having hallucinations involving Kanae been killed...''by him'', as the ultimate torture act. In a bad ending, though not bad from his perspective, he fulfils those desires to its gruesome ending, and goes even further. Though he is able to act normal when not playing with his "toys", he seemed to have gone off the deep end}}.
* [[Sex Slave]]: The idea is brought up by Nemu when Takato opens a box in the first room that contains a bondage vest for her to wear, but otherwise seems absent.{{spoiler| In a special bad ending in Kanae's route, however, Takato uses all the girls, except Kanae, whowhom he ''killed'', as slaves: Rika is forced to act like a dog, Byakuya his "work of art" that he tattooed and he constantly whips, Natsuki is his "lewd cow" whose mind havehas been fried by a powerful drug, and her pleasure nerves were extended to such a point that she is in a constant state of delirious pleasure, and even a slap makes her feel good, and Nemu serves as a trophy in the wall that Takato occasionally uses. The first three are also pregnant, and it is heavily implied that Takato is impregnating them constantly.....Yes, it's that kind of bad ending}}.
* [[Split Personality]]: Takato defies this trope, even after a particular episode where suddenly gruesome thoughts about Kanae appear in his head to the point he is affected physically, saying that there's no separation between the sadistic part of himself and "Kanae's childhood friend".
* [[Spoiled Brat]]: Rika isn't a kid, but is treated such as one by everyone, using her cuteness as a way of getting everything she wants. Byakuya and Takato even drop the name of the trope in Rinne's route, and Byakuya proceeds to try to correct her behaviour.
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* [[Teacher-Student Romance]]: What happens if you choose Natsuki as Takato's partner.
* [[The Chosen One]]: Sort of. In Rinne's route and Episode 6, {{spoiler|Takato is supposed to be the ''father'' of said individual. It don't even needs to be one: Rinne makes Takato have sex with several women because she sees no problem with her ascetic cult having several of them}}.
* [[The End - or Is It?]]: The end of Episode 6 of the anime, at the time of this writing the last episode. {{spoiler| Rinne and Takato's daughter's drawings shows the keyhole symbol from the underground facility, and Natsuki and Rika seem to be leading the followers of Rinne and her mother's religion}}. What all of this even means? May we never know, as the visual novel has a totally different end for the sequence of events happening in that episode.
* [[The Stoic]]: Byakuya Rinne don't shows a lot of emotions. Even during her sex scenes, it's clear her screams and moans is just her instinctively showing pain. Soon as the sex ends, she turns stoic again.
* [[The Three Faces of Eve]]:
** Nemu, Byakuya and Rika form such an trio at first. Rika is the innocent one, Byakuya is the mature and smart one, and Nemu is the sexy and seducing one. This even plays in how they take the torture: Rika is extremely reluctant and desperately don't want to be chosen, Nemu is completely willing and in fact welcomes it, while Rinne just...don't care.
** Alternatively, considering their personalities, there's Kanae, Rinne and Nemu. Kanae is the kindest, Nemu the evillestmost evil and Byakuya the neutral.
* [[Token Evil Teammate]]: Takato verges between [[Anti-Hero]] and [[Villain Protagonist]], but Nemu is clearly enjoying the game and not even hiding it a little, and in each route, including her own, she stimulates Takato to give in to his sadistic urges.
* [[Token Mini-Moe]]: Rika seems like a straight case at first but it is quickly deconstructed. She is petty, greedy, childishly annoying despite being only one year younger than the other teenagers, and [[The Load]], as unlike the other girls Keisuke has to drag her to the sex rooms and she absolutely never helps herself or the others in anything, using her cuteness as crutch. You may think that the developers were actively stimulatingencouraging you to rape her to see her suffer.
* [[Troubled but Cute]]: Takato is the shining champion of this trope. He's a sexual sadist to the extreme, but clearly has deep guilt issues about it and it is shown to be really a kind person when he's not feeling sexual pleasure of torturing girls.
* [[Undying Loyalty]]: {{spoiler| Both Nemu's followers and Rinne's cultists follow each of their leaders' orders without questions. In the case of Nemu, because she gives them a hedonist lifestyle (they can abuse any girl she allows them to as much they want). In the case of Byakuya, because they madly believe Rinne's teachings will lead them to "paradise"}}.
* [[Ungrateful Bastard]]: For all the help that the others characters give her, Rika {{spoiler|betraybetrays them all for Nemu after they escape the underground game in Nemu and Kanae's routes}}, apparently solely because Nemu treated her well in the deluxe room.
* [[Vader Breath]]: The Woman In Black is a subversion: her role is similar to Vader, and the sound of her expiration does seem laboured, but it seems more a result of the gas mask she wears than anything.
* [[Villain Protagonist]]: Zig-Zagged. Takato is a sadistic teenager that truly enjoys seeing girls in pain and rape them. However, he states he never did something like that before and the circumstances of the game force him to act like that, so he is technically a victim as much as the girls, as Natsuki brings up. Forcing him to torture girls through sadistic sex acts seems like pushing a bottle of alcohol down the throat of an alcoholic. However, in a possible bad ending, he {{spoiler|kills Kanae, allies with the organizers of the game, turns Nemu into a trophy, and enslaves the other girls to a life of constant masochistic sex and pregnancies. [[Understatement|That is already crossing the line]]. However, considering his gruesome hallucinations earlier in the route where this happens, you may say he's too mentally sick to be considered evil}}.
* [[What Happened to the Mouse?]]: Something you don't would notice unless you play other routes before Rinne's one. {{spoiler| Natsuki/The Woman In Black mysteriously disappears in that particular route for no discernible reason. Nemu even lampshades it by wondering where she is, though you're not informed of what exactly Nemu was waiting to appear. Considering that the route ends in [[All Just a Dream]] and its possible implications taken in account other routes, a possible explanation is that Takato simply didn't ''dream'' of her in this particular iteration of the dream. That is averted in the anime, where Natsuki does appear in the adaptation of the second part of that route after the plot is seemingly over, along with Rika, leading Rinne's followers after she and Takato escaped from the cult}}.
* [[X Meets Y]]: The premise sounds like someone threw ''[[Saw]]'' and the [[Marquis de Sade]] in a blender with very fast and sharp blades. Grab your vomit bag if you're too weak.....Or enjoy it if you're strong enough.
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