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Ace Attorney/Characters/Witnesses and Other Characters: Difference between revisions

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* [[Big Damn Heroes]]: In Case 1-4, right as Edgeworth is declared guilty, Larry rushes in, yelling for the judge to wait, and demands to testify, and sheds new light on the case in the process. This provided a large hole in von Karma's case, which, in the end, cost him the trial. Due to this, he also saved Edgeworth's life. He pretty much saved the entire case for Phoenix, really.
** {{spoiler|''Ace Attorney Investigations''}} spoiler: {{spoiler|and then he and Oldbag burst in in Case 5-5 with decisive evidence, helping to bust Alba for good}}. He's almost as good at this as Gumshoe!
* [[Blush Sticker]]: Pops up whenever he's flustered, which is often, as he has plenty of good reasons to be ashamed...
* [[Blush Sticker]]
* [[Just for Pun|Butz... er, sorry, I mean...]] [[Butt Monkey]]: Has terrible luck in the romance department, especially in the manga, in which, in "Turnabout with the Wind", {{spoiler|his girlfriend Belle turns out to be the murderer, only talking to him to create an alibi (although she wasn't planning on framing him)}}.
* [[Casanova Wannabe]]: His bad luck at love is pretty much a running gag.
* [[Desperately Looking for a Purpose In Life]]: In the third game.
* [[The Ditz]]: Probably ''why'' trouble follows him everywhere.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]: He has a tendency of abruptly screaming mid-sentence, and his screams are loud enough to shake the screen.
* [[Hot-Blooded]]
* [[Leitmotif]]: "In the Shadows of the Government", in the third game. Yes, really, that's the name of his theme track. {{spoiler|It returns in ''Ace Attorney Investigations 2''}}.
* [[The Nicknamer]]: "Nick", "Edgy" and "Franzy" for Phoenix, Edgeworth and Franziska respectively.
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* [[Bad Liar]]: Unlike most other murderers, whose lies only become obvious when presented with evidence they would otherwise be unaware of or forced to elaborate on their stories when being pressed, his contradictions are completely obvious.
* [[Dodgy Toupee]]: His toupee makes him look younger by hiding his baldness. It'd likely be a lot more convincing if it didn't jump off his head whenever he gets surprised though.
* [[Dodgy Toupee]]
* [[Eyes Always Shut]]: In the first phase of the trial with him, before he throws his toupee and sheds his facade.
* [[Hand Rubbing]]: Does it all the time, though probably not as a part of villainous plotting (even though he's a villain anyway).
* [[Hand Rubbing]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]/[[Punny Name]]: "Frank saw it".
** Phoenix even [[Lampshade Hanging|lampshades]] this.
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* [[The Cameo]]: As well as his main appearance in the second case, he appears in the 5th case, is referenced occasionally by Phoenix, {{spoiler|Shelly de Killer}} wears his outfit in the second game, and in ''Ace Attorney Investigations'', he appears as {{spoiler|the real Proto Badger}}.
* [[Distracted by the Sexy]]: Done on purpose by April May.
* [[Everyone Calls Him "Barkeep"|Everyone]]: callsWe himnever thehear Bellboy]]his true name.
* [[No Name Given]]: His is a particular case in the series as he does not even have a fake name or is called by his alias... he is just the bellboy.
* [[No Name Given]]
=== April May (''Umeyo Shochiku'') ===
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* [[Bitch in Sheep's Clothing]]: Has a cute seemingly ditzy exterior, but reveals her true personality and becomes hostile under enough pressure.
* [[Brainless Beauty]]: Though possibly [[Obfuscating Stupidity|smarter than she looks]].
* [[Curtains Match the Window]]: Has both pink hair and eyes.
* [[Double Entendre]]: With her, it's just asking for trouble.
* [[Gainaxing]]: [[Exploited]]. She knows well how to use tit-bounce to get men on her side.
* [[Gainaxing]]
* [[Hello, Nurse!]]
* [[I Take Offense to That Last One]]: When Phoenix calls her a "big fat liar", all she responds is "...FAT!?".
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: She's not the most clever wire-tapper, but she's far more competent than she seems at first.
* [[Punny Name]]: April and May, obviously. Three kanji in her Japanese name idiomatically mean "high-, middle-, low-ranking" (and literally "pine, bamboo, plum"; it's a Japanese thing). In fact, it's her and Redd's fault that the series have characters with punny names in the first place.
* [[Rose-Haired Girl]]: Subverted. Her pink hair may be natural, but her sweet demeanor is only an act.
* [[Taking the Heat]]: Tries to do this for Redd White, denying her connections with him.
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* [[Death by Irony|Conviction By Irony]]: {{spoiler|The master blackmailer is eventually blackmailed into confessing to the murder... by the woman he killed no less}}.
* [[Corrupt Corporate Executive]]: Head of a big information firm, and rotten to the core.
* [[Gratuitous English]]: In Japanese, poorly.
* [[Gratuitous Spanish]]: In English, [[Keep It Foreign|equally poorly]].
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* [[Information Broker]]: Bluecorps provided enough dirt on just about everyone for White to use it as blackmail material and force everyone to do as he pleased.
** [[Screw the Rules, I Have Connections]]: One of his victim was the Chief Prosecutor. This made Blanco Nino a man above the law.
* [[Jerkass]]: Speaks loudly how he can manipulate everyone to do whatever he wants. He even says that the courts, the police and the law are all "playthings" to him. Also, the way he casually accuses Phoenix of being Mia's murderer shows how despicable he is.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Large Ham]]: [[Incoming Ham|"Welcome! Please furnish me with the title of your personage!"]]
* [[Man of Wealth and Taste]]: And ''way'' too damn proud of it.
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TV star and the first client Maya assisted Phoenix defending. Most well-known for his role as the [[Show Within a Show|Steel Samurai]].
* [[Apologises a Lot]]: Taken to hilarious levels when you present Pearl's picture to him in Case 2-4, since both of them have this trope, when he tries (and fails) to guess her relationship to Phoenix and Maya.
* [[Apologises a Lot]]
* [[Broken Pedestal]]: {{spoiler|Jack Hammer was his role model. Hammer accidentally killed someone and, while trying to kill Dee Vasquez, tried to frame Will Powers for it out of jealousy}}.
* [[Butt Monkey]]: At one point, Dee Vasquez notes that he's so ordinary looking, he's sometimes left behind by mistake when the rest of the company comes back from a trip.
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* [[Fan Disservice]]: {{spoiler|In what might be a bizarre [[Shout-Out]] to a [[So Bad It's Good]] fan H-game, ''Ace Attorney Investigations'' puts her in an extremely busty Pink Princess outfit}}.
** You also get to collect {{spoiler|her undershirt}} as evidence. Edgeworth is rightfully shaken by the very thought.
* [[Grumpy Old Man|Grumpy Old Woman]]: She's absolutely a bad temper.
* [[Hypocritical Humor]]: In ''Ace Attorney Investigations'', she complains about a stalker letter she received... though she's been sending Edgeworth flowers for years.
* [[I Was Quite a Looker]]: Or so she says.
** In the manga, her grandmother Wendolyn is channeled and everyone mistakes her for Wendy because they look just like each other. There is an image of her as a younger girl, and if this can be used as an example, then it's actually true.
* [[Jerkass]]: Very reluctant to give help, especially if she thinks you're trying to smear the name of someone she adores. Usually, you have to pay her off with something to get her to talk and even then, she won't say it nicely.
* [[Jerkass]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]/[[Punny Name]]: Last name refers to the term "old bag" for an ugly old woman, and combined with her first name, also applies to her long-windedness ("windy old bag"). Her Japanese name is a combination of "old lady" ("''obachan''") and "idiot" (Oh[[Baka|ba, Ka]]oru).
* [[Motor Mouth]]: To the point of Edgeworth [[That Was Objectionable|raising an objection to stop one of her near-infinite rambles in the first game]]. It gets pretty silly in ''Justice For All'' when she goes into one of her sprees while in an airtight helmet.
* [[Mrs. Robinson]]: Though the objects of her affection tend to ignore or just dislike her.
* [[Old Windbag]]: To everyone's dismay, especially Phoenix's in the first case she appears in and Edgeworth's afterwards. Even her name is a pun on that, and the lampshades fly thick and fast.
* [[Old Windbag]]
* [[OOC Is Serious Business]]: She pleads with Phoenix to defend Julie, insisting that she couldn’t have murdered Flip. Maya notes that she’s "[[Lampshade Hanging|never seen Ms. Oldbag like this]]."
* [[Scrolling Text]]: At very fast speeds.
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* [[Fan Girl]]: She ''flips out'' when she discovers that Phoenix has the last Steel Samurai trading card she needs.
* [[Meaningful Name]]/[[Punny Name]]: Pennies and nickels. "Mamiya" might be a pun on "[[Otaku|mania]]".
* [[Meganekko]]: She wears glasses, contributing to her adorkable nature.
* [[Otaku]]: At least she is a ''much'' more adorable fan than the ugly Manella.
* [[Otaku]]
=== Cody Hackins (''Kyuta Ohtaki'') ===
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* [[Abhorrent Admirer]]: To poor Maya.
* [[Gonk]]: Is a fat slob with obviously poor hygiene and odious habits.
* [[Gonk]]
* [[Leet Lingo]]: His speech is littered with emoticons, LOLs and 1337s.
** He even manages to speak a ":(" at the thought of having not been able to eat a t-bone steak.
* [[Meaningful Name]]/[[Punny Name]]: He's as sickening as salmonella. "Takuya" comes from "[[Otaku]]", and "Uzai" means "annoying".
* [[Otaku]]: In its worst form possible.
=== Dee Vasquez (''Sakura Himegami'') ===
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* [[The Glorious War of Sisterly Rivalry]]: She has a sister Tampopo Himegami who is (surprise!) also a producer.
* [[Good Smoking, Evil Smoking]]: She's always smoking, and evidently has smoker's lung, since her speech is indicated by the lower-pitched beep-de-beeps usually reserved for males.
* [[The Mafia]]: She's got major connections in this criminal organization.
* [[The Mafia]]
* [[Meaningful Name]]/[[Punny Name]]: She's a diva. "Sakura" [[Cherry Blossoms|is obvious]], and "Himegami" means "princess-goddess".
* [[The Stoic]]: Throughout much of Case 3, she doesn't seem to be concerned at all with the proceedings.
* [[The Stoic]]
* [[Woman in Black]]
* [[Yakuza]]
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* [[Berserk Button]]: Lotta LOVES her camera. She always has it, and does NOT like seeing any abuse come to it, she will go nuts if it does. The first time you run into her, she screams at you because you wasted all of her film by setting off the camera she was using. Maya forces Phoenix to pay for the expenses.
* [[Failed a Spot Check]]: "There ain't no way anyone was hangin' out behind that foldin' screen!" Turns out there was somebody (Ini/Mimi) behind that folding screen.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]: She has red hair, and she gets angry quite often, either at something Phoenix did or something bad that happens to her.
* [[Fiery Redhead]]
* [[Funny Afro]]: In the second game, she asks if you remember her name. "Lotta Hair" is one of the possible answers.
* [[Going for the Big Scoop]]: This is Lotta's ONLY reason for being on ANY of the crime scenes she shows up at.
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A crazy old man that owns the boat rental shack on Gourd Lake, though he's convinced it's a pasta joint called the "Wet Noodle". He owns a pet parrot named Polly. {{spoiler|In actuality, he's Yanni Yogi, a former bailiff that was the suspect of the DL-6 incident. Thanks to Hammond, he was proven not guilty, but his life was ruined as a result. With Manfred von Karma's help, he murders his former defense attorney and puts the blame on Edgeworth}}.
* {{spoiler|[[Alliterative Name]]: His real name, which is "Yanni Yogi". Not so much in the Japanese, where it is "Kotaro Haine"}}.
* [[Follow in My Footsteps]]: He {{spoiler|as part of his [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]}} mistakes Phoenix and Maya for his children and wants them to take over the "noodle shop" after he's gone.
* [[Obfuscating Stupidity]]: {{spoiler|For fifteen years, he acted insane to back up Hammond's insanity plea. He wasn't too happy about it}}.
* [[Meaningful Name]]/[[Punny Name]]/[[Shout-Out]]: {{spoiler|His name and his [[Split Personality]] resemble [[Yu-Gi-Oh!|Yami Yugi]]. Meanwhile, "Kotaro Haine" is a reference to the poets Kotaro Takamura, who died of a broken heart, and Haine, who valued youth and romance}}.
* [[Senior Sleep Cycle]]: He keeps falling asleep standing as soon as he stops talking, and takes a second to wake up whenever he's spoken to.
* [[Senior Sleep Cycle]]
* [[Snot Bubble]]: Appears whenever he falls asleep, which is often.
* {{spoiler|[[Sympathetic Murderer]]}}: {{spoiler|Robert Hammond prevented him from being convicted but ruined his life in the process}}.
* [[Talkative Loon]] {{spoiler|Subverted.}}.
* [[We Named the Monkey "Jack"]]: {{spoiler|Names his parrot after his fiancee}}.
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* [[Really Gets Around]]: She has a bunch of boyfriends...
* [[Small Name, Big Ego]]: She sure likes to brag.
* [[Tsundere]]: To the point where ''her hair flip and revealed eye indicate which "mode" she's in''.
* [[Tsundere]]
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