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* [[An Aesop]]: Early episodes emphasized a particular moral dilemma that the case du jour revolved around; as time wore on the show became more focused on the ensemble cast's character quirks. Although this still crept up in several later episodes.
* [[Ambiguously Human]]: Most jokes made at Bull's expense use this Trope.
* [[Ascended Extra]]: Phil the Bum is perhaps the best example of this. Originally introduced in Season Two as one of the many background characters in the gallery of the courtroom, he became [[Bumbling Sidekick]] to Dan in Season Three and continued to make semi-regular appearances up through the middle of Season 8, where his accidental death facilitated Dan's [[Heel Face Turn]].
** Art The Repairman also qualifies, having first appeared in Season One, continuing to appear up through the [[Grand Finale]]. In the time between, he had an entire episode devoted to his efforts to woo Christine, gave away the bride at Bull's wedding and eventually began dating Bull's mother.