Michigan: Report From Hell: Difference between revisions

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* [[Mockumentary]]: A playable variant.
* [[Monster Misogyny]]: The monsters will only attack the female reporters, ignoring the cameraman and sound technician.
** When you get the male reporter Mark though, the monsters go for him too. Maybe they just really, really hate reporters?
* [[Multiple Endings]]: {{spoiler|[[Downer Ending|But the protagonist dies in all of them, when he's about to reveal what happened]]}}.
* [[Shoot the Shaggy Dog]]
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* [[You Fail Biology Forever]]
* [[You Fail Geography Forever]]: There is a level that takes place in a camping lodge on the mountains somewhere in Chicago. While it ''is'' a big city, the nearest mountain range to Chicago is a few hundred miles away, in the east parts of Ohio and Kentucky (and even there, it's a stretch).
** If it's taking place in Chicago, it's '''not''' in Michigan.
*** "Michigan" refers to Lake Michigan. For some reason.
[[Category:Horror Video Games]]
[[Category:PlayStation 2]]
[[Category:Survival Horror]]
[[Category:Suda 51]]