Mass Effect (video game): Difference between revisions

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* [[Almost Kiss]]: Between Shepard and [[Love Interest]], just before the [[Point of No Return]].
* [[Ancient Keeper]]: {{spoiler|[[Meaningful Name|Vigil]], a Prothean virtual intelligence which maintained the facility on Ilos in the hopes that an organic race would reach the planet before the next Reaper invasion. It survives long enough to point Shepard towards the Conduit and give him/her a means of preventing the return of the Reapers}}.
* [[Apocalyptic Log]]:
** The message in the Prothean Beacon.
** In ''Bring Down the Sky'', there are three missing miners you have to find as part of a side-quest, one of which leaves an [[Apocalyptic Log]] that is ''definitely'' a [[Tear Jerker]].
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** Shepard: "I've lost shields!"
* [[Broke Your Arm Punching Out Cthulhu]]: Sure, killing Sovereign was awesome, but {{spoiler|no matter which option you chose there are still thousands of deaths, and the damage to the Citadel itself will take seven years to fix}}. In a literal example, after the fight Shepard shows up cradling his/her arm to his/her body, indicating that s/he actually broke it in the final battle and its aftermath.
* [[But Thou Must!]]: Sometimes Shepard says the same thing regardless of what option you pick.
** Sometimes Shepard says the same thing regardless of what option you pick.
** Midway through Eden Prime, you meet a trio of colonists; at one point, one of them accidentally mentions that they have weapons. You have to take the pistol, there is no option to let them keep it for self-defense.
** On Virmire, there's no option to agree with Wrex about {{spoiler|not destroying the cure for the Genophage, the disease that's killing his people}}. There are just different ways to make him agree with you {{spoiler|or kill him}}.
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** One of the side-quests has Admiral Hackett asking you to diffuse a nuclear weapon that he explains has the same power as the bomb dropped on Hiroshima. Oddly enough, the game averts this trope when discussing the improvised nuclear weapon on Virmire, which dialogue indicates also has the same explosive power as the Hiroshima bomb—although this is probably due to Kirrahe being a salarian, and therefore unlikely to make this reference.
* [[Hitchhiker Heroes]]: Apart from Kaidan, who is actually part of your squad at the beginning of the game, and Liara, who you are specifically sent out to pick up, every squadmate joins of their own free will, or because Anderson thought they might be useful.
* [[Idle Animation]]: Each squadmate has a unique idle animation. For example, Ashley puts her hands on her hips and poses her hips; [[Badass Adorable|Tali has coffee jitters.]]
** Ashley puts her hands on her hips and poses her hips.
** [[Badass Adorable|Tali has coffee jitters.]]
* [[Impaled with Extreme Prejudice]]: The geth do this to their victims when transforming them into husks. This is also the fate of {{spoiler|Saren}} if you don't meet the Paragon/Renegade check.
* [[Impossible Item Drop]]: Can seem like this when you recover assault rifles from apparently naked and weaponless cyber-zombies, and advanced ultra-tech materials from lost, 60's era Soviet lunar probes, but ultimately subverted by reading the codex carefully. It reveals your omnitool is a mini-factory which assembles the loot you find from the raw materials you scavenge from various satellites, dead enemies and containers.
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* [[Mundane Utility]]: Towards the end of the game, we see a minor character using one of the high-tech holographic omni-tools as a flashlight.
* [[Multiple Endings]]: Several of them, and each one has variations based on whether the player has made predominantly Paragon or Renegade choices. The end result is relatively similar though: {{spoiler|you win}}. Also, humanity {{spoiler|gets at least one spot on the Citadel Council}}.
* [[Neutral Female]]: Liara crouches down in the middle of the floor in the final fight on Therum and does not attack the Krogan Battlemaster in any way;, [[Justified Trope|but she is faint with hunger and lack of sleep]]..
* [[Never Mess with Granny]]. Helena Blake.
* [[New Game+]]
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* [[Third Person Person]]: Talitha, the girl in the "I Remember Me" sidequest, also speaks like this {{spoiler|as a coping mechanism to handle her traumatic experiences}}.
* [[The Three Trials]]: Sure, you can explore the galaxy, but the plot is prepared to wait as long as it takes for you to visit Therum, Noveria and Feros. {{spoiler|Oh, and check out that mysterious transmission from Virmire, would you}}?
* [[Too Dumb to Live]]: Many, ''many'' characters:
** [[TooAll Dumb to Live]]: Many, ''many'' characters, who allenemies seem convinced that ''their'' group of badly armed, badly trained thugs will somehow prove more apt at killing you than the other ''dozen'' groups that have tried the exact same thing on a dozen different planets. Special mention must go to the ExoGeni research team that has been overrun by Thorian Creepers. They themselves note that they were unable to defeat the Creepers, and that your ability to drive them off saved their lives, but they ''still'' think they can beat you. You have just killed the creatures they could ''not'' kill, but with the right dialogue choices they still attack you. Wrex puts it best:
{{quote|'''Wrex:''' Anyone who fights us is either stupid or on Saren's payroll. Killing the latter is business. Killing the former is a favor to the universe.}}
** Anyone who doubts Shepard's Spectre status counts as well. Special mention must go to the ExoGeni research team that has been overrun by Thorian Creepers. They themselves note that they were unable to defeat the Creepers, and that your ability to drive them off saved their lives, but with the right dialogue choices, they still attack you. Though it is justified in the dialogue: they don't really think they could win, they just don't want to go into prison after what they have done.
** Subverted when Shepard encounters a pair of thugs while fighting through the club of a local crimeboss. The Renegade dialogue choice "I just killed fifteen guards to get in here. What do you think I'll do to you?" convinces them to leave.
** The Council trusts C-Sec to investigate Saren's activities when he is accused of the attack on Eden Prime, then give them such a low security clearance that the officers involved can access literally nothing relevant to his actions.
* [[Town with a Dark Secret]]: Zhu's Hope is essentially the sci-fi version of this.
* [[Troperiffic]]: The ''Mass Effect'' article had to be split into four main pages and over a dozen sub pages; one for the [[Mass Effect|main series]], this page, ''[[Mass Effect 2]]'' and ''[[Mass Effect 3]]''. There are also relevant character pages, Crowning Moment pages, additional sub pages for tropes that became too numerous to include on a single page, and additional pages for [[Expanded Universe|the books]].