Adapted Out: Difference between revisions

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{{trope}}{{cleanup|Still needs grammar, punctuation and italics on work names to be presentable.}}
During the many years and decades of making an adaption of regularthe sourceoriginal medias, sometimes new changes have to be made and even risks have to be taken. One of these changes is removing certain yet important characters, secondary characters, or minor ones that are found within the original works, mainly because of the [[The Character Died with Him|actor dying]], these lines and important parts given are then given to the [[Canon Foreigner]], [[Composite Character]], [[Creator's Pet|favoring other characters more]], and occasionally given to the [[Scrappy|unlikable one]] or [[Die for Our Ship|the author's preferred shipping]], when this happens, it's being Adapted Out. What causes thethese mention aboveto happeninghappen, includes time constraints, budgets, [[Screwed By the Studio|getting screwed]], andor just [[Pragmatic Adaptation|being pragmatic]].
Doing this sometimes results in accidents, like it turns out that this erased character is [[Chekhov's Gunman|really important later on]] them being accidentally cut will result in an [[Adaptation-Induced Plothole]], [[Adaptation Distillation]], and [[Compressed Adaptation]], the worst of these accidents is whenthat an [[Adaptation Decay]], that can occur. Sometimes this particular important character is [[Refitted for Sequel|move for]] the [[Sequel Hook|sequel]], so they're not totally gone.
Compare and contrast with [[Chuck Cunningham Syndrome]] and [[Canon Foreigner]].