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[[I Thought It Meant|Not to be confused]] with [[Digimon Adventure 02|Dae]][[Digimon V-Tamer 01|mon]], [[His Dark Materials|Daemons]] or the [[Mailer Daemon]] trope.
{{examplestropelist|<code>ALLTHETROPES:/Daniel Suarez/Daemon/Tropes$ cat tropes.txt_</code>}}
{{examples|<code>ALLTHETROPES:/Daniel Suarez/Daemon/Tropes$ cat tropes.txt_</code>}}
* [[A.I. Is a Crapshoot]]: Explicitly subverted. The Daemon is in no way an AI, nor is it ever claimed to be one. Experts repeatedly have to correct people who do refer to it as an "AI" by explaining that at best it is a distributed network of expert systems with a predefined set of actions, and in no way intelligent. Although its actions can be construed as evil, the Daemon itself is just a program and no more evil than a spreadsheet or word processor. However, it is very, ''very'' sophisticated and comprehensive.
* [[An Offer You Can't Refuse]]: A favoured tactic of the Daemon in recruiting its agents. As an example, when it springs Charles Mozely from prison by cleaning his record, it warns him when he starts getting cold feet that it could easily put him back. Say, as a child molester.
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