Team Fortress 2/WMG: Difference between revisions

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** Building off of that, he could have ''wanted'' to join the Nazis, but realized that their idea of a "master race" was stupid. His backstory in Meet the Medic will end on the [[Crowning Moment of Heartwarming|heartwarming]] note of the lesson that he learned in his experiences: ''[[An Aesop|No-one deserves to be dissected for their religion, race, or ethnicity. People may be different on the outside, but they're all the same on the inside.]] [[Broken Aesop|Believe me, I've looked.]]''
*** ''Alternately, Meet the Medic will feature the Medic playing a Violin while flashing to various things the medic has done.'' Bonus points for having the medic playing the Team Fortress 2 theme with himself making a commentary on his job.
* ...A former colleague or student of [[Those Wacky Nazis|Dr. Richtofen]] from [[Nazi Zombies]]. The Medic was secretly sent to work with Element 115 with him, but after Richtofen's disappearance (In other words, getting stuck fighting zombies with the very people he experimented on in various locations and scenarios) and the death of Dr. Maxis, the Medic stole their research on the element, worked out the problem of creating aZombieApocalypsea [[Zombie Apocalypse]], and used it to create his own Medigun technology. Given that Element 115 seemed to have healing or regeneration properties, it's plausible, and it can explain why all the other classes are so psychopathic- The Medic's continued use of the Medigun on them alters their sanity just like it did to Tank, Nikolai, and Takeo.
** Unfortunately, as a side effect of working with him for some time, along with the possibility of being exposed to Element 115, Richtofen's own erotic (and insane) behavior completely broke the Medic's mental well-being, and turned him into the [[Mad Doctor]] we see now. They both obsess in causing pain, dislike their allies, and they're both more than capable of combat. Funny how they both ended up fighting alongside a Russian and a psychotic American soldier. Though.. how the world managed to quickly recover from the zombie infestation as though nothing happened is anyone's guess.
* Never joined the nazis, nor was he ever sent to the prison camps. Despite being a jewish doctor, most of the people in his village knew his as "that crazy bird man". He made sure the people of his village knew about his experiments with non-bird animals so they would be frightened away. He also trained his birds to attack villagers he didn't like, and bring him their organs for further experimentation. He did run a small clinic, but the people would only go to him as a last resort due to his unorthodox methods and the fact he let the birds in the operating room. When WWII rolled around, Medic was the only jew left in town. Some Nazis came to his house and demanded that he care of an injured comrade and they wouldn't send him to the camps. Not trusting them, he packed up all his birds and tools, stole the patient's skeleton as a "trophy" and got the hell out of dodge.