Team Fortress 2/WMG: Difference between revisions

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* ''Jessie and James of Team Rocket.'' They botched a mission even worse than usual, and Meowth was killed as a result. Neither could take the loss of their friend and they both snapped, Jessie moreso than James (meaning, James became a sociopath, and Jessie went ''absolutely batshit insane''.) Burning everything in sight is their way of coping with their failure and loss. W + M1 Pyros are Jessie, and more savvy Pyros are James. They also take turns on the battlefield; that's why the Pyro is referred to as "he" and "she".
* The engineer's daughter. It would explain why the two work so well together, and why Engie was reading Pyro a story about Australian Christmas in the Christmas 2011 comic.
* [ Engineer's retarded brother.]{{dead link}} The fact that the head is so tiny is more than indicative of a serious mental disorder. Though he has the body of a man, he has the mind of a child, which explains his affinity for silly hats and why his battle cry seems to be "Hello!!!". When Engie was recruited, He begged them to hire his brother too. Fortunately, "Dolt" really enjoyed setting things on fire. So Dell built him some equipment and set him "Out to play".
* The Pyro is covered in severe burns, perhaps [[It Amused Me|cheerfully self-inflicted]]. If they destroyed his nerve endings this may overlap with the above 'Pyro feels less/no pain' theory above.
* Related to [[A Nightmare on Elm Street|Freddy Krueger]]. He wears the suit to avoid being set on fire like Freddy, and if Scout is any indication he also likes killing teenagers.